England Netball Constitution
Northumberland County Netball Association
July 2017
The Association shall be called the NorthumberlandCounty Netball Association (hereinafter called NCNA).
NCNAaims to contribute towards Netball’s 10.1.1 vision of being a top ten participation sport, the number one sport for women and girls and number one in the world.
At local level NCNA will promote safe and equal opportunities for people to take part in Netball at a level appropriate to their needs and aspirations.
NCNA aims to achieve this by taking positive action to develop Netball as a sport, by promoting and developing productive partnerships with appropriate sporting and outside agencies and by seeking to ensure that the distribution of grant aid is subject to the principle of sports equity.
2.1 Coordinate within the national strategic framework the implementation and monitoring of a County Delivery Plan.
2.2Provide leadership, support and guidance for Netball within the County.
2.3Promote the game of netball and encourage and enable the development and growth of the game within the County, acting as an advocate for the sport and the National Governing Body.
2.4Manage local resources in an effective and efficient manner ensuring targeted investment and the sourcing of partnership funding and new income streams as appropriate and if necessary.
2.5Ensure robust governance procedures and high operational standards are in place, in line with England Netball’s minimum operating standards and model constitution, to position the County Association as “fit for purpose” in meeting the needs of its membership.
2.6Coordinate and deliver County programmes, competitions and events, complying with England Netball competition regulations.
2.7Work with the Regional Manager to prioritise the work programme of the Netball Development Officer to support the delivery of agreed targets.
3.1NCNA shallcomprisethe geographic area of Northumberland which encompasses the unitary authority and local authorities of Northumberland(hereinafter called the “County Boundaries”.)
3.2The membership shall consist of: Officers and the members
- All clubs and young person’s groups affiliated as first claim to the County NetballAssociation.
IiiAllMiddle, Upper and Secondary Schools affiliated to the CountyNetball Association.
All members shall be bound by this Constitution and any rulings made by the County Netball Association, and by the current rules of the game.
4.1NCNA shall be governed by theCounty Netball Association committee. The role of the committee shall be to further the objectives of NCNAby establishing policy and overseeing its implementation and the investment of funds in conjunction with any Technical Support Groups the association sees fit to establish.
4.2NCNAadopts the Rules of England Netball (including the articles of association and membership regulations) and the England Netball Safeguarding Policy.
5.1Where possible the composition of the CNA shall be
Voting Members:-
b)Vice Chair
e)Officiating Officer League/Affiliations Officer
f)Coaching Officer
g)Umpiring Officer
h)Competitions Officer
i)Publicity Officer Website/Publicity Officer (job share)
j)Schools Officer
k)Performance Officer
l)Complaints Officer
m)Safeguarding Adviser
n)Youth Representative
o)Clubs/ Leagues Representative
p)Up to 2 other members appointed by the CNA
Non Voting Member
q)The England Netball ‘Netball Development Officer’ who, in addition, may not hold any of the posts listed in 5.1a) - 5.1j) inclusive.
5.2The CNA shall meet at least three times each year.
5.3The minutes of allCNA meetingswill be taken by the Secretary and circulated within three weeks of each meeting. In the absence of a Secretary the Chair will appoint a member of the committee to cover this role.
5.4No full time employee of England Netball may hold any post listed in 5.1a)-5.1d) inclusive without special permission from the Chief Executive Officer.
5.5All CNA members will sign up to the England Netball code of conduct and will complete a declaration of interest form.
5.6The Chairman, Treasurer and all the Elected Members shall serve until the end of the Annual General Meeting immediately following the second anniversary of their appointment. At the end of their term of office any elected member is entitled to stand for re-election to the same position.
5.7The CNA may fill any vacancy that may occur during the year. If this involves filling an elected position then that person must offer themselves for election at the next Annual General Meeting following their initial appointment.
5.8Non elected members will serve for a period of two years. At the end of that period,they must relinquish their appointment but may be re-appointed at the discretion of the CNA.
5.9At CNA meetings each voting member present shall have one vote. In the event of a tie of votes, the Chairman shall have a second and casting vote.
5.10All Elected members must hold a current affiliation to England Netball.
5.11Any person seeking election to the CNA must be supported by two members of NCNAentitled to vote at General Meeting. If a nominee wishes to apply for a CAN position, nominations must be received 28 days prior to the date of the General Meeting at which the election is due to take place.
5.12All vacant positions and those up for re-election will be openly advertised, details sent direct to member clubs and displayed on the County website (where one is in place) at least 28 days prior to the AGM.
5.13A post on the CNA may be vacated if the officeholder:-
a)gives 28 days notice in writing of their resignation from the post;
b)is absent for 2 consecutive meetings without justifiable reason;
c)fails to submit a report for 2 consecutive meetings without justifiable reason; or
d)is requested to resign by a majority vote of the CNA.
5.14The quorum of the CNA shall be 3 voting members.
5.15At all CNA meetings, committee members will be prepared to submit a progress report as agreed with the Chair.
6.1The CNA may establish such ‘Technical Support Groups’ as it may deem necessary and shall determine their membership and terms of reference.
6.2The CNA may co-opt members on to the Technical Support Groups as it deems necessary.
6.3The CNA may, at the request of England Netball, nominate appropriate person(s) to serve on any national standing, working or technical committee established by England Netball.
6.4The CNA shall have the power to raise funds by a levy on members as it sees fit but the amount of such levy shall be subject to the agreement of the membership in General Meeting. The levy will be collected either
a)by the County NetballAssociations if a club pays its affiliation fees through that Association; or
b)by England Netball for those member clubs who affiliate directly through England Netball.
The CNA shall also have the power to raise funds from other means including but not exclusively, grants and sponsorship.
6.5The CNA may agree a budget in line with the CNA aims, objectives and County Plan and spend funds as detailed in the annual budget.
7.1The Annual General Meeting shall be held before August each year. The CNA shall determine the date of the Annual General Meeting in advance and must advise all affiliated member clubs and schoolsof the date and positions for election at least 28 days in advance of the set date.
7.2All nominations and proposals must be submitted by first claim affiliated clubs; middle or secondary schools and received by the CNA at least 28 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting.
7.3 Formal Notice of the Annual General Meeting, with a copy of the Agenda, together with all proposals and details of nominations for office, shall be circulated not less than 21 days prior to the date of such a meeting, to each member of the CNA and affiliated club, middle, upper and secondary schools.
7.4At all General Meetings, if the Chairman is not present then the Chairman of the meeting shall be elected from those present at the meeting.
7.5Business to be transacted at the Annual General Meeting shall be –
- To receive reports
- To elect Members of the Association as appropriate.
- To consider any proposed resolution submitted in writing 28 days before the date of the General Meeting, which has been proposed and seconded by two members of NCNAentitled to vote at General Meetings.
- To agree the Affiliation Fees for each membership category as defined in clause 3.2.
7.6.No person attending shall be permitted to more than one vote each.
7.7Only Registered Participants of England Netball and representatives ofmember schools, provided the representative is currently employed at that school, are entitled to attend General meetings. They may speak but are not entitled to vote unless they are:
i The Chair, Treasurer, Secretary or the accredited deputy of a member club affiliated to the County: or
ii The representative of a member club; or
iiiThe representative of a member middle, upper or secondary school paying the higher rate school’s membership fee to England Netball.
7.8Present members of the CNAare entitled to attend and speak, but may not vote unless they are a club or school representative as defined in the preceding sentences.
7.9The Chairman shall convene an Extraordinary General Meeting at any time –
iBy order of the CNA;or
iiBy written request of any five member clubs and schools as defined in Clause 3.2.i above, stating the purpose for which a meeting is required and setting out any resolution which it is desired to propose, and such a meeting shall be convened within28days from receiving the request.
7.10A quorum of a General Meeting shall be seven voting members.
7.11At General Meetings all resolutions shall be passed by simple majority of those present and entitled to vote. In the event of a tie of votes cast, the Chairman of the Meeting shall have a second and / or casting vote in addition to that conferred in Clause 7.7 above.
7.12The minutes of all general meetings will be taken by the Secretary. In the absence of a Secretary the Chair will appoint a member of the committee to cover this role.
8.1The financial year shall end on 30 June.
8.2The accounts will be annually reviewed by an independent, competent person whose report will be made available to the voting members at the AGM.
8.3NCNAis a ‘not for profit’ organisation, all funds generated will be paid towards the furtherance of the objectives outlined in section two. All funds or other property of NCNA shall not be paid to or distributed among members of the RMB. Payment to individuals, other than petty cash expenses, shall be sanctioned by the RMB.
8.4Members of the NCNA will be able to claim all out of pocket expenses incurred through fulfilling the responsibilities of their role in line with the NCNA/ England Netball expenses policy. Expense claims will be authorised by the treasurer. Where claims exceed £100 these will be authorised by both Treasurer and Chair.
9.1Proposals to alter the Constitution shall be submitted in writing not later than 28 days before the Annual General Meeting by –
ithe CNA; OR
iiTwo members of NCNAentitled to vote in General Meetings.
These shall be selected as necessary in accordance with England Netball regulations currently in force.
In the event of the dissolution, the funds remaining shall be;
- Passed to England Netballfor the benefit of the County in line with the objectives detailed within the County constitution.
Complaints will be referred to the most local level. The CNA will follow the guidelines set out in the England Netball codes of conduct and disciplinary manual.
All members of the County should ensure that the County complies with all relevant and applicable laws and regulations in England.
Approved: ………………………………………
County Netball Association Chair Role Description
Title / Northumberland County Netball Association ChairAim / To ensure an efficient, effective and well managed County Association
What will I have to do ? / Attend and Chair County committee meetings and the AGM, liaising with the Secretary to set the agenda and agree dates for meetings
To represent the County at other appropriate meetings including the North East Regional Management Board and North East AGM
To ensure that all County committee members and affiliated members are able to have a ‘voice’ on delivery in the County
Provide leadership for the County taking decisions as required with consultation with the County committee
Hold the casting vote in the event of a split decision
Ensure that all meetings and other work undertaken throughout the County are necessary and carried out effectively
To work closely with the Northumberland NDO to ensure development and delivery of the County Plan
To provide support / guidance to County members where appropriate
Liaise with the County treasurer to ensure funds are spent properly in the best interest of its members.
To liaise with colleagues at England Netball and England Netball North East as and when required
To communicate and meet with the NDO a minimum of bi monthly
How much time will I need to give? / Approximately 6 hours per month, (this includes attending meetings and communication via email and telephone).
What do I need to do this role? / Enthusiasm
Good organisation skills
Prepared to make instant decisions when necessary
Confident at public speaking and keeping order during meetings.
A good listener, engaging all members in discussion.
Experience of project management.
What are the benefits & how will you support me? / Satisfaction of making a vital difference.
Platform for future volunteering/employment opportunities.
Enjoyment of meeting new people as part of a team.
Northumberland Complaints Secretary – Roles and Responsibilities
- To receive complaints from Northumberland County Netball Association members including clubs, coaches and volunteers
- To set up an Investigation Panel from a list of agreed people
- To correspond with the complainant (person making the complaint), confirm receipt of complaint
- To correspond with the respondent (person who is being complained about), inform them of complaint received and the next steps
- Receive decision and any recommendations from the Investigation Panel on an Investigation Panel Record Form
- Notify the complainant and respondent of any decisions from the investigation panel
- Ensure a record of all offences, sanctions and correspondence, documents and witness statements, and minutes/result of the investigation panel are kept in secure conditions in the event they are required at a later appeal.
County Netball Association Vice Chair Role Description
Title / Northumberland County Netball Association Vice ChairAim / To work with the County Netball Association Chair to ensure an efficient, effective and well managed County Association
What will I have to do ? / Attend County committee meetings
Attend the County’s AGM
To provide support and guidance to the Chair
Support the Chair and undertake work assigned by the Chair.
Take the Chair at Committee meetings when the Chair is unable to attend.
To represent the County at appropriate meetings where necessary
To Chair the County’s disciplinary committee
To provide support/guidance to County members where appropriate
To assist Committee members as and when necessary
How much time will I need to give? / Approximately 4 hours per month, (this includes attending meetings and communication via email and telephone).
What do I need to do this role? / Good management and leadership skills
Good organisational skills
The ability to make decisions
Good communication skills
The ability to delegate
The treasurer shall be elected at an AGM and shall:
- Be responsible for the bank account and account for the management of financial matters.
- Keep detailed records of all income and expenditure.
- Reimburse expenses as appropriate providing supporting documents.
- Work with the affiliation secretary ensuring EN has paid the club county affiliation fee.
- To be responsible for writing of cheques to pay expenditures
- To recommend action on all financial matters
- To present written financial reports at all meetings.
- To be responsible for the finalisation and presentation of the annual accounts at the AGM.
- Recommend to the committee the name of suitable qualified accountants to be appointed auditors of the Association.
- To be instrumental in producing a working budget for the County for the coming season and to advise the committee if that budget is not adhered to.
- To bank all monies in the current or deposit account.
- To produce a budget forecast for future years.
- Attend committee meetings.
Umpiring Secretary
The Umpiring Secretary shall be elected annually at an AGM and shall:
- Promote an interest in umpiring at all levels
- To improve the standard of umpiring at all levels through training courses
- Receive all correspondence relating to umpiring and to disperse the same information throughout the County as necessary
- Work with the Netball Development Officer organise courses, workshops and forums as necessary
- Book venues / tutors / supplying all necessary requirements.
- Be responsible for advising the leagues and clubs of all the courses/workshops/forums taking place within the County/Region/Nationally.
- Collect monies from all participants attending courses.
- Provide Treasurer with claim forms to be paid
- Supply Information back to EN/ENSR/NDO/other sources as required.
- Keep a record of all qualified umpires and testers at all levels within Northumberland
- Establish and run a sub-committee (if there is a need) that will be responsible to the County Committee and bring forward recommendations for approval
- Provide an annual report at the AGM and other meetings as required.
- Work in close co-operation with the Regional Umpiring Secretary and be responsible for the planning, organisation and recording of tests at all levels
- Be responsible for organising testers for both Beginner and C Awards
- Be responsible for organising umpiring for all county tournaments, satellite trials and academies
- Represent the County at all regional/national umpiring meetings and be responsible for publicising information
- Control sales of rule books etc
- Attend committee meetings
Affiliation Secretary