East Forsyth Athletics Booster Club
September 2, 2014 Minutes
Attendees: Avery Hall, Brad Rogers, Les Gray; Kevin Bugg; Allen Plaster; Cortisha Glenn; Kim McDonough; Lisa Bugg; Sue Smith; Jerome Gray; Keisha Springs;
Call to order - 7:15
Welcome - Avery Hall
Minutes: August 18 minutes approved by Les and 2nd by Allen Plaster, followed by unanimous vote.
AD Report: Allen Plaster - JV Game 7pm - tennis cancelled today; Aplogized for mix up at Friday night’s football game, the class of 1990 has asked if a vending truck could come setup to provide food for their tailgate prior to the game. Allen failed to notify others and the truck was turned away. It all worked out as they sat up in the parking lot but it created confusion for the concession stand and the class of 1990. Going forward he will make sure we do a better job communicating so there is clear understanding committees and logistics.
Treasurer’s Report: Brad Rogers - Avery provided a high level recap in the agenda of ABC’s financial position. Brad presented detail review of all income and expenses. Items to note: Baseball account now at 0 balance on project; Concessions off to a good start and includes a donation of a nacho machine by Les Gray, Softball - zero balance now due to $5k payment from Jenny Fulton; Sponsors: Income from Banner $1K & Advertising $1500; Expensesreviewed for each account.
Committee Reports:
Concession: Les Gray reviewed the income from our home games to date. Varsity Cheer has volunteers for the JV game. JV game better than all games last year. Strong varsity turnout expected for next home game.
Membership: Kevin - 145 members to date ahead of last year (90 members from football vs. 70 last year)
Sponsorship: Buddy Collins buying spot on big board; Loflin, James Bryson & USAK may buy open board spots as well; consider expansion for next year to include fence banner; discuss moving fence banners to higher placement in the stadium so the spiritwear team doesn’t block them from visibility. We have a couple new banners to add and others are expected to renew by next meeting. Les will work on banners and getting them moved.
Eaglewear- $553 sold at varsity game; request was made to consider ordering larger sized attire by pre-sale - Lisa will send email with minimums quantities required for placing orders. During open house we sold 10 stadium seats – we will be taking orders again and have 9 committed already. Lisa will be ordering 10 more to have at game this week. We will have eaglewear at the JV Game; the new design of chevron with EFHS on the state is selling well.
Team Reports:
Games this week rescheduling due to heat - Field Hockey & Volleyball tomorrow; Golf rescheduled as well.
Old Business:
Fundraising: A meeting on the Reverse Raffle was held prior to the ABC Meeting. Date for raffle is set for Nov 15. Avery has prepared a checklist; ABC should stay tuned for opportunity to purchase tickets; only selling 300 tickets; ABC, Touchdown and school will have first option to purchase. We are collaborating with PTSA for this project - splitting 30/70 if all goes as planned they will get $5k and ABC will get S12K
Reminder to go to website and review 2014 plans – Goals are to have Bylaws in place, which we have completed and to stabilize our financial position, membership and fundraiser will assist with this goal.
Cash Bagley Update: Kevin Bugg- close to opening fields; lights, flag, and scoreboard go in this week; concrete and bleachers about two weeks later; 9/23 is target but we are contemplating holding off for playoffs for first game.
New Business - none scheduled for this meeting
Discussion on Rooster for Football line up - List is on the Football Page Wilert maintains site; Recommendations on asking parents to go there are print off prior to the game. We discuss selling programs vs providing as a customer service. Either way we need a volunteer to commit to gathering and printing the information; last year we sold about 30 of 100 full color programs; consider this a project for next year. For the next game Kim McDonough will set up in PDF of the roster, send to Les and he will print for Thursday night game. The roosters will be available at the EagleWear tent.
General Comments - none
Meeting adjourned by Avery Hall at 8:18