ECC/CEC Canvas Certification Matrix
There are many ways to become Canvas-certified.Pleasesee the chart below.
Training Method / Certification CategoryECCProfessional Development & Learning
Etudes-to-Canvas training with Jim Marteney /
ECCProfessional Development & Learning
Intro to Canvas training with Jim Marteney
@One 4-week Intro to Canvas course /
Canvas Certification from another college /
Canvas training from another college, but a
certificate was not provided /
Currently teaching in Canvas at another college /
Nov 18 Canvas workshop with Sally from
Instructure /
@One Self-Paced Intro to Canvas course /
Learning Canvas on your own / Other /
Green /
Automatic Certification
You are automatically certified. There is no need to send anything in.
Blue /
Mini Waiver Process
Please fill out the waiver form,then email the form + your certificate to the Distance Education office at
Purple /
Full Waiver Process
Please fill out the waiver form,then email it to the Distance Education office at . You will need to schedule an appointment to have your shell reviewed.
Orange / Does not count toward certification.
Important Info
- The ECC Professional Development & Learning Etudes-to-Canvasand Intro to Canvascourses with Jim Marteney will be offered again in July 2017.
- You may sign up for the @One 4-week Intro to Canvas(fully online, instructor-led) course using the OEI voucher. @One is the training arm of the California Community Colleges. Link to class: Introduction to Teaching with Canvas from @ONE
@ONE offers a 4-week facilitated online "Introduction to Teaching with Canvas" course. The normal fee for participants is $65. Faculty at your college can register at no cost using the special code: OEIfree4U (The code can only be used once per person and participants must register using a California Community College email address.)
This course is Flex-eligible (9 hours)
- Currently, Professional Development & Learning’s individual Canvas ‘Special Topics’ workshops do not count toward certification. Eventually, the series may count toward becoming certified, but this will be revisited at a later date.
Q: I’m new to Canvas. Where should I start?
A: We suggest you enroll in the @One 4-week course. Some faculty are beginning with the @One course and supplementing it withProfessional Development & Learning’s workshops.
Q: Do I need to learn Canvas now? Can I still use Etudes?
A: The sooner you train in and start using Canvas, the better. You can use Etudes through Spring 2018. After that semester ends, you will no longer have access to your Etudes shells.
Q: I’ve already taken a Canvas training. Would it be beneficial to attend theProfessional Development & Learning workshops?
A: Yes indeed! Many faculty who have attended the workshops had taken previous Canvas training, and they found the workshops quite useful. There’s only so much you can cover in a basic intro course; the workshops go more in depth.
Q: I’d like to do / I’ve already done one of the Full Waiver Process (‘purple’) methods. What sort of things need to be in my shell for the Distance Ed office to review? Do I need to build an entire class?
A: No need to build an entire class. Distance Education will review your site in the following way:
o Proper implementation of the tools found in the Canvas Instructor Guide ( which includes the list below:
- 508 compliance
- Syllabus (or part of one)
- Resource file at the account-level
- Different resource file at the course-level
- At least 3 modules (can be just the ‘containers’)
- At least 2 content pages in one of the modules. The pages should contain a(n):
·Uploaded document
·Embedded video
·External hyperlink
·Internal hyperlink to a page in Canvas (Ex: the Syllabus)
·Link to the resource file at the course-level
·Header and a sub-header
- Lock until date(s) set on at least 1 module
- Graded assignment with a rubric
- Graded discussion
- Quiz that draws questions from a quiz bank
- Export/Import of course content from Canvas site to Canvas site
o Demonstrate three ways faculty initiate instructor-student interaction using/within Canvas
Q: If I’ve done one of the Full Waiver Process(‘purple’) methods,why does Distance Ed need to review my shell?
A: In order to pass one of the instructor-led Intro to Canvas courses and receive a certificate, you would’veneeded to complete multiple assignments that involved creating the above items, and then had your shell reviewed to earn points on the assignments.
Q: Do I need to become Canvas-certified before taking the 8-week Online Teaching Certification (OTC) course?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I take a Canvas Certification class while I’m taking the OTC (i.e., concurrent enrollment)?
A: No, you need to already be Canvas-certified before the OTC begins.
Q: I want to take the 8-week OTC course that starts March 17, but the next @One 4-week Intro to Canvas course isn’t until April. What can I do?
A: You would need to take the 4-week @One course that begins April 10 and then take the OTC that begins in mid-May.
Q: How long of a lead-time do I need for my shell to be reviewed?
A: One week.
Q: What is the link for the @ One course again?
A: Here is the link:
- @One 4-week course (‘blue’): Introduction to Teaching with Canvas from @ONE (don’t forget to use the voucher)