BIO 220 General Microbiology Lab

Dr. H. Johnson

Course Description: This course includes historical perspectives, cell structure and function, microbial genetics, infectious diseases, immunology, distribution, physiology, culture identification, classification, and disease control of microorganisms. The laboratory experience includes micro-techniques, distribution, culture, identification, and control.

Instructor Information: Dr. H. Johnson, Office: 111C Bevill Center Shoals Campus, S 14 Building 303 Phil Campbell Campus, 256-331-5326, e-mail: . Refer to this link (or my office door) to find my current office hours (and those of any instructor):

Attendance Policy:

Attendance is absolutely required to lab meetings. You must participate and attend the entirety of each lab session to receive your full points for that lab exercise. 2.5 points will be deducted for not fully participating or for arriving late/leaving early. *These points cannot be made up for any reason if you are not in attendance when the points are recorded. Note that one lab exercise score will be dropped.

Required Text:

BIO 220 Microbiology Laboratory for the Health Science Student: A Clinical Approach (available in the campus bookstore)

Other Required Materials: Writing utensil.

Important Dates:

Event / Date
Spring Classes Begin / Jan. 8th
Add/Drop / Jan. 8-10
MLK Holiday (no classes) / Jan. 20th
Spring Break (no classes) / Mar. 24th-29th
Last Day to Withdraw with a “W” / Apr. 28th
Last day of classes / May 5th
Final Exams / May 6th-9th, 12th
Specific Final Exam Time/Date for This Class
*Note that final exams are often given at a different time/day than the regular class time/day. / Refer to the following link for all of your final exam dates:

Tentative Lab Schedule:

Lab Exercise / Topic
Introduction / Orientation and Lab Safety
Microscopy and Culturing
Exercise 1 / The Microscope
Exercise 2 / Handling & Examining Cultures
Motility, Shapes, and Staining
Exercise 3 / The Wet Mount Prep, Bacterial Shapes
Exercise 4 / Simple Stains
Reference Guide / Specimen Collection
Differential Stainingand Pure Culture
Exercise 5 / Gram Stain, Capsule Stain, Flagella Stain
Exercise 6 / Endospore Stain
Exercise 7 / Pure Culture Technique
Biochemical and Enzymatic Reactions
Exercise 8 / Carbohydrate Fermentation
Exercise 9 / Sulfate Indole Motility
Exercise 10 / Catalast Test
Exercise 11 / Oxidase Test
Exercise 12 / Urease Test
Exercise 13 / Phenylalanine Deaminase
Exercise 14 / Rapid Methods of Bacterial ID, Multimedia Systems for Biochem. Profiling
Antibiotics, Primary Isolation Media, Pathogenesis
Exercise 15 / Antibiotics and Susceptibility Testing – Kirby-Bauer, MIC (Broth Dilution, E-Test)
Exercise 16 / Primary Isolation Media – Enriched, Selective, and Differential
Exercise 17 / Isolation of Pathogenic Yeasts
The Gram Positive Cocci
Exercise 18 / Alpha-Hemolytic Streptococci
Exercise 19 / Beta-Hemolytic Streptococci
Exercise 20 / Enterococci
Exercise 21 / Staphylococci
Exercise 22 / Streptococci From a Throat Culture
The Gram Negative Bacilli
Exercise 23 / Klebsiella
Exercise 24 / Haemophilus
Exercise 25 / Corynebacterium
Exercise 26 / Bordetella, Nasopharyngeal Swab Collection

Tentative Lab Schedule Continued:

Lab Exercise / Topic
UTIs, Urine Culture Techniques, STDs
Exercise 27 / Dip Stick Urine Test
Exercise 28 / Qualitative Urine Culture
Exercise 29 / Quantitative Urine Culture
Exercise 30 / Neisseria (Gram Negative Cocci)
Exercise 31 / Spirochetes
Physiological Requirements of Oxygen, Anaerobic Pathogens, Mycobacteria
Exercise 32 / Clostridium, Endospores (Gram Positive Bacilli)
Exercise 33 / Culturing Anaerobic Bacteria
Exercise 34 / Mycobacteria - Acid Fast Stain (Gram Positive Bacilli with Mycolic Acids)
The Enterobacteriaceae, GI Pathogens
Exercise 35 / Differentiation of Aerobic vs. Facultative Gram Negative Rods
Exercise 36 / Pathogenic Molds and Dermatophytes
Exercise 37 / Tape Method for Staining and Observing an Unknown Mold
Exercise 38 / Latex Agglutination, Enzyme Immunoassay, Serological ID of Patient Ab, Indirect Serological Testing, Qualitative Detection of Infectious Mono
Exercise 39 / Antibody Titer

Grading Policy:

Assessment / Points
39Sets of Laboratory Exercises (2 pts. each) *The lowest one will be dropped / 76
Lab Exam 1 / 50
Lab Exam 2 / 50
Lab Exam 3 / 50
Lab Exam 4 / 50
Microscope Care Bonus Points / 10
Total Laboratory Points / 276
Total Lecture Points / 600
Total Points for BIO 220 / 876
BIO 220 Grading Scale
Points / Grade
788-876 / A
700-787 / B
613-699 / C
525-612 / D
Below 525 / F

Lab Exams: May include multiple choice, matching, fill-in-the-blank, short answer, brief essay, pictures, etc. Scantron forms are not required for these exams.

Microscope Care Bonus Points: Randomly during the semester, I will check your microscope after you use it and will assign bonus points at that time, if you have properly taken care of your microscope (as described by the instructor, in the lab manual, and by the signs posted in the lab).

To calculate your grade:

______Your points so far______X 100 = Your current grade

Possible points for assignments/exams so far

Makeup Policy:

  • Laboratory Exercises: YOU MAYNOT MAKEUP A MISSED LABORATORY EXERCISE or the corresponding lab notebook points. Labs are set up and put away on a very specific schedule for the lab sections and cannot be reset up for individual students.
  • Lab Exams: If you miss a Lab Exam for ANY reason, you can make it up ONLY DURING THE WEEK PRIOR TO YOURLECTURE FINAL EXAM at a time/day arranged with the instructor. Exception: You will not be allowed to make up an exam if you have not attended at least 60% of the labs during the semester.

Safety and General Laboratory Rules:

Some of the experiments included in this laboratory may be hazardous if materials are handled improperly or if procedures are conducted incorrectly. Safety precautions are necessary when you are working with chemicals, glass test tubes, hot water baths, sharp instruments, etc. or for any procedures that generally require caution. Should you have any problems with materials or procedures, please ask your instructor for help.

  1. You may purchase and wear ANSI certified lab goggles (available at Walmart, Lowes, etc.) if you wish.
  2. Always read the laboratory exercises before class.
  3. At the start and end of each laboratory session, students should clean their assigned bench top with a disinfectant solution provided.
  4. Place only necessary materials on the laboratory bench top. Coats, purses, backpacks, etc. may be left in the front of the lab or stored in a cabinet at your station.
  5. Keep all cell phones and electronic devices on silent and in your purse, pocket, or bag. Do not handle electronic devices while working in the lab.
  6. Eating, drinking, chewing gum, smoking, applying of contacts or makeup are strictly prohibited. Never should an apparatus or material used in the lab be placed in or near the mouth.
  7. Remove jewelry for laboratory sessions and cover all navel or other body piercings while working in the lab.
  8. All cuts must be reported to the instructor and adequately covered before entering the lab. Latex gloves will be provided by the instructor for students with a cut on the hands.
  9. Open-toed shoes are prohibited. Store an old pair of intact tennis shoes in your car for the duration of the lab.
  10. Restrain long hair from hanging over cultures or Bunsen burners.
  11. All biohazardous materials must be disposed of properly in a biohazard container or autoclaved to decontaminate first.
  12. All sharps and broken glass must be disposed of in a broken glass or sharps container.
  13. Report accidents IMMEDIATELY. If you spill or drop a culture, it is to be covered completely with disinfectant solution and disposed of in a biohazard container.
  14. Clearly label all Petri dishes, tubes, and flasks. All culture vessels must be labeled with your bench number and the name of the microbe or unknown # inoculated.
  15. Turn off Bunsen burners when not in use and when flammable solvents are in use nearby.
  16. Develop a “safety first” attitude when working with cultures. Do not take risks and never hesitate to ask questions when in doubt.
  17. Always wash and dry your hands before leaving the lab at ANY time, including when leaving the lab to make or return a cell phone call, take medications, handle any object that may go into your mouth or eyes, or leaving for the day.
  18. If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, suffer from any disability such as epilepsy, diabetes or a heart condition, or if you have serious allergies, a known infection, or are immunocompromised including being treated with immunosuppressive drugs such as corticosteroids, or if you are color-blind, please tell the instructor. This information will be used to keep you safe and will be kept confidential.
  19. Each student should know the location of emergency exits, nearest fire alarm pull, location of nearest fire extinguisher, the First Aid kit, the eyewash station, and the safety shower.
  20. You will be assigned a station and the following materials for the course: slide box and glass slides, inoculating loop, lens paper, bibulous paper, staining set, matches or striker, Sharpie marker, lab coat or smock. You are responsible for keeping these items in good condition throughout the course and for returning them at the end of the course.
  21. You will be asked to sign a form that constitutes a safety contract in which you agree to the above safety and laboratory rules and any further such instructions given by your instructor.

Campus Security: 256-627-5126

Emergency Police Services/Fire and Rescue: 911

Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP):

“Strengthening Mathematical Foundations Through Innovative Teaching.” This course will support the QEP statement through the utilization of basic math skills, including measurements.

Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA):

It is the policy of Northwest-ShoalsCommunity College to comply with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Any student covered under this act who needs and desires reasonable accommodations for this class should notify the instructor.

If you need extra time on assignments, you must make arrangements with me PRIOR TO THE DUE DATE of the assignment.


A student who is unable to complete a course is expected to withdraw from that course by proper withdrawal procedures. Students should contact or visit the Admissions Office for assistance with the withdrawal procedures. Upon withdrawal from a course, a grade of “W” will be assigned for the specific course. The grade of “W” will have no effect on the student’s GPA. No withdrawals will be allowed beginning five (5) business days prior to the start of final exams.

Smoke-free environment

Northwest-Shoals Community College (NW-SCC) is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for its employees, students and visitors. NW-SCC has established a smoke-free environment on its campuses. Consequently, the use of tobacco smoking products, electronic cigarettes, including the carrying of any lighted smoking instrument, in College buildings or upon other College premises, is prohibited. NW-SCC will continue to uphold the current policy that the use of ALL tobacco products is prohibited in all buildings on each campus. Failure to adhere may result in a fine.

NW-SCC Firearms/Weapons Policy

Northwest-Shoals Community College (NW-SCC) is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for its employees, students and visitors. Consequently, firearms and weapons of any kind are strictly prohibited in College buildings or upon other College property at all times.Realistic facsimiles of weapons are also not allowed.