Ebbetts Pass Property Owners Council Minutes
September 7, 2016
Meeting called to order: 9:30 a.m. at Fire House on Blagen Road by Chairman Craig Stone.
EPPOC Representatives' Roll Call:
Arnold Lilac Park-Mike Willemsen-Present; Big Trees Village-Steve Lauterbach-Off to the City:
Blue Lake Springs-Bob Podesta-had a better offer; Blue Lake Springs Units 14/15/16-Tom Sullivan-Absent: Fly-in-Acres- no Rep currently assigned; Forest Meadows-Eric Davis-Present; Grizzly Ridge-Robert Bragg-Present; Indian Hills- Craig Stone-Present; Lake Mont Pines-Jill Holstein-Present; Love Creek- Mark Kubinec, Al Brocchini, Jon Vattuone, Meadowmont- Dave Gallager-Abst, Bill Hunton-Abst; Meadowview Townhouses-Bob Ash-Present; Mill Site Owners' Assoc.- Andrea Regan-Present; Mill Site Townhomes Assoc.- no Rep currently assigned; Pinebrook-Dale Pilgeram-Present,All of the following were absent Norm Rector-, Jack Salvador; Rancho Paradiso-Susan Robinson; Snowshoe Springs- Hans Heydorn, Dave Jennings, Walt Patterson.
Review of last month's minutes:August minutes approved unchanged from draft.
Treasurer's Report: Jill Holstein reported the current EPPOC bank balance is $461.56 and start thinking about who to make donations to.
Monthly Standing Invitations and reports:
District 3 County Supervisor Mike Oliveira- PresentMike gave us a quick rundown on the measures coming up in November. He reminded us to do our homework and compare the current Urgency Ordinance with Prop. D on a line for line basis. He also noted that another group trying to put a “Ban” measure on the ballet for a special election next year. There then followed a series of Q&A’s that no one had answers to. So it was decided that we would bring someone in to give us a complete rundown on both Prop’s and their potential impact. Craig pointed out that we are a non-political body and would not take sides as a body, only gather all the information available so individuals could make informed decisions.
C.C.W.D. District 3 Board Member Bertha Underhill- Present:First off Bertha said that the Commission on Aging is looking for Senior of the Year nominations. Then Joel stepped in and gave us this month’s Reach 3a status and near future shutdowns.
HOA Advisor Don Shinn- Absent
Ebbetts Pass Fire Commissioner Tom Sullivan- Absent
GABA President Paul Bertini-Absent
Resident Deputy Sheriff Tom Oldham-Present. Good news, they have hired new people and are keeping them busy with training. Of the 12 hired 3 are already on the street with 4 more do out in 3 months. They are hoping to be fully staffed by next year at 24 plus a marijuana staff.
CHP-Dan Ruiz:Some of this month’s activity involved Mental Health issues, more motor cycle crashes’ and vagrants have become a side issue.
Arnold Rim Trail Association Report by Steve Lauterbach:The Arnold Rim Trail Association showed off its new tent at Family Day in the Park and the Logging Jamboree.
We are exploring to be adding doggy bags to the trailhead at the Logging Museum because doggy poops have become a problem on the paved ADA section.
Please go to arnoldrimtrail.organd sign up to receive our monthly newsletters about upcoming volunteer trail building mornings and guided hikes. We never share our list and you may always “unsubscribe”.
Invited Speaker: This month Mike Johnson from EPFD brought us up to speed on a variety of subjects. First he pointed out that his staffing levels are ok and that the respond to over 1000 emergency calls a year. Currently they are recruiting for a Battalion Chief and a Paramedic/Fireperson. Next he told us that Joan Lark who is responsible for vacant lots is doing a great job. I agreed and told him about all of her help in and around Forest Meadows. It has been almost a year sense the Butte fire and we are still not out of the woods. Don’t let your guard down. Remember that now is the time to check your chimneys and remove dead trees close to your home. We also had a quick discussion on Tree Mortality and some CalFire grants but the September 28th deadline made it almost impossible to take advantage of this year. We will keep a close eye on any 2017 Grants that could help HOA/COA/POA’s and/or residents with tree removal.
Next up was Scoff F. from CalFire and he added some information about the grants. First we should note that not only is there money for Tree Mortality but also Fuel Reduction.
Code Red issues came up and Mike O. said that the OES is make adjustments to improve it. Craig ask it CalFire would continue to maintain the Fuel Brakes and the answer is “yes this winter”. Bertha then said that Cal Trans will start to remove hazardous trees that can impact our highways. Pete then told us about PG&E’s program to remove downed trees that were left after resent tree cutting programs that reduced fire hazards to their power lines. We closed on the depressing note that BLS has about 5500 dead trees and only 900 are down.
New Business: Really new news: NONE
Meeting Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 11:45am
Next Meeting:
Respectfully submitted,
Eric Davis
EPPOC Secretary
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