There was a special line-up for Wednesday afternoon and evening. The First-Timers Seminar, Chapter Fair and Block Party were well attended. Ice Cream was served while the Frustrated Maestros entertained us with old favorites. Some people were brave enough to participate in Karaoke.
Entertainment kicked off on Thursday night with the US Army Band from Ft.Lee, which included a jazz-Dixieland group who kept us clapping our hands and tapping our feet. The husband and wife team, the Rivolis, gave us an evening of their original songs about the RV life. Still Surfing presented Beach Boys-style music. Dust and Ashes brought the Rally to a close on Sunday morning.
We are excited about the newest Chapter in the Eastern Area. The Tiffin Travelers, a chapter of Tiffin motorhome owners, formation meeting was held at GEAR. Of the 36 people signing the Petition for Charter, 39% were non-chapter members. Officers were elected. The Chapter banner will be presented at Bowling Green. Mr. Bob Tiffin will be in attendance.
The annual meeting of EAMA was held on June 6. The change to the Bylaws and Standing Rules concerning when new officers will take office was approved. The site for GEAR 2010 in Winston-Salem, NC, was approved. It will be held at the Dixie Classic Fairgrounds on October 21-24. 2010.
The annual election of officers for 2009-2010 was held with the following results:
Senior Vice President-John Reynolds.
Northern Regional Vice President-John Breisch.
Central Regional Vice President-Jerry Cohen.
Southern Regional Vice President-Gaye Young
Western Regional Vice President-Bob Gregory
Secretary-Mary Hunter
Treasurer-Bob Holliday
According to FMCA Bylaws, as Eastern Area Vice President, I am automatically President of EAMA.
Jerry Cohen, Central Regional Vice President, sent the following message to all the Chapters in his Region:
I would like to introduce myself to you. I’m Jerry Cohen, the newly-elected Vice President to the Central Region of the Eastern Area Motorcoach Association. If you would be so kind to add me to your mailing list for your newsletter, either e-mail or USPS, so I might be informed of chapter activities. I would like to schedule a visit if possible.
If I can be of any assistance please feel free to call on my cell phone, 757-641-1804. I look forward to meeting you and your club members.
Jerry Cohen
5248 Balfor Drive
Virginia Beach, VA23464
Gaye Young, Southern Regional Vice President-elect, sent the following message to all the Chapters in the Southern Region:
On September 1st, I will become your Southern Regional Vice President. My hopes are to visit each chapter during one of your upcoming rallies. Please forward your schedule to me for 2009 and 2010.
I am here to assist you in whatever manner your chapter needs. You may contact me by email or cell phone (910.632.2369) in the evenings or weekends. My plans are to be in constant contact with you, delivering up to date information. So look to hear from me often.
If you haven’t heard already, GEAR 2010 will be October 21-24 at the Dixie Classic Fairgrounds in Winston-SalemNC! A special group of Ambassadors consisting of Chapter Presidents is being formed by our Eastern Area Vice President Otho Tew. Look to hear from him on his innovative idea.
In moving forward, I hope to make the Southern Region the best in the Eastern Area!
Gaye Young
I have always advocated that all Chapters in the Eastern Area could hold one of their rallies at GEAR each year. I really want our Chapters to become more involved in and with GEAR. The site is chosen for you, entertainment lined up, seminars scheduled and many other activities planned with you in mind. At GEAR 2009 only a few Chapters took advantage of this opportunity. Therefore, I am initiating a new Chapter Presidents Ambassador Program. I am inviting the president of each Chapter in the Eastern Area to be our guest and attend the Planning Meeting for GEAR 2010 at the Dixie Classic Fairgrounds in Winston-Salem, NC, the weekend of April 16-18, 2010. You will be there for all the meetings and tours of the facility. In the Eastern Area the Chapter President is a member of the Board of Directors for EAMA. Therefore, we solicit your input in planning GEAR 2010. You will experience first-hand the groundwork that goes into the planning of GEAR functions. You can then take that information back to your Chapters and tell them of the exciting plans for GEAR 2010. Let’s get back to the original intent of FMCA-membershaving fun and fellowship through Chapter participation. Please RSVP by March 30, 2010 to me – .
The following Chapters will be celebrating anniversaries in the second half of 2009:
15 Year Anniversary
Mid-Atlantic Pals (7/22/09)
40 Year Anniversary
Capitol (7/23/09)
Dixie Traveliers (7/23/09)
Penn Coachmen (7/23/09)
10 Year Anniversary
Converted Coaches of the Eastern Area (10/9/09)
It has been an exciting year for Alice and me. We have visited many Chapters and met so many people. Some have celebrated anniversaries from 5 to 40 years! It has meant a lot to us to join you in your celebrations and present you with a Certificate of Recognition.
As I was writing this Newsletter, I was reflecting back over the year that I have been your Eastern Area Vice President. Because of the economy, the Executive Board of FMCA, of which I am a member, has had to make some hard decisions. Some of those decisions have not been popular. I feel the Board has had the Association and its future in mind in all of these decisions. I can’t say we agreed on every issue but we worked together to determine what is best for FMCA.
Again, as I reflect over this year, it hasn’t been just hard work. I have considered it an honor to be the Vice President for the Eastern Area.
Alice and I hope and pray for your safe travels wherever the call of the open road takes you in 2009.