Sermon “The Beginning” August 27, 2016
By: Regina Ogbourne
Genesis 1:1This is the start. What do you need to restart or start on your life? This ministry is about starting over! Forget about what happened to you at other churches, why you left, why you are not coming back, leave it alone and let it go! This is your new day start! We are here to go forward.
Genesis 1:2You did not even have a guideline to how to get started in your new life or venture. Darkness may be surrounding your new venture. Something is covering your growth.
“And the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.”
God’s Spirit is waiting for you to speak! The Holy Spirit is waiting for you to make a request!
Genesis 1:3You have to speak those things that you want in your life!
“Let there be light” This is super important because the light is a way to see! You may need to turn on the light and get out of the darkness to see what you want and then ask for it. Many people around you want you to remain in the dark. They don’t want you to tap into your greatness. They may want you to depend on them! BUT God wants greater for you! This ministry was created to be that light for Christ. We want you to know that you are loved right where you are. Love is the most essential thing that a person can give and receive. We want you to receive from God those things you have been praying for, we want you to succeed.
Genesis 1:4“God saw that the light was good”You have to see that what you are doing is good.
“and he separated the light from the darkness” You will now have to decide who you want to keep around you and who you need to separate yourself from. Everyone is not for you!
Genesis 1:6“Let there be a dome or vault in the middle of the waters”. You have to place a dome or vault for safekeeping (Example, God you saw what they did to me. But you keep yourself clean because God is keeping records.)in between you and those against you. The dome in our situation is PRAYER! These people are going to be in your lives or around you or in your atmosphere. What you have to do is place a dome in the middle of you and them. Pray for them!
Genesis 1:7“God made the dome”God made prayer for a reason, use it.
Genesis 1:9“God said Let the waters come together into one place.”Let’s come to church
The dry land could not appear until the waters came together in one place. Unity is very important!
Genesis 1:10“God saw how good it was.”Don’t let anyone take your view of your righteous away from you. YOU TELL THEM WHAT YOU SEE AND DON’T ALLOW THEM TO TELL YOU WHAT THEY SEE!
Genesis 1:11“Each according to its kind”We all have gifts we can use for God! You and your gifts, talents are equally valuable! Once you learn your gifts use them for Christ! You have to plant seeds in order to reap a crop.
Genesis 1:12Then the harvest begins. You can receive your blessings!
Set a goal
Forgive others
Use your talents and gifts for Christ
Love others and Love yourself
Know that you can make it and don’t think less of yourself.
There is greatness in you!
I want you to be happy
I want you to succeed
I want you to come back to church
I want you to know that you are welcome
I want you to know that God Love you
I want you to know that I am here to help you!