March 19, 2018
Dorado 14 Meeting Minutes
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Dorado 14 Association
General Session
Monday,19 March 2018at 6:00 p.m.
Eastside City Hall, 7575 E Speedway, Room C
Board: / Staff:X / Lucas Schippers, President/Secretary / X / Donna Wood, Managing Associate
X / Tom Orr, Vice President / X / Jackie Kincaid,Managing Associate
x / Sanford Braver, Treasurer / X / Barbara Laakso, Meeting Minutes
X / Trish Cheney,Member at Large, Director to Masters
X / Elizabeth “Chach” Kelley, Member at Large
X / Ellen Randall,Member at Large
X / Chris Sinton, Member at Large
X / Bill Kellie, Member at Large
Mary Beth Kellie / Lynda Thomas
Jane Herron / Matthew Laos
Arlene Showen / Bonnie Laos
Robert Nordmeyer / Marge Pazzi
Rita Nordemeyer / Nick Pazzi
Bob Kietges
- Call to Order and Determination of Quorum (Lucas Schippers)
- The meeting was called to order at6:02p.m.All Board Members were present, constituting a quorum.
- President Schippers welcomed all the homeowners present.
II.Minutes Approval
- A motion was made and seconded(Kellie/Sinton) to approve the February 19, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes. All were in favor. Motion carries.
- The March 6, 2018 special meeting minutes will be reviewed at the April 16, 2018 meeting.
III.Master Association Report(Trish Cheney)
- East entry lighting
- Another Party at Golf Course with live band in the near future.Dorado Neighborhood Get-together at Golf Course with live band in (April).
IV.Treasurer’s Report (Sanford Braver)
Balance sheet as of February 22, 2018 as follows:
Current Assets Total$ 71,954.82
Liability and Equity$ 13,287.64
Retained Earnings$ 56,023.39
Net Income$ 2,643.79
A Motion was made and seconded (Kellie/Randall) to accept February 22, 2018 Financial Report as is. There was no vote to carry the motion.
Money in the bank-We have $435.48 LESS than we had on Jan. 31, 2018. Both Operating and Reserve Accounts are only a little changed from the month before.
Current money in the bank is 171 1 954.82
YTD Income is about $600 under budget.
YTD Administrative Expense is ~$700 over budget
YTD Maintenance Expense is nearly $5,500 less than we budgeted.
Utilities Expense this month was again high, so that we are
$350 over budget.
We budgeted $4900 for Capital Expense but didn't spend any.
Overall our YTD income exceeds our expenditures by over $2600, and as compared to our budget, we are in excess of $8,500 better than we expected to be.
V.Committee Reports
ARC – Bill Kellie
Lot 47requested security upgrades to the home to include extra lighting in the rear and security bars added at the atrium. Board of Directors had unanimously approved the request through email. The chair notified the resident by phone message that approval was given. There were no other requests.
Inner Circle – Chris Sinton
No change in status since last month.
Chris welcomed Trish Cheney to the IC as an additional member.
A meeting for March 27thhas been called forth by the committee and to re-visit 2 agenda items:
- Fence and how it integrates to plan
- Lighting – improvements
- The meeting is open for all homeowners to attend
Landscape Committee – Bill Kellie
Tree planting:
- a list of trees & places to plant will be forthcoming
- next three months are a good time to plant the following:evergreen trees, olive trees, and bottlebrushes
- trees that will add color to the common area are variegated leaves, and blossomous shrubs/trees
ocitrus trees: real orange, cocktail fruit trees, tangerine
- trees that are dwarf: 15 - 18 feet high
- plant at least five a year
- new: lots 1 thru 22 on one line; lots 23 - 33 on another line
- to do: all of the inner circle; lots 34 - 47
- method: five houses at a time seeking shortest route
- cost: $5 per foot (total cost). Ballpark figure to follow.
- The irrigation is currently turned off for the winter.
- A warning was reiterated to be most careful during the fence install at the main irrigation junction for pool area.
- goals:
- water conservation (it was not a concern when originally installed)
- pressure valves to be installed: it makes irrigation lines last longer
- installs more shut off valves: current problem explained
Olive trees to be sprayed--same as previous year.
Pool area:
- Coyote Bros should clean up the leaves over the fence.
- flush cutting junipers will kill them.
- Ellen requested cutting back of junipers to see how much room for fence.
- Pyracantha is "easily removed" and does not require a bob cat.
- The uncollected palm debris has been on the common ground for about 7 weeks and requests that Coyote Bros clean it up.
Pool and Pond, and Stream -- E.llen Randall
- The Board voted to contract for fence and landscape contingent on the bids submitted.
- Coyote Bros will remove the juniper and Pyracantha at a cost of $800-1K and not exceed $3K
- Coyote Bros need to take out the bush boundary East and South end of the pool before the fence is installed.
VI.President’s Report- Lucas Schippers
- No report at this time.
VII.Management Report - Donna Wood & Jackie Kincaid
- Continuing to workon the pool issue.
VIII.Old Business
- A MOTION to rescind a previous motion to reconsider destroyingy the bridge and construct a land bridge in its place was made and seconded (Kellie/Orr). Not all were in favor. Motion carries.
A MOTION to accept Foothills View Landscaping LLC bid was made and seconded (Orr/Braver). Not all were in agreement. Motion passes with the following contingencies:
- Go with the cheapest gauge
- ContNew fence must match existing fencing in gauge/appearanceingent on meeting the specs and for a cost of at a cost not to exceed$30/linear ft. x 190 linear ft not to exceed $7,000K.
- Foothills will create a fence plan and will submit and seek approval by Pima County.
Further discussions are tabled for the next meeting.
- A MOTION to keep the fence build out change change the east perimeter fencing fromfrom 5 ft to 7 ft from east perimeter of the pool to the south perimeter at no extra charge was made and seconded (Cheney/Kelley). The motion was tabled for the next meeting. Motion passed.
- This motion has the effect of allowing the boulders along the east fence to remain as they areRaising the fence to 7 ft will require no boulder demolition in some areas.
- Pool and , Spa, and Streams ---:
- Lucas has suggested to table this agenda and restart the discussion in the next meetingDue to the fact that Cimarron submitted an updated bid to replaster the spa well in excess of the original price quoted, the board elected to restart the process of soliciting bids to replaster the spa. Chris and TTrish agreed to work on an RFP with Pinehurst to be submitted to vendors.
An RFP is needed before Board votes to award the bid to a vendor.
Chris and Trish to work on schematics.
- STREAM: wait to vote to close the stream until all homeowners have voted on the issue. Wait to schedule a Special Meeting to address these issuesLucas intended to call a special meeting for the purpose of the neighborhood voting on whether to permanently close the west stream due to conflicts with fencing along the western perimeter. However, ensuing discussion raised concerns about timing and expense. No call for a special meeting will be made at this time. Instead, the board will work to find a solution to the fencing problem at the west stream that will not first require permanent closure of the stream. The ultimate fate of the stream will be considered at a later date in the context of the Inner Circle committee’s proposal.
In the meantime. Homeowners can use neighboring Block 50 pool until the pool/spa reopens.
IX.New Business
Closing the West Stream and eliminate the bridge
- Pool/Spa Ladders and Rails– this issue will be considered at a later date. Aan RFP will be needed prior to soliciting bidsis needed.
- Chaise lounge straps are breaking. 3 need to be fixed ---this is an easy fix at a reasonable price. No need for Board to vote on it. The issue will be considered at a later date.
- Contact the City for eliminating sewer charges when refilling draining the pool water.
X.Owner Feedback
A Vote to either close the stream or not is required. This will be a mail-in vote and will be tallied. A Townhall Meeting will be called for to give the tally and results of the vote.
- Lucas implored all Board Members as well as homeowners to have patience with one another with regards to the issues being discussed and as the committees move forward with the plans.
- Homeowners asked questions/raised points about the gas meter along the west stream and the proposed pool fencing.
XI.Next Meeting
- April 16, 2018
Board Meeting will be held at 5:45pm. All homeowners are invited to attend.
Board Meeting Executive Session will be conducted from 5:30:pm-5:45pm.(closed session).
Items to add to agenda: December 31, 2017 year-end Financials to be approved.
Re-visit the Pool and Spa Fence, re- plaster, ladder and railing discussions to restart in the next meeting(s).
- There being no further items of business, the Board adjourned the meeting at 7:48 pm.
Dorado XIV Board Members / Term
Expires / Phone / Email
Trish Cheney / 2018 / 401-8313 /
Bill Kellie / 2018 / 777-8073 /
Chach Kelley / 2018 / 419-5997 /
Ellen Randall / 2018 / 885-0295 /
Tom Orr / 2018 / 990-7606 /
Sanford Braver / 2018 / 602-330-1312 /
Lucas Schippers / 2018 / 360-8693 /
Chris Sinton / 2018 / 509-5112 /
Donna Wood, CMCA, AMS / 730-1913 /
March 2018
The following is the recommendation from the committee to fence the pool.
EAST:From Pool Room south, 6.5 ft fence past boulder, reduce to 5.5ft and continue south 2ft past current decking.
By raising the height of the fence, we avoid demolition/rebuild of the boulder
SOUTH:Reduce fence to 5ft, continuing west past sycamore tree. Include Pool Code gate w/self-closing spring and deadbolt at south-western edge.
WEST:Continue with 5ft fence north to bridge, on outside of sycamore and boulders. Replace existing gate with Pool Code gate w/self-closing spring and deadbolt. Continue 5ft fence 2ft N of gas meter.
NORTH:Continue 5ft fence to existing fence at pool.
WEST STREAM:Stream to be jack-hammered for water drainage, filled with 1ft rock fill and 2ft planting soil. Planted with desert plants and boulders up to where west stream meets with east stream. Top two tiers planted with flowering plants, irrigation to be installed.
DECKING:Install approximately 400 SF acrylic lace decking to match existing.
By installing the deck, we avoid removing stumps ($1,000), and we have a finished pool area with shade.
For Agenda:
•need vote for Spa railing
•need vote for either Powder Coat Railing or Chrome/SPA
•need vote to approve new Blue Railing cover for Pool railing
•delay vote for Pool ladders until late Fall or early Spring of next year
•need vote to approve Coyote Bros. stump removal/remove bushes
•report and vote for approval of contractor for fence
MARCH 19, 2018
•An accurate "to scale" drawing of the area we are working in needs to be done. Does Shelly have any photographs for this area (i.e. Google Earth Map of area, a drone photo)?
•Board needs to approve the final plan once we have a scaled drawing or map to determine where the fence is going.
•The east side can be installed at 7' high which avoids the cost of boulder removal.
•The bridge should remain, and the fencing will be 7' high on the north side of the bridge. The locked gate will be at the west end of the bridge.
•Small boulders should be added to both sides of the bridge as access under the bridge must be 4" or less. This will be verified once the fenced in area is determined.
•Landscape will have to be agreed to where the fence is expanded into the shaded area. We cannot leave it with bare dirt. One consideration is Artificial Turf. The expanded patio area can be reviewed / addressed once the area is fenced in.
•I spoke with Coyote Brothers and they are willing to work with the fencing company, so they can install a section of fence immediately after Coyote Brothers removes the wire fencing, vegetation, etc. This will negate the cost of temporary fencing.
•A requested a meeting with the gas company to determine their requirements with regard to the fence and access to their meter. They will look at moving the meter possibly closer to the road (gas line runs in along Lot 65) or move it out from the pool area. I will be notified within 5 -10 business days of the time and date.
•It is our responsibility to provide drawings that are to-scale to Pima County Health Department.
•Alltech, Foothills View, and Cimarron will receive a "to scale" drawing with all of our requirements outlined. This will be done by email by Trish Cheney. They will be given five(?) business days to provide their bid. In the event they need to come to the site they must contact Trish Cheney to schedule a time. Trish will advise Ellen, Chach and Chris if a contractor is coming out.
•A Special Meeting will be set to review the bids and vote on who the bid is awarded to.
•The upgraded "Classico Pebble Fina" is a newer spa finish and has not been used enough to compare to plaster. Cimarron's bid was changed to regular plaster. Their bid is to remove a single layer of plaster and they feel that is all that is on it. In the event they determine a 2nd layer is present their will be a Change Order. The average life span of plaster is 5 - 7 years. A shorter life span will happen if:
1.Excess chemicals are used
2.Dirt is not vacuumed out regularly
3.Leaves are allowed to sit in the bottom of the spa
4.If the spa is heated and chemically treated for use year round
5.If regular acid washing is not performed
6.Someone throws a chair in the spa and chips the finish
•A revised bid from Cimarron was received today (see attached).
•Cimarron's bid was accepted at the last Board meeting. With the new bid approved by the Board, will request documents go to Pinehurst for finalizing. Start date I completion date?
•I have asked Pinehurst to look back in Dorado 14's records to determine when the spa was last plastered, the cost, and by who.
•Cimarron and Coyote Brothers are not bidding filling in the stream
•The estimate for the west stream was that it would take135 yards of fill and the east stream would take 225 yards. If the entire stream was closed down it would be at a cost of close to $60,000.00
•It was felt that extensive damage would be done to the irrigation and land while doing this job.
•Another costly alternative was suggested of bringing a bull dozer in to demolish the concrete rocks, using them for fill in the pond if the pond were to be eliminated. The area would be flattened out (grade change) with little fill needed. Concerns were sprinkler, gas line, electrical and extensive damage to the grounds with possible removal of some trees necessary.
•The pool has multiple coats of plaster. This is a cost saver up front but ends up costing more when it needs re-plastering which will be noticed as the top coat begins to delaminate from the coat behind it. The cost for removal and new plaster will cost between $25,000.00 and $30,000.00
•It is not recommended that we install "Blue Grips" on the handrails of the pool or spa. They are primarily used in single family (residential) situations. Jewelry (watches, bracelets, rings, etc.) tear them up.
•Pool chaise lounges need replacing as many of the straps are broken. The chairs with broken straps need to be removed from the pool area. To get an idea of costs for commercial grade chairs go to: Figure at least $250 per chair.
•When the pool is drained down and refilled it is important that the water department be notified prior to draining. They will waive the sewage charge.
•We need to review how often the pool and spa are vacuumed by our service provider, EKonomy. Vacuuming is critical to the health of our pool and for the upkeep of our plaster.
Respectfully submitted by Trish Cheney 3-19-2018