Concepts and Relevant Factual Examples in underline / “Facts”
- How did trade networks in the post-classical era compare (remember—similar and different!) to those in the classical era? overview
- What new technologies, governmental policies, and merchant activities accompanied these developments?
- What role did pastoral and nomadic groups play in these trade networks? in general
- Discuss the expansion of Afro-Eurasian trade networks in the post-classical era.
- What classical era trade networks continued during the post-classical era? What new cities were added to each network?
- Byzantines, Dar-al Islam(Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates, Swahili coast, Sudanic states),Kievan Russia, Mongols, Changes in Western Europe after 1000
- Kiev, Novgorod, Timbuktu, Swahili city-states, Hangzhou, Baghdad, Melaka, Venice, Tenochtitlan
- What new technologies enabled the growth of inter-regional trade networks?
- What factors encouraged commercial growth?
- How did the expansion of empires and trade networks affect the relationship between peoples inside v. outside those “zones”?
- caravanserai, astrolabe, dhow??, junk, flying money, checks
- paper money, Hanseatic League, Grand Canal
- What migrations occurred during the post-classical era?
- How did some of these groups use their own understanding of the environment and available technology in order to migrate and/or trade?
- What were some of the environmental effects of the Bantu and Polynesian migrations?
- What were some of the linguistic effects of migrations?
- Bantu (continued from before), Arabs, Vikings, Turks, Mongols, Polynesian
- How/why/where did Muslim trade networks change?
- How did merchants themselves help foster both trade and cultural diffusion—what “diasporic” merchant communities were established and where were they established?
- Which inter-regional travelers illustrated both the extent and the limitations of inter-cultural knowledge and understanding?
- How did post-classical trade affect the diffusion of literary, artistic, and cultural traditions?
- How did post-classical trade affect the diffusion of scientific and technological traditions?
- What were the biological effects of post-classical trade? What new foods, crops, and agricultural practices diffused? What diseases and pathogens also spread via post-classical trade networks?
- Muslim, Chinese, Sogdian, Jewish
- Ibn Battuta, Marco Polo, Xuanzang
- Neo-Confucianism and Buddhism, Islam, Toltec/Mexica, Inca
- Greek science and the Islamic world (including al-Andalus) and Chinese technology
- bananas, champa rice, the Muslim Agricultural Revolution
- bubonic plague and the Black Death
Key Concept 3.2 Continuity and Innovation of State Forms and their Interactions / Answer
Concepts and Relevant Factual Examples in underline / “Facts”
- How did state formations develop in the post-classical era? Which states preserved old ideas? Where were there innovations? Overview
- How did post-classical states try to avoid the mistakes of the classical era?
- What new forms of governance emerged and in what places? (that can be new to that place!)
- How and where did governmental diffusion occur?
- How did states in the Americas develop?
- reconstituted empires?
- caliphate, American empires
- tributary systems, new methods of taxation, adaptation of religious systems
- Synthesized and/or borrowed traditions--Persian to Islamic, Chinese to Japan
- culminates with Aztecs and Inca
- What technological and cultural exchanges did states encourage?
- Between Tang China and the Abbasids? Across the Mongol empire? Resulting from the Crusades?
Key Concept 3.3 Increased Economic Capacity and Its Consequences / Answer
Concepts and Relevant Factual Examples in underline / “Facts”
- What were the overall worldwide economic trends?
- How and why did crops “migrate”? review again…what crops
- Discuss productivity regarding textile, porcelain, and iron production.
- champa rice
- chinampas and waruwaru
- terracing
- horse collar
- remember—this is the period BEFORE the Columbian Exchange, but yes crops were carried from one region to another
- Which urban areas (cities) declined and which prospered and grew? Why did some decline? Why did other prosper and grow?
- What roles did cities play in their societies? Choose two major cities of the period and briefly discuss the cultural, religious, commercial, and governmental function of each
- Europe—down then up then down again. You should know ALL about this!! Dark Ages, recovery, then Little Ice Age and Black Death
- Dar-al Islam
- “PaxMongolica”
- Constantinople
- How did social and labor systems develop during the post-classical era?
What NEW labor systems developed?
In what areas did free peasants resist governments and stage revolts?
- What developments occurred with respect to social and gender hierarchies? Where did women have relatively more power and influence?
- How did some gender roles and family structures change?
- free peasantry
- nomadic pastoralism
- guilds
- types of coerced/unfree labor including government imposed labor taxes & military obligations, serfdom, mit’a