
Earth System Science Quiz 10/12/07

For each question: some, any, all, or none of the answers may be correct. Select all of the correct answers.

Fault #1 Fault #2

1. Which of the following statements are true about normal faults?

a) Fault #1 at the top of the page is a normal fault.

b) Normal faults are usually associated with convergent plate boundaries.

c) Normal faults involve horizontal lengthening (or stretching) of rocks.

d) You might find normal faults on the East African Rift.

2. Which of the following statements are true about thrust or reverse faults?

a) Fault #2 at the top of the page is a thrust or reverse fault.

b) Thrust faults are usually associated with divergent plate boundaries.

c) Thrust faults involve horizontal shortening of rocks.

d) You might find thrust faults in the Andes.

3. Which of the following statements are true about continent-continent convergent plate boundaries?

a) The Himalayas are found along a continent-continent convergent plate boundary.

b) Earthquakes along continent-continent convergent plate boundaries can cause tsunamis.

c) Thrust faults are found along continent-continent convergent plate boundaries.

d) The East African Rift is a continent-continent convergent plate boundary.

4. Which of the following statements are true about ductile deformation?

a) It happens at hotter temperatures than brittle deformation.

b) Formation of folds is one type of ductile deformation.

c) Formation of faults is one type of ductile deformation.

d) Ductile deformation happens near the earth’s surface, whereas brittle deformation happens at depth.

5. Which of the following statements are true about transform plate boundaries?

a) Stratovolcanoes are typically found at transform plate boundaries.

b) Earthquakes at transform plate boundaries happen in the upper part of the crust (above 15 km depth).

c) The San Andreas Fault is an example of a transform plate boundary.

d) Strike-slip faults are found at transform plate boundaries.