
The University of Sheffield

School of Clinical Dentistry

Research Committee

Personal Research Plans 2013

A main aim of the School research strategy is to promote well-structured and focussed research programmes, with sufficient academic mass, expertise and support to allow high quality research to be undertaken in depth. The School is committed to providing a supportive research environment where all staff can realise their potential for the benefit of the research community at large. Most academic staff are currently research active and ideally should work within our structured research groups. However, some work individually and most research is self-managed. We evaluate research activity through lists of papers and grant success but do not hold an overview of staff’s research plans. As part of a general improvement in our support for staff and to complement and strengthen the SRDS process we have introducedPersonal Research Plans (PRP). These will also inform our research management and ongoing strategy.

The aims of the PRP are:

  • To identify plans and targets for personal research activity
  • To improve mechanisms of quality assurance of research activity
  • To facilitate development of a focussed research strategy
  • To identify individuals or key areas where further support or investment is needed
  • To help re-align research which is not productive, appropriate or timely
  • To facilitate financial planning of research needs
  • To increase accountability of research programmes in which School funds are being used


Each member of staff, involved in research should prepare a PRP on an annual basis. The University now wishes all research active staff to produce an impact and knowledge exchange statement, which is to be done through the SRDS process. We have prepared a simple form to assist in this process. The PRP also provides staff with an opportunity to reflect on their research activity and discuss their plans with their Head of Unit, Research Group Leader, colleagues or SRDS Reviewer. The PRPs will also be submitted to the School Research Director who will use them to inform the decision making process relating to research management. PRPs will be internal documents, but will not be regarded as confidential.

Personal Research Plan
Name: / Department
Research Group:
Significant research achievements in the last year:
Publications and grants for the last academic year.
Published papers:
Papers in press:
Other achievements and activities
(eg. Awards, prizes, review activities, editorships. Also list any significant grants which were not successful)
Publications or grants in the last academic year which were not successful
Are there any lessons to be learnt or areas which need further development to help maximise success?
Impact statement
Please describe the impact your research has had or you expect it to have. Impact is defined as an identifiable benefit to or positive influence on the economy, society, public policy or services, culture, the environment or quality of life.
Knowledge exchange statement
Please describe how your research has led to or been part of knowledge exchange activities, including enterprise, interaction with business or the public sector, including involvement in regional and local economic development
Plans for the next year
Major personal research goals for the next year:
List any resources needed to enable you to meet the objectives of your plan:
List any areas where you feel you need further training. Are there any courses or skills development programmes available that you think you would benefit from?
How many sessions per week do you currently have for research? / How many sessions do you feel you need for research?
New projects or areas of activity you wish to develop, including new grants:
New collaborations you will develop:
Explain how your research plans fit into the School research strategy and into the work of your research group:
Any further comments?
Research projects you will be involved in during the next year:
1Title of project / Principal investigator
Research question:
Anticipated outcomes in the next year:
2Title of project / Principal investigator
Research question:
Anticipated outcomes in the next year:
3Title of project / Principal investigator
Research question:
Anticipated outcomes in the next year:
4Title of project / Principal investigator
Research question:
Anticipated outcomes in the next year:
5Title of project / Principal investigator
Research question:
Anticipated outcomes in the next year:
6Title of project / Principal investigator
Research question:
Anticipated outcomes in the next year:

If more than 6 projects please reproduce this page.