
East Providence School Committee Members

Joel Monteiro, Chairperson

Tim Conley, Vice Chairperson

Elizabeth Clupney, Clerk

Anthony Ferreira

Richard Pimental

East Providence School Department Administration

Kim Mercer, Superintendent

Cheryl Ursillo, Interim Director of Pupil Personnel Services

Diana Clarkin, Director of Operations

Candace Andrade, Special EducationCoordinator

East Providence Local Advisory Committee

Annual Report



To assist parents of special education children to be more knowledgeable and effective in their advocacy role by collaborating with the school department in its efforts to provide quality education and services to all students.

Membership List

Laurie Brown, Co-Chairperson

Jenn Enos, Co-Chairperson

Krista Enos Cappuccio, Secretary

Sharon Kochan, PTA Liaison

Chris Lilley, Communications Liaison

Mary Nascimento, Communications Liaison

Paula Dionosopolous, School Liaison

Sherry Hernandez

Gina Wallace

Tori Jessop

Dena Francescon

Lisa Lavin

Heather Correia

Shannon Luiz

Carrie Verdone

Amanda Fournier

Roles and Responsibilities

The East Providence Local Advisory Committee provides the East Providence School Department policy guidance with respect to Special Education and related services for children with disabilities in the city.

The EPLAC advises the school department on matters concerning: (a) the unmet educational needs of children with disabilities; (b) comment on findings identified in school support plans under Part B of IDEA; (c) comment on developing and implementing policies relating to the coordination of services for children with disabilities. Our committee follows the state mandate, which is spelled out in the Department of Education regulation 300.900.

Membership of the committee is composed of individuals involved in or concerned with the education of children with disabilities. Parents of children with disabilities maintain the majority of the committee membership. To the extent feasible the membership also includes an individual with a disability, aspecialeducation teacher, a general education teacher, a public school administrator or any other member of the community at the discretion of the Committee and the East Providence School Committee.

The EPLAC meets monthly from September through May from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM.

2013/2014 Schedule of Meetings

Location: Martin Middle School Library

Wednesday, September 25

Wednesday, October 30

Wednesday, November 27

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wednesday, February 26

Wednesday, March 26

Wednesday, April 30

Wednesday, May 28

All meeting times are 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm.

Message from the Committee

During the 2012-2013 school year, EPLAC provided 3 workshops that were beneficial to both parents and school personnel. They were “Basic Rights in Special Education”, “How to Organize your Child with ADHD”, and Attorney David Kane presented “Special Education Law”. The PTA liaison position, which an EPLAC member serves as the contact between our committee and all school PTA’s, continues to improve. Members also participated in one of RIPIN’s Special Education Advisory meetings, where we were recognized for attending the last 16 meetings. The SEAN meetings continue to assist us in how we can increase parent involvement in the district.

EPLAC had their Fifth Annual Special Needs Recognition Program which identified those programs and individuals who have provided consistently outstanding services to advance the success of students with special needs, especially in the areas of inclusion. A Recognition Reception was held on May 9th at Martin Middle School where all the nominees were honored. This year the CTC provided the food served and they did a wonderful job. It was our privilege to share the stories of those recognized and celebrating their commitment to the students of East Providence. Through their hard work and dedication, students were provided with opportunities that promote self-determination, interdependence and meaningful learning.

We would like to recognize the Program Winners:

  • Erin Sladen -Special Education Teacher -Orlo
  • Sue Feiro – Special Education Teacher - Martin Middle School
  • Lois Boyd – Teacher Assistant East Providence High School
  • Casey Duckworth –Student East Providence High School
  • Bridget Winslet- Student East Providence High School
  • Mariah Lobello – Student East Providence High School
  • Eileen Tainsh- Volunteer Riverside LL Challenger Baseball/ East Providence Challenger Basketball
  • Kim Ferrara –Owner of Wiggle Kids
  • Tammy Primmer- Autism & Sacraments program, St. Brendan’s Church
  • Stefanie Luft- Speech Pathologist Kent Heights
  • Margret Knowlton- Head of Grace and Carter School, Meeting Street

This year the committee has welcomed a new school committee, which has been involved in all our meetings since their election, along with Kim Mercer, our new superintendent. Communication has been an ongoing problem over the past few years between the committee and administration, but we are happy to report this problem has been addressed and our communication continues to improve.

Our goals for next year are to:

  • Improve membership to the Local Advisory Committee by continuing collaboration with PTA’s and school liaisons to increase notification of meeting and events.
  • Continue parent workshops and support professional development; especially in the area of inclusion.
  • Continue to develop a working relationship between administrators, principals and the local advisory committee.
  • Continue to increase our knowledge of all the special needs programs in the school system, especially the transition program at the high school.

Presented by the East Providence Local Advisory Committee for Special Education on


Laurie Brown, Co-Chair Jennifer Enos, Co-Chair