Ph.D Full Time / Part-time (Internal) /Part-time (External) ADMISSION – MANONMANIAM SUNDARANAR UNIVERSITY
(Accredited with B++ Grade by NAAC)

This is to inform all prospective Candidates that as per new provisions of Ph.D. programme of Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, the Candidates and the Guides could be from any part of India and aborad after due registration and recognition respectively under Part-time External Scheme.

The details regarding registratin and recognition fees both for the Students and Guides are availale in the University Website:

Application can be had either from the undersigned on payment of Rs.300/- by post or Rs.250/- in person by Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Registrar, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University “Payable at Tirunelveli” or may be down loaded form the above website.

Dr. P. Chellathurai
Ph.D. Modified Regulations

Instruction for Parttime External Programme

External Guideship Applications



The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) is awarded to a candidate who, as per these regulations, has submitted a thesis, on the basis of original research either in any particular discipline or involving more than one discipline that makes a contribution to the advancement of knowledge, which is approved by duly constituted Board of Examiners as required.

Admission Categories: Full Time / Part-time (Internal) /Part-time (External)
Full time:

Any candidate with prescribed minimum qualification can join as a full-time Ph.D scholar in any of the Research Centers/University Departments of Manonmaniam Sundaranar University.

Part-time (Internal):

Any teacher, who has put in two years of continuous service in any college affiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, with prescribed minimum qualification is eligible to join the Ph.D part-time (Internal) programme.

Part-time (External):

Any candidate with two years of continuous service in a recognized institution within the jurisdiction of Manonmaniam Sundaranar University with prescribed minimum qualification can join Ph.D Part-time (External) programme.

Part-time (External – R/N/G*):

Any qualified Post Graduate possessing not less than 50% of mark from recognized Universities shall be permitted to apply to the Registrar, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University for Ph.D Part-time (External R/N/G) registration choosing any Ph.D., guide in any part of our country or the World who shall be recognized guide in the Ph.D programme of Manonmaniam Sundaranar University by paying of one time SPECIAL FEE over and above the existing fees applicable to the external candidates falling within the three districts of the University jurisdiction.

* R- Regional/ N- National/G-Global

Minimum Qualification:

For admission to the Ph.D programme under the above specified categories, a candidate has to fulfill the following minimum qualifications:

(a) Full Time/Part-time (External)/ Part-time (External R/N/G): A pass with 50% marks or equivalent grade at the postgraduate level (Concerned master’s degree after the completion of the Under Graduate degree).

(b) Part-time (Internal): The minimum marks required will be the percentage of marks prescribed for their eligibility to join in the teaching post at the time of their joining the post.

Note: Candidates who wish to register for Ph.D. programme shall note that the minimum percentage of marks prescribed by the University Grants Commission for Lectureship in Colleges/ Universities is 55% and for SC/ST, it is 50% in the Post Graduate degree.
Residential Requirements

Full-Time Research:

The candidate under this category has to work (full-time) in a University Department/Research centre as a non-stipendiary fellow /USRF/ JRF/ SRF/ Fellow in a Research project or with stipend from any other funding agency for the minimum period specified.

Part-time (Internal and External):

Candidates of this category, if they belong to experimental science faculties, have to spend six months at a stretch or three spells of two months each during their tenure, as a fulltime scholar under the guide.


Applications can be had from the office on all working days. The filled-in application along with necessary certificates and registration fees shall be sent to ‘The Registrar, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli-627 012’ for registration of Ph.D., degree and all such applications will be processed for registration during the last week of every month. The date of remittance of first year research fees will be the date of commencement of the Ph.D., programme.
Further details please go through the University website:

INSTRUCTIONS FOR Ph.D., REGISTRATION Part Time External (R/N/G) Programme

1. Every candidate has to register under a Guide recognized by Manonmaniam Sundaranar University.

2. No. of candidates allowed under a Guide working in the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Department is 12 in the Discipline of Science and 15 in the Discipline of Languages, Arts and Social Sciences; and for the Guides working in Colleges/Approved Research Centres, the maximum number of Candidates allowed is 10 in the Discipline of Science and 12 in the Discipline of Languages, Arts and Social Sciences.

3. Every candidate has to be attached with a Research Institute/Research Centre either through Guide or Co-guide from the same or other related Discipline. Any recognized Guide can act as a Co-guide to a maximum of 8 candidates.

The filled–in application has to be forwarded by the Guide to

4. Minimum qualification for admission to Ph.D programme is 50% in Post Graduate degree.

Note: Candidates who wish to register for Ph.D. Programme shall note that the minimum percentage of marks prescribed by the University Grants Commission for Lecturership in Colleges/Universities is 55% and for SC/ST, it is 50% mark of the Post Graduate degree.

5. Application for Registration to the SC/ST Candidates is issued at FREE OF COST for only one time on the submission of attested xerox copy of his/her Community Certificate.
6. Candidates who have obtained PG/ M.Phil from other Universities have to get Recognition Certificate from the Registrar, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University and the same should be enclosed along with the application for Ph.D registration.
7. A brief introduction about the proposed area of research of at least 500 words describing the problem, objectives and tools of the study on the topic chosen, duly signed by the Guide, Coguide (if any) and the candidate, should be enclosed along with the application.
8. The Guide has to attach a Declaration Certificate to the effect that the topic has not been selected by anybody else so far.
9. Attested xerox copy of the P.G. Degree or Provisional certificate.
10. Attested xerox copy of M.Phil Degree or Provisional certificate.
11. Attested xerox copy of the Mark Statements of Post Graduate programme.

12. Application for registration is issued throughout the year.

13. The filled- in applications in the prescribed format with required certificates and registration fee shall be sent to “THE REGISTRAR, MANONMANIAM SUNDARANAR UNIVERSITY, ABISHEKAPATTI, TIRUNELVELI, INDIA – 627 012”, for registration of Ph.D., degree and all such applications will be processed for registration during the last week of every month.


1 Cost of application – Within India (in Rs.) :250 ; Outside India (in US $): 25
2 Registration – Within India (in Rs.) : 500 ; Outside India (in US $):100
3 Research fee per year
Arts – Within India (in Rs.) : 4,000 + 500 College ; Outside India (in US $): 200
Science – Within India (in Rs.) : 6,000 + 2000 College ; Outside India (in US $): 300

4 Special fees (ONE TIME ONLY)
Arts – Within India (in Rs.) : 7500/- ; Outside India (in US $): 350
Science – Within India (in Rs.) : 10000/- ; Outside India (in US $): 400

* The fee does not include fee for Thesis submission, Viva (Examination) and other fees.

For more details, visit website :

Note: The University reserves the right to revise the fees at any time.
15. All payments should be made through Demand Draft drawn in favour of “The Registrar, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University” payable at Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India drawn in any one of the nationalised banks.