Syllabus For


CJUS–261-E – Spring 2008

Instructor: Kevin L. Foust

Office: West Hall Room 223

Office Hours: Every Tuesday, 7:45 – 8:15 pm

or by appointment at (540) 537-5335

Class Times: Tuesday & Thursdays, 6:15 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.

Location: West Hall, Room 123


This course will introduce the student to forensic psychology by providing a broad examination of the topic while concentrating on the application side of the field, focusing on research-based forensic practice. Topics to be explored include, but are not limited to, psychology of crime and delinquency, victimology, hostage taking incidents, police interrogation and false confessions, criminal profiling, and so forth. Selected criminal case profiles will be utilized to demonstrate the various facets of forensic psychology. Students are cautioned in advance that some topic areas presented may be offensive to some due to the graphic nature of the crimes committed. All efforts will be made to accommodate the various student tolerances to such material.


Required text:

Bartol, Curt R. and Anne M., Introduction to Forensic Psychology U, Thousand Oaks, CA.: Sage Publications, 2004.


A.  There will be two equally weighted tests, which will consist of multiple choice and/or true false questions and a short essay. The test questions will be taken from the course text, classroom instruction, and student presentations.

B.  Students will be broken down into teams of either three or four, depending upon the number of students in the course. Each team will be randomly assigned a serial killer. Each team will prepare and provide an oral presentation (20 to 30 minutes in length) to the class on the serial killer assigned. The order of presentations will be randomly chosen beginning on the date determined by the instructor. At the beginning of the sessions in which presentations will be made, teams will be drawn randomly for the presentations that night. Therefore, all presentations should be prepared and ready for the first session. Teams should utilize any media necessary, i.e. power point, video, audio, etc. Each team member will be responsible for providing a portion of the presentation as decided upon by the team. EACH TEAM MEMBER IS EXPECTED TO PROVIDE A PORTION OF THE PRESENTATION. The presentation will be worth 50 points, and each team member will receive the number of points awarded to the team as a whole towards their final grade.

C.  Each student is required and expected to actively participate in class discussions.

D.  Each student is required to have read the text required prior to each session as assigned.

E.  Cell phones and pagers must be turned off prior to entering the classroom or lab. The use of any electronic device during a quiz or exam is strictly prohibited. This includes PalmPilots, Pocket PCs, and Blackberrys. Any use of such device during a quiz or exam will be considered a breach of academic integrity. Basic handheld calculators may be used on certain quizzes and exams only when announced by the instructor.

F.  If you are on record with the College’s Special Services as having special academic or physical needs requiring accommodations, please discuss this with me as soon as possible. We need to discuss your accommodations before they can be implemented. Also, please note that arrangements for extended times on exams and testing in a semi-private setting must be made at least one week before exams. If you believe you are eligible for accommodations but have not yet formally contacted Special Services, contact the Center for Learning and Teaching (x2248).

G.  Academic integrity is expected and required. Enrollment constitutes acknowledgement of the rules and standards pertaining to academic integrity at Roanoke College. Students are expected to read and be aware of the principles and rules in the College Academic Integrity Handbook.


A.  The semester grade will be tabulated as follows:

Mid-term exam: 100 points total (Mid-term exam will be based upon the course text and classroom instruction up to the date of the mid-term. 45 questions (multiple choice, true/false) from the reading material, student presentations and classroom discussion at 2 points each; 10 point short essay).

Final exam: 100 points total (Final exam will be based upon the course text, student presentations and classroom instruction from the date of the mid-term exam. 45 questions (multiple choice, true/false) from the reading material, student presentations and classroom discussion at 2 points each; 10 point short essay).

Presentation: 50 points. EACH TEAM MEMBER IS EXPECTED TO PROVIDE A PORTION OF THE PRESENTATION. Each team member will receive the number of points awarded to the team as a whole towards their final grade. If a team is unprepared to make their presentation when their name is drawn for that particular session, the grade for each team member will drop 10 points each time the presentation is not given. Each team member is expected to be present to give the presentation. If a team has a member with an unexcused absence on the night when their name is drawn to make their presentation, the grade for each team member will drop 10 points.

Attendance: 10 points (See the ATTENDANCE POLICY section below for further details.)

B.  Grading scale:

A = 247 - 260 points.

A- = 234 - 246 points.

B = 221 - 233 points.

B- = 208 - 220 points.

C = 182 – 207 points.

D = 155 – 181 points.

F = 154 points or below.

C. Additional policies:

All assignments must be completed to pass the course.


Students are expected to attend class and be on time. Any student involved in any school-sponsored event will be required to submit written documentation from the sponsor and make up any work scheduled by the next class. Medical absences must be documented as well. 2 points will be deducted from the possible 10 points for class attendance for each unexcused absence, up to 10 points. After 5 unexcused absences, a formal warning will be issued in writing to the student with a copy to the Registrar and the student’s advisor. A 6th unexcused absence will cause the instructor, in accordance with College policies, to drop the student from the class with a failing grade (“F”).


To be handed out in class.