East Sussex County Council

Newick C.E. Primary School

63 Allington Road, Newick,

Near Lewes, East Sussex, BN8 4NB

Headteacher : Mrs S Thomas

Telephone/fax: 01825 723377


8th June 2017

Dear Parents/Carers

Newick CE Primary School Fair 2017

This year’s Summer Fair will be on Friday 23rd June 2017 from 2.30pm to 4.30pm Parents and carers are invited to come to school from 2.30pm to collect their children from their classroom and enjoy the fair’s many activities. Please use the Main Entrance as the side gates will not be open. If you are unable to come any earlier the children will still be able to enjoy the fair with their teachers. Please supply your child with a maximum of £5 in a named purse/wallet for them to spend. The children can be collected from their classrooms at normal time.

We will be having a “Dress Down Day” on Friday 16th June 2017. The children may come to school in an outfit of their choice for a donation of the following:

KS1 Pupils – chocolate bars for our “Chocolate Throw stall”

KS2 Pupils – Bottles of wine for our “Wine Tombola stall”

We will also need donations for the “goody tub tombola” e.g. party bag gifts, using the plastic tub sent home with this letter. (try not to include sweets if at all possible). The tub should be filled and covered in clingfilm and brought into the school office.

We will also need donations of cakes to be dropped into the school office on the morning of Friday 23rd June. These can be “Faked or Baked” as all donations are very much appreciated!

One final thing to say is that the assault course will feature water and is on the school playing field so the children may get muddy. Please can you send your child into school on the day in school uniform but with some clothes and shoes/trainers to change into after lunchtime that you don’t mind getting wet and/or muddy!

Thank you in advance for all your help and participation - we know the fair would not be possible without your help and support.

Yours Sincerely,

Denise Taylor, School Business Manager and The Summer Fair Team