Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Development (Psychosynthesis Counselling) – 2 Year Programme
Application Form
1) Course Details
We have two intakes: Spring (Feb) and Autumn (Sept). When do you wish to start your course?Please indicate which format and whether you are flexible – Block or Inter-Month:
(NOTE: minimum numbers (x 4) are required for a format to run)
2) Personal Details
First Name (as it appears on your passport):Surname (as it appears on your passport): / Title:
Post Code:
Home Tel: / Work Tel:
Mobile: / Date of Birth:
Email: / Please enclose a digital passport sized photograph of yourself with this application.
Please note that assignments are submitted electronically. This means you will need to have personal use of a computer and printer as well as access to the internet and email. The Trust is not able to provide students with this facility.
What is your nationality?
What is your country of birth?
What is your country of permanent residence?
The UK government changed its rules on student visas in 2009. The Psychosynthesis Trust is not currently a Home Office registered training provider. This means that if you require a student visa to study in this country, we cannot currently enrol you on our courses.
Do you need a visa to study in the UK? / YES/NO
Please note that our courses are part-time and awarded by The University of Middlesex.
Non-UK applicants to note: our trainee counsellors are not allowed to charge for their work until they are qualified. Non-UK applicants will need to either make arrangements to attend a UK placement, or check that their country of residence has either a system of suitable placements or suitably qualified supervisors who can take responsibility for their work as trainees. We advise applicants to check this before they apply for the professional training.
Declaration: Please state: Do you have a criminal record that might prejudice the interest of clients or counselling, to be taken into account in considering this application? Have you been refused membership of a professional body or register in a related field on the grounds of professional misconduct in the United Kingdom or abroad? On a separate sheet, please declare all relevant pending criminal, investigatory or disciplinary proceedings or enquiries.
3) Psychosynthesis Training
It is a pre-requisite that applicants first complete our Essentials of Psychosynthesis course and our Foundation Year (or equivalent Psychosynthesis courses) before starting the Postgraduate Diploma. Please provide the following information:
The award date for your Foundation course:Student number: / Your Group: / Your study tutor:
If you did not complete your Foundation Year with us, please enclose a copy certificate of your equivalent award with your application.
4) English Language Qualifications
Please provide details of any English Language qualifications (e.g. GCSE/GCE 'O' level/IELTS/TOEFL/WAEC) that you have completed or expect to complete. Please note you may be asked to provide evidence of these qualifications.
Qualification and awarding body / Results (all components) / Month MMM / Year YYcompleted / expected to complete
5) Education / Qualifications
Qualifications gained outside the UK should be entered as they were awarded and not translated into UK equivalents. Please note you may be asked to provide evidence of qualifications.
Qualifications (Please list below in date order starting with the most recent)
University / College / School / Qualification and awarding body / Subject(s) / Results in full / Month MMM / Year YY completed or expected to complete / What languagewas this assessed /examined in?
6) Please answer the following questions:
(If a medical condition/treatment changes during your programme, it is your responsibility to notify us as soon as possible)
Please state any previous therapeutic work on self, both individual and group, including the type of therapy, duration and number of sessions.
Do you have any medical conditions that you are currently being treated for? If so, please give details.
Please describe any use/abuse of alcohol and drugs, to include both recreational and experimental.
Are you presently or have you ever undergone psychiatric treatment? Are you currently, or have you ever received medication for psychological disturbances. If YES, please enclose written permission from your doctor for you to attend this course.
7) Personal statement.
Our courses in psychosynthesis have a strong experiential aspect to them. We ask all candidates to write a personal statement, which helps us to form a picture of you and your training requirements. We have provided some guidance below on areas to focus on and explore. You are free to include additional information about yourself and although we encourage you to answer each question it is not obligatory. All the information provided is held in the strictest confidence.
Questions to explore:
What are your reasons for wanting to embark on this course at this time in your life? What is your current occupation? What would you like your personal and professional life to be like in coming years?
What is your purpose for applying for this course in Psychosynthesis. How and where would you intend to use it?
Which aspects of Psychosynthesis are particularly meaningful to you? What value do you see Psychosynthesis could have in a social context – and to humanity as a whole?
How do you assess your ability to complete required work such as course reading and study assignments, in addition to written work. Are you willing to enter deeply into your own growth process and to share that process with fellow participants? What personal strengths would support you in the course? What would your potential blocks and obstacles be to fully integrate what you learned in the course?
Describe in brief your childhood experiences, your relationship with parents/guardians and any major events, which have had a significant effect on your life, including any separations or losses.
(Please add extra pages if you wish).
Additional Needs
As an inclusive organisation, we want to provide the best support possible to a wide range of applicants, including those with additional needs. Additional needs include any disabilities or supplementary educational needs that you may have such as physical or sensory impairments; mental health difficulties including depression; specific learning difficulties like dyslexia and aspergers; and health conditions such as HIV, epilepsy, arthritis and cancer.
The information that you provide here will not be used to assess your academic suitability for the programme but to ensure that, if you are made an offer to study, we are aware that you may need extra support.
Do you have any disabilities or additional educational needs?
No disability Learning difficulty Blind/partially sighted
Deaf/partial hearing Wheelchair user /
Mobility impairment Mental health
Autistic Spectrum
Condition Other disability
Application Submission Checklist: Before submitting your application please ensure you have -
Completed all application questions as appropriate
Read the Financial Terms and Conditions for this application
Enclosed a passport sized (head-shot) photograph of yourself
Please submit your application to Cherrelle at Course fees and payment methods can be found on the Price Guide.
If you did not complete your Foundation Year with us, please enclose a copy certificate of your equivalent award with your application and two written references (which include contact details of the referees). The references should be from professionals who can vouch for your suitability to attend this course. Ideally one of your referees would be a therapist, counsellor or doctor.
Please note that applications will not be assessed unless accompanied by payment.
I have read and understood the Financial Terms and Conditions for this application.
Name: Date:
We will confirm receipt of your application and payment. Confirmation of admission is usually sent out towards the beginning of August or before Christmas as appropriate.
Applications close on 1st January 2018. Late applicants should contact the PA to the Director of Training to check whether there are spaces left.
Financial Terms and Conditions
These terms and conditions apply to all successive parts of the long-term Psychosynthesis Trust programme that the student applies for.
1) General Terms
Undertaking any of these courses is a serious commitment and all students have to pay for their course fees regardless of their personal circumstances.
When a student enrols on a course they are liable for their full course fees regardless of which payment option they choose, whether they withdraw, complete their course or take a break from their training.
2) Applying For a Course
In order to reserve a place on the above courses, students must return payment together with their application regardless of any bursary or grant applications. Non-payment will result in non-enrolment on the course. The Trust will make a full refund if a student is not accepted on the course. Payment options for course fees are listed on the current Price Guide.
3) Instalment Plans
At its discretion, the Trust may offer instalment plans for students who are unable to pay the full amount in one payment.
Students remain liable for the full course fees with an instalment plan regardless of whether they complete their course or take a break from their training.
Payment has to be made by a deadline set by our Finance Manager.
Missing a payment deadline will result in the full balance becoming due with interest payable on the outstanding amount.
The Trust reserves the right to retract the offer of an instalment plan for any subsequent courses if a student misses a payment.
4) Progression/Completion
Students are not permitted to progress to the next academic year if fees from previous years remain outstanding. This includes course fees and Student Placement Service (SPS) fees.
Students will not be awarded, nor a certificate issued, if there are any fees outstanding. This includes course fees and Student Placement Service (SPS) fees.
5) Intermission
Under exceptional circumstances a student may intermit i.e. take a break from their training. All students remain fully liable for their full course fees during intermission. If the student is using an instalment plan, payments must continue to be made by the set deadlines during intermission. Missing a payment deadline will result in the full balance becoming due with interest payable on the outstanding amount.
The Trust reserves the right to withdraw the option of payment via instalments in the event of late or missed payments.
6) Termination and Refunds
Applicants can pay fees by bank transfer, by cheque made payable to Psychosynthesis Trust or credit card / debit card by telephoning Reception.
Note 1. A non-refundable administration charge of £50 is included in course feesNote 2. Advertised prices exclude the cost of programme therapy requirements. Students can expect to pay between £40 - £55 per hour for therapy.
Note 3. PGDip advertised prices exclude the cost of supervision outside of term time. Students make their own private arrangements and can expect to pay £40 - £55 for supervision.
Note 4. If students are unable to complete their programme within the normal timeframe, deferment charges will apply for completing outstanding work, repeating a failed course or repeating part of a course.
7) Cancellation and Refunds Policy
Refunds of course fees may only be paid if notification of cancellation is received before 1st January 2018. Any refund will be subject to a £50 administration charge.
Applications close on 1st January 2018. Late applicants should contact the PA to the Director of Training to check whether there are spaces left.
In the event of a student having to withdraw their application at short notice due to not passing their previous pre-requisite programme, they will receive a full refund.
The date the written notice is received by the Trust of withdrawal from the course, will be the date used for the consideration of refunding fees.
In the event of a student discontinuing the course the Trust retains the right to claim the full annual fees due, and will retain such fees paid in advance, and collect any such fees that continue to fall due by standing order.
Non-payment or late payment of instalments will usually result in a student being asked to leave the course.
Students are not permitted to progress to the next academic year if fees from previous years remain outstanding.
8) Missed Attendance
The Trust follows a strict attendance policy. Students remain liable for the full course fees regardless of any missed attendance. Students who miss thematic seminars and supervision or tutorials will be required to make additional payments to cover training when re-attending. Students will be notified of the payment required, which is payable on booking and is non-refundable. The Trust does not guarantee a place on a subsequent course, and there is no financial credit for non-participation.
9) Deferment
Students who do not pass their course will need to complete any outstanding work as a deferred student. Deferment is done on a per semester basis and requires the payment of a deferred fee set according to how much work is required to reach a pass standard. Deferred fees are payable by all students completing outstanding work including those who choose to complete the deferment simultaneously with CNG2.
Standard deferment fees are:
Deferred student fee £185 per semester (which includes one individual tutorial per semester, on-going tutorial support and administration)
Deferred group supervision fee £450 per semester
Deferred RD attendance £900 for one year
Year 1 PGDip students who have only one or two written assignments to be re-submitted, may simultaneously progress to Year 2 PGDip whilst re-submitting the outstanding work at the earliest deadline in the handbook. If the re-submissions do not pass at the next deadline students would need to withdraw from CNG2 without refund.
If a student fails a whole programme or year they will need to repeat or re-take the majority of the programme or year. Payment includes deferment fees as appropriate plus the payment of an academic fee of £2,620 to retake the programme or year.
Deferment fees are invoiced on per semester basis and are payable at the start of the deferment period.
10) Additional Costs
The following additional costs are not included in course fees or deferred fees: