Your Guide to Emily Bronte Acute DayHospital
Emily Bronte Acute DayHospital
If you need support urgently because of mental ill health we provide an alternative to being admitted to hospital. We are a mental health team with a wide range of skills. Our aim is to help you towards recovery, by building on your individual strengths and abilities.
What we do
At the AcuteDayHospital we provide support and treatment for you during the day, so that you can return to your own home each evening. This will be over a period of weeks. The length of stay will depend on your individual needs. We often work in conjunction with the Home Treatment Team and your local Community Mental Health Team, so that you are getting the right care at the right time. We can also give support and advice to families and carers.
Who’s Who at Emily Bronte
Our staff have many different skills to help you towards recovery. These include:
- Mental Health Nurses – nurses specially trained in recognising the particular help your illness requires. They provide advice , support and medication
- Consultant Psychiatrist – a specialist who will monitor your condition during your stay at the Hospital, and make changes in medication if necessary
- DayHospital Doctor – Who will manage your day to day medical needs
- Psychologist – skilled at working with you on improving your mental health and general well being
- Occupational Therapists – specifically trained therapist that can support you to maximise your independence through the use of meaningful activity.
- Art Psychotherapist - a therapist who offers artmaking for expressing and exploring feelings to enhance self-discovery.
- Administrative staff – making sure that you are linked in to all the services you need.
Attending the Acute DayHospital
You will need to be referred to the AcuteDayHospital. This will usually be done by one of the services you are already in touch with, such as the Community Mental Health Team.
What happens next?
Once referred to the AcuteDayHospitalwe will contact you as soon as we are able. You will be asked to attend daily and take part in the programme of group activities throughout your time with us.
Your time at Emily Bronte will form an important part of your care plan, helping you towards recovery, and is part of your Care Programme Approach (CPA). All the time, we will be working with you so that you can be as independent as possible once your stay at Emily Bronte is over.
When are we open?
The EmilyBronteAcuteDayHospital is open Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm.
How to contact us?
You can contact us by telephone on xxxxxxxxxxxxxx or email on xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Our address is:
Ground Floor, Chapters House, GoodmayesHospital, Barley Lane, Ilford, IG3 8XJ
Some questions you may have
After I am referred, how long will it take before I see you?
We understand that you need urgent help to prevent your illness becoming more serious. We will invite you to attend the Hospital as soon as possible after receiving the referral.
What happens if I cannot attend on a particular day?
Contact us as soon as you can on xxxxxxxxxx. Each day forms an important part of your treatment, so you need to make every effort to attend.
Will everything I discuss at the Hospital be confidential?
Only staff directly concerned with your care will know your personal details.
What if I am not happy with my care?
First, contact our Team manager and discuss your concerns. We welcome comments on how our service could be improved. If you need to go further with your concerns you can contact North East Mental Health NHS Trust’s Complaints officer on 0844 600 1201 Ext. 4230