Eastern NC Shag Club

Business Meeting

July 1, 2015 Minutes

President Brenda Brooks called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. She welcomed everyone and introduced the officers for 2015-2016 Fiscal Year, which include: Vice President, Edna Denton; Secretary remains to be Deborah Linton; Treasurer remains to be Helen Pase. Board Members are: Alonza Gray, Jane Haislip, Billy Layton, Rod Stem and Fred Tetterton. There were additions to be added to the web-posted agenda which included Shag lessons, the DJ policy, and places for the club to meet.

Cynthia Cox (filling in for Secretary, Deborah Linton) read June minutes to club members; there was one correction: Fun Monday was tabled for the next meeting. Minutes were approved.

Treasurer, Helen Pase reported May’s treasury report with an ending balance of $6,526.35, which this amount also includes the Sue Hallow Memorial of $630.00. June’s ending balance was $7,216.35, which included Sue Hallow Memorial (current) of $755.00, Motions were made, seconded and passed to approve the treasurer’s reports.

Vice President, Edna Denton reported that Fun Monday raffle tickets were for sale ($10 each) and she will manage the tickets and must turnin what is not sold by the end of August.

Standing Committee Reports:

Ways and Means: No Report

Social Committee: Chairperson is needed

Remembrance: Chairperson, Cynthia Cox sent thinking of you cards to the following members: Chuck and Gayle Bosse (both had some health issues) Beth and David Galloway (both had surgery); Donna Kelly Sugg had back surgery.

Membership: Mike Folk reports membership is now at 135 as of tonight; 53 joined at Re-up Party at Graham’s River House; 11 to be voted in tonight. Mike said he had made efforts to contact members who have not yet rejoined; Mary Waters offered to make phone calls to assist him.

DJ Report: Jackie Haislip reported that the DJ report on the website had been updated.

Old Business: annual audit of treasury books was completed by Rod Stem,Ron Webb, and

Mike Folk.

SOS Fun Monday BBQ Sale in Myrtle Beach: Billy Layton and John Daigle are co-chairing this and will need helpers at 5:00 AM. Five or six people will need to help set up and prepare to assist with cooking. Volunteers will be needed from 10:30 until 2:30 to work on site. Dave Walker will purchase pork butts on September 21. A sheet was passed around for people planning to attend SOS to please sign-up for this event. Treasurer, Helen Pase would be also be present to assist.

Club Social Parties

Shag-o-Ween: Addie Lou will research on what to do with joining with other clubs, she will plan to meet with Shirley Weaver with Sugar Foot Club, and report back at the August 5 meeting.

Pirates Cove Party (September) in Myrtle Beach: Addie Lou will check with Austin Waters on this.
Mardi Gras: Addie Lou plans to perhaps chair this party again (March)

Sue Hallow Memorial Fundraiser: Committee set up: Fred Tetterton, Billy Layton, and Donnie Hudson. Donnie and Amber are also working on the fundraiser for this Memorial

Tie Breakers Report: we can continue to meet at Tie Breakers from 6:00 until 9:30 PM each Sunday night until September 6; then Tie Breakers management has other plans for Sunday nights. A motion was made for us to move to Tuesday or Wednesday; an email would be set out by Edna for members to vote; Edna will manage this. A motion was made, voted, and passed for Ronnie Matthews to continue to teach shag lessons at 5:00 until September 6. The Club will pay Ronnie $25 for each Sunday night.

DJ Review Policy was set up to include Jackie (Chairperson), Brenda Brooks, Graham Mills, Billy Layton, and Phyllis Nixon.

Rod Stem thanked Donnie Hudson for his two year leadership as President and thanked members helping with “troubled waters” with City Hotel matters with our club.

Motion made, seconded and passed to adjourn at 7:40 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Cynthia Cox (filling in for Deborah Linton)