1|Page EISA Board of Directors – Jan. 7, 2017

Eastern Irish Setter Association, Inc. (EISA) – Meeting of the Board of Director (BOD)

AGENDA: Saturday January7, 2017
Location: 10:00 am at Mariette O’Malley, 1 Jeffrey Lane, Cinnaminson NJ 08077

A. Call to Order and Attendance (see attached p. 4) Time:
Theobject of the Association shall be “to promote and improve the breed of Irish Setters; to instruct its member in all matters pertaining to Irish Setters; and topromote and support activities relating to the breed of Irish Setters.”

B. Report of Recording Secretary: Fiona Geiser

Reading & Approval of the minutes from the last Board meeting on Nov. 11, 2016


Motion: 2nd

C. Report of Corresponding Secretary – Anne Marie Kubacz
Review of the Proposed 2017 EISA Event Calendar (attached p. )

Motion: 2nd

D. Report of Treasurer - Lynn Kwiatkowski

F. Report of President – Susan Sullivan

Proposed Committee Assignments (attached p. )


Motion: 2nd

G. Old Business – See attached Review of Annual Checklist (see p. 2-3)

H. New Business – Approval of New Member and Consideration of Honorary Member

I. Good and Welfare

J. Adjournment

Motion: 2nd Time:

G. Annual EISA Checklist (provided by Anne Marie Kubacz – Corresponding Secretary)

  1. Audit committee set up to review prior year as per Constitution
  2. Set club calendar for year
  3. Select Committee chairpersons (liaisons)
  4. On even years, judges selection committee puts ballot in January Blarneyfor initial voting and April Blarneyfor final votes.
  5. Renew EISA Website - see page 5

Update: (Fiona Geiser – Website Liaison) Submit to Treasurer Invoice No.

  1. Application for club plaques must go in January Blarney -

Update (Lydia Miller – Annual Awards Chair & Liaison)

  1. Need motion for trophy donation and ad for all ISCA National events of the calendar year; someone needs to be designated to write the ad; the treasurer mails the funds to ISCA.

Update (Anne Marie – Trophy Committee Liaison)
Motion: 2nd

  1. For trophies, Karolynne and Lynne Kwiatkowski (Treasurer) need to keep a master list of who has paid and for what show.
  2. Requests for payment for trophies need to be sent right after event is finished, and donors should pay this bill within 4 weeks of the event. It is best to try and collect the donations as they are made, so that reminders do not have to be sent. There is a motion that states that people who have unpaid debts to EISA may not exhibit at our events, although this has not had to be invoked often!
  3. Copies should be kept of all checks that are sent as membership payment or trophy payment.
  1. Make sure all paperwork is filed for 2017Harvest Cluster Outdoor (with ISCA and AKC) –

Update (Debra – Harvest Cluster Liaison – see p. 12 for report )

  1. Make sure WGS has treasurer’s address so check is sent to correct person.

Update (Anne Marie Kubacz– WGS Liaison)

  1. Collection notices for lapsed members need to be mailed by treasurer by March 31st and that should include a reminder that checks must be received by April 10th.
  1. FILE all paperwork with AKC for EISA shows and supported entries. –

Update (Lynn Kwiatkowski ; Anne M. Kubacz)

  1. AKC educational requirements should be reviewed by board, to be sure enough events/educational opportunities are offered- Update
  1. AKC notified of EISA officers and directors for calendar year: A.M. Kubacz, see p. 11
  1. Select Bench show committee for Indoor –Update (Anne Marie – WGS Indoor)
  1. Update 2016 Field trial
    Update: Sue Sullivan (Field Trial)
  2. Update 2016 Agility event and amount raised toward 2017 National fund

Update: Lynne Godshall (Agility) (See attached Financial Report )


  1. On even years, judges selection puts ballot for 2nd voting in April Blarney
  2. Board decides if grooming/handling or other clinic to be held in next calendar year
  3. Review of WGS if report received
  4. Make sure all paperwork is filed for Indoor for following calendar year (with ISCA & AKC)
  5. Select supported entry locations for 2017 calendar year
  6. Nominating committee selected by board (at May BOD meeting)


  1. On even years, judges selection takes place for specialties and supported entries
  2. Determine location for Holiday party if not already done.
  3. Directors & Officers Insurance for the following year is due October/November with Equisure.
  4. Select Bench show committee for Outdoor
  5. Review of MSA if report not received by April board meeting
  6. Be sure nominating committee is set to meet in fall, and everyone has accepted.


  1. Review of Outdoor if possible
  2. Review of field trial if possible
  3. Dues reminder
  4. Report of nominating committee
  5. Regular club insurance is due by January 1st to Equisure

EISA 2017 Officers & Board of Directors (alphabetical order)

  1. Fiona Geiser (Recording Secretary) ; Tel 610-358-2950 Cell 484-437-8777
    Address: 1054 Wilson Avenue, Glen Mills, PA 19342
  2. Lynne Godshall (Class 2017) ; Tel 856-461-1389 Cell 856-986-1345
    Address: 724 Kossuth St., Riverside , NJ 08075
  3. Debra Hamilton (Class 2019) ; Tel 914-273-1095 Cell 914-552-5021
    Address: 6 Pioneer Trail, Armonk, NY 10504
  4. Lynn Kwiatkowski (Treasurer) ; Cell 201-274-6293
    Address: 3 Brook Dr., Chester, NJ 07930
  5. Debra Krasley (Class 2018) Cell 484-239-0041
    Address: 103 Evergreen Ct, Saylorsburg, PA 18353
  6. Rick Krasley (Class 2017) Cell 484-239-0041
    Address: 103 Evergreen Ct, Saylorsburg, PA 18353
  7. Anne Marie Kubacz (Corresponding Sec.) Cell 908-216-2357

Address: 170 S. Hope Chapel Rd., Jackson, NJ 08527

  1. Peter Kubacz (Class 2018) ; Cell 908-770-4271
    Address: 170 S. Hope Chapel Rd., Jackson, NJ 08527
  2. Patricia Lyons (Class 2019) ; Tel 610-558-0976
    Address: 1734 Middletown Rd., Glen Mills, PA 19342
  3. Lydia Miller (Class 2017) Tel 610-838-8532 Cell 610-730-4588
    Address: 10 Butternut Rd., Hellertown, PA 18055
  4. Mariette O’Malley ( Vice President.) Tel 856-829-0936
    Address: 1 Jeffrey Lane, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077
  5. Susan Sullivan (President) ; Cell 443-286-7713
    Address: 1728 Tacoma Rd., Edgewater, MD 21037
  6. Alex Van Meter (Class of 2018) Tel 609-500-1367 1 Richmond Ave., Lumberton, NJ 08048

Request for Website payment 2017 renewal (). Please mail payment of $109 to below address:


PO Box 620


Vic, 3353


Proposed 2017 EISA Committees: (* - Liaison to the EISA Board of Directors)

Standing Committees

AKC Canine Ambassadors: Debra Hamilton*, Connie Vanacore
Annual Awards: Lydia Miller*
Plaques: Lydia Miller
Bucks picnic: Lydia Miller

Audit: *
Blarney: Susan Sullivan*
Constitution: Mariette O’Malley*
Debra Hamilton, Richard Krasley
Judge Selection Committee: Charlie Sloughfy, Lynn Kwiatkowski*
Membership: Debra Krasley*
New Jersey Dog Federation:Susan Sullivan*
Susan Kwiatkowski (rep)
Nominations: Susan Sullivan*
Public Relations: Debra Hamilton*
Website: Fiona Geiser*
Facebook: Lynn Kwaitkowski*
Supported Entries: Peter Kubacz*
Anne Marie Kubacz
Trophies: Anne Marie Kubacz*
Nancy Salmon (chair), Karolynne McAteer, Mariette O’Malley, Bob Feizet

Event Committees
Agility Events: Lynne Godshall*, Susan Sullivan, Anne Marie Kubacz
EISA Field Trial: Susan Sullivan*
Sandy Jones (secretary), Pat Lyons
EISA Fun Day: Lynne Godshall*, Susan Sullivan
EISA Indoor WGS (Winter Garden Specialty): Ann Marie Kubacz*
Karolynne McAteer (chief steward), TBD (chair), Bob McKay, Lynn Kwiatkowski EISA Outdoor (Harvest Cluster): Debra Hamilton*, Lynn Kwiatkowski
Karolynne McAteer (chief steward,)Barbara Joyal (show chair), Brad Porterfield (grounds), Fiona Geiser (Raffle)

Proposed 2017 Bench Show Committees
Indoor & Outdoor: Peter Kubacz, Pat Lyons, Debra Hamilton, Lynne Godshall, Susan Kwiatkowski, Rick Krasley, Susan Sullivan
Field Trial: Susan Sullivan, Karolynne McAteer, Kevin Culver, Jean Culver, Sandy Jon es
Agility Trial: Lynne Godshall, Lynn Kwiatkowski, Susan Kwiatkowski, Sandy Ambrogi, Susan Sullivan, Anne Marie Kubacz