DPNS 63:2001

DPNS 63:2001


As of 03 April 2002

Blended hydraulic cements – Specification



DPNS 63:2001



This Philippine National Standard Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cement was revised by the Bureau of Product Standards and its Technical Committee on Cement and Lime (BPS/TC 3).

This standard was first published in 19___ by the former Product Standards Agency, revised in 1987 to include the general requirements for Type 1P pozzolan cement for use in general construction and was amended twice in 1988 and 1989 to incorporate necessary provisions appropriate for the period mentioned.

This second revision introduced the following changes;

  1. The replacement of the title from Specification of Pozzolan Cement to Specifications of Blended Hydraulic Cements.
  1. The addition of Blended hydraulic cement in the definition.
  1. The addition of the word portland to pozzolan cement to become portland-pozzolan cement.
  1. The inclusion of Materials and Manufacture to replace clause 5 title, additions.
  1. The limit for lost – on – ignition (LOI) has been changed from 8.0% by mass maximum to 10.0% by mass maximum to enable the use of indigenous material.
  1. The air content is now classified as optional physical requirement which must be satisfied when specifically required.
  1. The transfer of the optional physical requirement to Table 3.
  1. The inclusion of other net quantities in clause 10 provided they meet the requirements of either 11.1 & 11.2 of this standard.
  1. The changing of color of three bonds from yellow to green.
  1. Addition of shipping information for cement shipped in bulk as specified in 11.3 of this standard.
  1. Inclusion of the product quality mark for local brands and batch identification number for imported cement in the package marking.
  1. The use of labeling stickers for imported cement to identify manufacturer (name and address) importer (name & address) and import commodity clearance (ICC) number of the particular shipment.



DPNS 63:2001

  1. Inclusion of no. 200 (75 micron) sieve pozzolan fineness and moisture content for testing or verification purposes in Table A – 1 of Annex A.
  1. The addition of 5 days in the period for completion of testing and the reduction from 3 mass % to 2 mass % of the tolerable limit of the total content below the mass marked at the cement bag in Annex B.
  1. Addition of Annex C, The procedure for the Pozzolanic Activity Index test with portland.

In the preparation of this standard, ASTM C 595 – 00, the American Society for Testing and Materials Standard specifications for Blended Cement was considered.



DPNS 63:2001



Blended hydraulic cements – Specification


This standard specifies the requirements for blended hydraulic cements for use in general concrete construction.


The title of the standards publications referred to in this standard are listed on the inside back cover.


For the purpose of this standard, related terms defined in PNS 37 and the following definitions shall apply:


blended hydraulic cement

a hydraulic cement consisting of two or more inorganic constituents (at least one of which is not portland cement or portland cement clinker) which separately or in combination contribute to the strength-gaining properties of the cement, (made with or without other constituents, processing additions and functional additions, by intergrinding or other blending processes).


portland-pozzolan cement

a hydraulic cement consisting of an intimate and uniform blend of portland cement and fine pozzolan produced by:

3.2.1intergrinding portland cement clinker, gypsum and pozzolan or;

3.2.2blending portland cement and finely divided pozzolan or;

3.2.3combination of intergrinding and blending;

in which the pozzolan constituent is less than 25 mass % of portland-pozzolan cement when for general concrete construction and more than 25 mass % of portland–pozzolan cement when higher strengths at early ages are not required.



a siliceous or siliceous and aluminous material, which in itself possesses little or no cementitious value but which will in finely divided form and in the presence of moisture, chemically react with calcium hydroxide at ordinary temperature to form compounds possessing cementitious properties.



DPNS 63:2001


Blended hydraulic cements shall be of the followingtypes:

4.1Type P - Portland-pozzolan cement for use in concrete construction where high strengths at early ages are not required.

4.2Type IP - Portland-pozzolan cement for use in general construction.

5.Materials and manufacture

5.1Portland cement - For purpose of this specification, portland cement meeting the requirements of specification PNS 07 is suitable Portland cement or other hydraulic materials, or both, containing high free lime maybe used as long as the autoclave test limits for the blended cement are met.

5.2Portland cement clinker - Portland cement clinker shall be partially fused clinker consisting primarily of hydraulic calcium silicates.

5.3Portland-pozzolan cement - Please see definition.

5.4Pozzolan - Please see definition.

5.5When processing additions are used in the manufacture of cement, they shall have been shown to meet the requirements of specification PNS 36 in the amount used.

5.6When functional additions are used, they shall have been shown to meet the requirements of specification PNS ___ when tested with the cement to be used, in the amount used.

5.7Other additions - The cement covered by this specification shall contain no additions except as provided for above except that water or calcium sulfate or both, may be added in amounts so that the limits shown in Table 1 for sulfate reported as SO3 and loss on ignition are not exceeded.

NOTE 1 The calcium sulfate is gypsum or anhydrite or both.

6Chemical requirements

6.1Blended hydraulic cements shall conform to the applicable chemical requirements prescribed in table 1 when tested in accordance with PNS 693/ASTM C114.

Table 1 - Chemical requirements

Chemical composition / Percent by mass, max.
Magnesium oxide ( MgO ) / 5.0
Sulfur trioxide ( SO3 ) / 4.0
Loss on Ignition ( LOI ) / 10.0

6.2At the request of the purchaser, the manufacturer shall state in writing the amount and composition of the essential constituents used in the manufacture of the finished cement and the composition of the blended cement purchased.

6.3If the purchaser has requested the manufacturer to state in writing the composition of the blended cement purchased, the composition furnished shall conform within the following tolerances:

6.3.1Silicon dioxide ( SiO2 ) :+ 3%

6.3.2Aluminum oxide ( Al2O3 ) : + 2%

6.3.3Calcium oxide ( CaO ) : + 3%

NOTE 2 This means that if the manufacturer’s statement of the composition says“SiO2: 32 %” , the cement when analyzed, shall be found to contain between 29 and 35% SiO2.

6.4The manufacturer shall also state in writing that the amount of pozzolan in the finished cement will not vary more than +5 mass % of the finished cement from lot to lot or within a lot.

7Physical requirements

Blended hydraulic cements of the types specified, and pozzolan material shall conform to the applicable physical requirements prescribed in table 2 and annex A respectively.

Table 2 - Physical requirements

Physical requirements



/ Method of test




Fineness (Blaine method),
m2/kg,minimum / 280 / 280 / PNS 700/ASTM C 204
Autoclave expansion or
contraction, %, maximum / 0.50 / 0.50 / PNS 701/ASTM C 151
Time of Setting, Vicat test
Initial set, hr-min, minimum
Final set, hr-min, maximum / 00 – 45’
70 – 00’ / 00 – 45’
70 – 00’ / PNS 703/ASTM C 191
Compressive strength, MPa
(psi), minimum
3 days
7 days
28days / -
(1500 psi)
(3000 psi) / 12.4
(1800 psi)
(2800 psi)
(3500 psi) / PNS 704/ASTM C 109

Table 3 - Optional physical requirements – These optional requirements shall apply only when specifically requested.

Optional physical requirements



/ Method of test




Air content of mortar,a )
volume %, maximum / 12 / 12 / PNS 698/ASTM C 185
Heat of hydration, b ) kJ/kg,
7 days
28days / 251
293 / 293
335 / PNS 694/ASTM C 186
Mortar expansion, c ) % maximum
14 days
8 weeks / 0.02
0.060 / 0.02
0.06 / PNS ___/ASTM C 227
Drying shrinkage, d ) % maximum / 0.15 / 0.15 / Annex A
a) The air content is an optional requirement for countries with tropical climate.
b) Heat of hydration is an optional requirement and maybe performed at the
request of the purchaser.
c) The test for mortar expansion is an optional requirement to be applied only
at the purchaser’s request and should not be requested unless the cement will
be used with alkali-reactive aggregates.
d) Drying shrinkage should be conducted at the request of the purchaser


Blended hydraulic cementshall be sampled in accordance with PNS 695/ASTM C 183 and inspected in accordance with Annex B.

9Test methods

Blended hydraulic cements of the specified types and pozzolan material shall be tested in accordance with the method of tests listed in table 2 - Physical requirements, table 3 - Optional physical requirements and annex A – Pozzolan for use in blended cement and annex C - Pozzolanic activity index with portland cement procedure respectively.


Each type of portland–pozzolan cement may be shipped in bags or in bulk. If bags are used, it shall be packed in net quantities of 40 kilograms, 50 kilograms or any other net quantities conforming with either 11.1 or 11.2 of this standard.


11.1Each package of portland-pozzolan cement, type P or type 1P shall be conspicuously marked in at least one face with the following:

11.1.1Name and address of manufacturer

11.1.2 Type of blended hydraulic cement: Type – P : Portland–pozzolan cement. For use in construction where high strengths at early ages are not required. Type – IP: Portland-pozzolan cement. For use in general concrete constructions.

11.1.3 Trade name or brand name

11.1.4Trademark of the manufacturer

11.1.5Net mass of cement in kg

11.1.6The word “Product of the Philippines”

11.1.7Product quality mark

11.1.8Green color band(s) with dimensions as shown below.

8 cm 8 cm 8 cm

11.2 Each package of imported portland-pozzolan cement shall be marked and labeled in at least one face with the following:

11.2.1The name, address of manufacturer and importer and the import commodity clearance (ICC) number of the particular shipment

11.2.2 Type of blended hydraulic cement: – P : Portland–pozzolan cement. For use in construction where high strengths at early ages are not required. – 1P: Portland-pozzolan cement. For use in general concrete constructions.

11.2.3Trade name or brand name

11.2.4Trademark of the manufacturer

11.2.5Net mass of cement in kg

11.2.6The country of manufacture

11.2.7The batch identification number

11.2.8Green color band(s) with dimensions as shown in 11.1.8 of this standard.

11.3Each shipment in bulk shall be accompanied by a shipping document containing the following information:

11.3.1Name, address of manufacturer and/or importer

11.3.2Bulk carrier

11.3.3 Type of blended hydraulic cement: – P : Portland–pozzolan cement. For use in construction where high strengths at early ages are not required. – 1P: Portland-pozzolan cement. For use in general concrete constructions.

11.3.4Trade name or brand name

11.3.5Trademark of the manufacturer

11.3.6Net mass of cement in kg or in ton

11.3.7The word “Product of the Philippines” or country of manufacture if imported.


The cement shall be stored in such a manner as to permit easy access for proper inspection and identification of each shipment and in a suitable weathertight building that will protect the cement from dampness and minimize warehouse set.

Annex A

Pozzolan for use in blended cement

A.1 Pozzolan that is to be blended with finished portland cement to produce pozzolan cement shall be tested in the same state of subdivision as that in which it is to be blended. It shall conform to the fineness requirement and at least one of the alternative pozzolanic strength requirements of table A1. Pozzolan that is to be interground with portland cement clinker in the production of portland-pozzolan cement and that does not meet the fineness requirements of table A-1 may, before testing for conformance with the fineness requirement and the strength requirements of table A-1, be ground in the laboratory to a fineness not exceeding that at which it is believed to be present in the finished cement. It is the manufacturer’s responsibility to decide on the fineness at which the testing is to be carried out, and when requested to do so by a purchaser to report the information upon which the decision was based.

Table A-1 - Physical requirements for pozzolan for use in blended cement

Requirement / Limit / Method of test
Pozzolan fineness a):
  1. Amount retained when wet sieved on
45 um (No. 325) Sieve, %, maximum
  1. Amount retained when wet sieved on
75 um (No. 200) Sieve, %, maximum / 20.0
00.0 / PNS ___/ASTM C 430
PNS ___/ASTM C 786
Moisture content,a) % maximum / 1.0 / PNS ___/ASTM C 311
Pozzolan activity index test:
with portland cement, % minimum / 75 / PNS ___/ASTM C 311
a) For testing or verification purposes

A.2 For sampling and testing pozzolan, one (2.0 kg) sample shall be taken from approximately each 400 metric tons of pozzolan. Test method PNS __/ASTM C 311.

A.3 Drying Shrinkage - PNS/ASTM Method C 157. Make three specimens, using the proportion of dry materials of: 1 part of cement to 2.75 parts of ASTM Method graded Ottawa sand. Use a curing period of 6 days and an air storage period of 28 days. Report the linear contraction during air storage based on an initial measurement after the 6-day water-curing period. This shall be conducted at the request of the purchaser.

Annex B

Inspection and rejection


Every facility shall be provided to the purchaser by the supplier/manufacturer for careful inspection and sampling of the finished cement and the essential constituents used in its production. The finished cement may be inspected and sampled at the mill or at any distribution site controlled by the manufacturer or at the site of the work, as agreed by the purchaser and seller. The following periods from time of sampling shall be allowed for completion of testing:

3-day test / 13 days
7-day test / 17 days
14-day test / 24 days
28-day test / 38 days
8-week test / 66 days


B.2.1 The cement shall be rejected if it fails to meet any of the requirements of this specification.

B.2.2 Cement remaining in bulk storage at the works prior to shipment, for a period greater than six months after completion of the tests shall be retested and shall be rejected if it fails to conform to any of the requirements of this specification.

B.2.3 Packages weighing 2 % less than the mass marked thereon shall be rejected; and if the average ass of the packages in any shipment, as shown by weighing 50 packages taken at random, is less than that marked on the packages, the entire shipment shall be rejected.

Annex C

Pozzolanic activity index with portland cement procedure

C.1Specimen preparation

C.1.1Mold, cure, and test the specimens from a control mix and from a test mix in accordance with Method C 109/C 109M. The portland cement used in the control mix shall meet the requirements of Specification C 150, and shall be the type, and if available, the brand of cement to be used in the work. In the test mix, replace 35 % of the absolute volume of the amount of cement used in the control mix by an equal absolute volume of the test sample. Make three-cube batches as follows:

C.1.1.1Control mix:

250 g of Portland Cement

687.5 g of graded Ottawa sand

X ml of water required for flow of 100 to 115

C1.1.2Test mix:

162.5 g Portland cement

687.5 g graded Ottawa sand

87.5 x specific gravity of sample / specific gravity of portland cement,

grams of sample

Y ml of water required for flow of 100 to 115

C.2Storage of specimens

C.2.1After molding, place the specimens and molds (on the base plates) in the moist room or cabinet at 23 + 1.7 deg C for 20 to 24 h. While in the moist room or cabinet, protect the surface from dripping water. Remove the molds from the moist room or cabinet and remove the cubes from the molds. Place the cubes in close-fitting metal or glass containers (Note C1.1), seal the containers airtight, and store at 38 + 1.7 deg C for 27 days. Allow the specimens to cool to 23 + 1.7 deg C before testing.

NOTE C.1.1 Use any metal or glass container having a capacity of three cubes if it can be sealed airtight by an appropriate sealing method. Containers of light-tinned sheet metal with inside dimensions of 52 mm by 52 mm by 160 mm have been found to be satisfactory. Wide-mouth Mason jars of 1-L capacity have been found to be satisfactory, provided care is taken to prevent breakage.

C.3Compressive strength test

C.3.1Determine the compressive strength test of the three specimens of the control mix and of the test mix at an age of 28 days in accordance with Test Method C 109/ C109M.


C.4.1Calculate the pozzolanic activity index (PAI) with portland cement as follows:

PAI with portland cement = ( A / B ) x 100

where :

A is the average compressive strength of test mix cubes, MPa ; and

B is the average compressive strength of control mix cubes, Mpa.

C.5Precision and Bias

C.5.1Precision - Single operator precision, on blended cements using fly ash is essentially the same as on fly ash / cement blends in Research Report C09-1001 and it was found to have 3.8 % coefficient of variation (1s %). This indicates that results of two properly conducted tests by the same operator should not differ by more than 10.7 % (d2s) of the average of two results. Since the test is performed solely for the purpose of manufacturer certification of raw material quality, no multilaboratory precision is applicable.

C.5.2Bias- Since there are no standard reference materials, bias cannot be determined.



DPNS 63:2001

References PNS 63:2001

The following standards contain provisions, which through reference in the text form part of this national standard. At the time of publication of this PNS, the editions indicated were valid:

PNS 36:2001/ASTM C465 – 99, Specification for Processing Additions for Use in the Manufacture of Hydraulic Cements

PNS 37:2001/ASTM C219 - 99a, Standard Definition of Terms Relating to Hydraulic Cement

PNS 270:2001, Multi-wall sacks for cement - Specification

PNS 693:2001/ASTM C114 – 99, Standard Methods for Chemical Analysis of Hydraulic Cement

PNS 694:2001/ASTM C186 – 98, Standard Test Method for Heat of Hydration of Hydraulic Cement

PNS 695:2001/ASTM C183 – 97, Standard Methods of Sampling of Hydraulic Cement

PNS 698:2001/ASTM C185 – 99, Standard Test Method for Air-Content of Hydraulic Cement Mortar

PNS 700:2001/ASTM C 204 – 96a, Standard Test Method for Fineness of Portland Cement by Air Permeability Apparatus

PNS 701:2001/ASTM C151 - 98a, Standard Test Method for Autoclave Expansion of Portland Cement

PNS 703:2001/ASTM C191 – 99, Standard Test Method for Time of Setting of Hydraulic Cement by Vicat Needle

PNS 704:2001/ASTM C109 – C109M – 99, Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2-in. or [ 50-mm ] Cube Specimens)

PNS ___: 2001/ASTM C430 – 96, Test Method for Fineness of Hydraulic Cement by the No. 325 (45 micron) Sieve

PNS ___:2001/ASTM C688 – 96, Specification for Functional Additions for Use in the Manufacture of Hydraulic Cements

PNS ___:2001/ASTM C227 – 97a, Standard Test Method for potential Alkali Reactivity of Cement Aggregate Combinations (Mortar Bar Method)

PNS ___:2001/ASTM C157 / C157M – 99, Standard Test Method for Length Change of Hardened Cement Mortar and Concrete



DPNS 63:2001

PNS ___ :2001/ASTM C311 – 98b, Standard Method of Sampling and Testing Fly Ash or Natural Pozzolans for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete


PNS - Philippine National Standard

ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials