East MidlandsNetball

Grant Scheme

East MidlandsNetball wishes to support their affiliated members by providing course subsidies and mentoring opportunities to help develop coaches and umpires across the region.


· Up to 50% subsidy is available towards UKCC Level Two

· Up to 50% subsidy is available towards UKCC Level Three

· Up to 50% of A and B Umpire courses and test

· Up to 50% for accreditation and reaccreditations for umpire tutor and tester courses

· Up to 50% of Coach Tutor and Coach Assessor training

Scheme Guidelines:

· All members must be affiliated to East Midlands Regional Netball Association to apply

·Priority will be given to clubs who are registered and working towards CAPS, progressing through the levels of CAPS and/or with a School Club link

· All applicants will be expected to pay towards the course (Minimum 20% needs to be funded by applicants)

· Initial priority for the panel will be one application per club, per financial year. Multiple applicants from one club will only be considered

where funding is available. If multiple applications are received, clubs will be invited to prioritise applications.

· Mentoring and experience with the academies will be allocated for successful UKCC Level 2 applicants

· Mentoring and experience with Regional Excel Development will be allocated for successful UKCC Level 3 applicants

· Mentoring and experience will be arranged by the region and Netball Development Officers as appropriate

·Applicants can apply more than once to the EM Grant scheme, however if a number of applications are received, preference will be

given to those who have not applied before

· If more than one Level 3 application per County is submitted the Regional Excel Coach will be involved in prioritising these

· CountyAssociations will be notified of all grant funding issued.

Please note if you would like funding for a UKCC Level 1 / C Award course please

contact your CountyAssociation for information on funding that can be gained through the association or other organisations within the county. If you are unable to gain funding through your county please email:

To apply to the Netball East Midlands Grant scheme complete the following application form and send to:

East MidlandsNetball,

Netball Office,

Netball and Badminton Centre,



LE11 3TU

Closing dates:

Applications will be considered at meetings throughout the year.

Applications should be submitted, where possible, prior to the start date of a course.

East Midlands Netball will acknowledge the receipt of applications within one month of receipt, and will notify applicants within one month of a decision being made.

If awarded a grant, a cheque will be sent on successful accreditation (except for level three). Please list who the cheque should be made payable to and note that cheques will be made to individuals, not clubs.

*Please note your contact details will be passed to the Regional ExcelCoach / Netball Development Officer / County Association to arrange mentoring.

Please note: The Grant Scheme is subject to available funds.

East MidlandsNetball

Regional Office: 01509 226753

East MidlandsNetball Grant

Application Form

Name: / Affiliation Number:
Club(s): / Email:
Telephone: / Mobile:
Address: / D.O.B:
Ethnicity: / Sex:
Is your club CAPS accredited? Yes/No / If yes, are you working to the next level? Yes/No
Which county do you volunteer in?
What course are you applying for? / What is your current qualification(s)?
How long have you had your current qualification(s)?
How many hours per week are you currently coaching / umpiring?
Where are you coaching / umpiring? (School, Club, Academy)
Please detail your commitment to work within the region:
Are you interested in being mentored or gaining experience with another club; the Satellite/County Academies; Regional Talent or the Lightning Superleague Franchise? Yes / No
If yes, please detail:
Have you applied for funding from any other schemes? Yes/No
If yes which scheme?

Please sign below to confirm that all the details stated above are correct.You need to have this form endorsed by your CountyChair or CountyTreasurer. Please Note: Incorrect information on this form will invalidate your application

Signature of person applying:
Print Name:
Endorsed by Signature:
Print Name:
Position in county:

Updated January 2011