Nursery Landscape Test Bank Questions 2012

1. The scientific name of a plant is composed of:

A. Genus and cultivar

B. Genus and species

C. Species and cultivar

D. Cultivar only

2. “Alba” is a term that describes a plant as:

A. Golden

B. Pure white and shining

C. Elegant

D. White

3. “Triacanthos” describes a plant as:

A. Three leaved

B. Three stemmed

C. Three spined

D. Three leaves

4. The function of the root system is:

A. Anchorage and Conduction

B. Conduction and Storage

C. All of the above

D. None of the above

5. The tap root could be described as:

A. A fleshy food storing organ

B. A thin-walled root.

C. A root that usually has shallow penetration

D. Consisting of many roots.

6. When a person is preparing to transplant a plant:

A. Expose the roots to air for a least one hour before planting.

B. Expose the roots to air for a few minutes before planting.

C. Expose the roots to air little as possible

D. Transplanting is a technique that is not used any more

7. Plants that are root bound in their containers should:

A. Not be used and discarded.

B. Have most of the roots cut off.

C. Coiled roots should be straightened and pruned

D. Not have their roots disturbed.

8. The xylem is responsible for:

A. Transporting manufactured food from leaves to the rest of the plant.

B. Transporting water and minerals from the roots upward through the plant

C. Producing new cells for plant growth.

D. Providing anchorage for the plant.

9. An example of a monocotyledonous plant would be a:

A. Pine Tree

B. Azalea

C. Corn

D. All of the above

10. If the cambium layer and vascular bundles are damaged:

A. The plant could die

B. The plant will grow faster

C. No effect will be noticed

D. Plants do not contain a cambium

11. A plant girdle can be described as:

A. A piece of equipment used to support the roots.

B. A technique used to stimulate plant growth.

C. Damage to the plants food supply pipeline

D. None of the above

12. A node is considered to be:

A. An area on a stem where the fruit is located.

B. An area on a stem where corm begins.

C. An area on a stem where the leaves emerge

D. An area on a stem where the roots emerge.

13. Tulips develop each spring from:

A. Tubers

B. Corms

C. Bulbs

D. Rhizomes

14. A plant that develops from a rhizome would be:

A. Cannas

B. Lilies

C. Gladiolus

D. Potatoes

15. Potatoes are propagated from:

A. Corms

B. Bulbs

C. Rhizomes

D. Tubers

16. A “sucker” develops from:

A. Seed

B. Roots

C. Flowers

D. Leaves

17. Spring flowering bulbs are usually planted in Louisiana:

A. January to March

B. April to June

C. July to September

D. October to December

18. Amaryllis bulbs are usually planted:

A. During winter

B. During Spring

C. During Summer

D. During Fall

19. “Venation” is a term used to describe a plant’s:

A. Leaves

B. Roots

C. Branching

D. Trunk

20. A leaf gives off water into the atmosphere through a process called:

A. Respiration

B. Transpiration

C. Venation

D. Evaporation

21. If transpiration exceeds absorption in a plant:

A. The plant will show accelerated growth.

B. The plant will have greener foliage.

C. The plant will show signs of wilting

D. No changes should be noticed.

22. In order for transpiration to occur:

A. Water pressure should be equal between roots and top of plant.

B. Water pressure should be lower in the top of the plant.*

C. Water pressure should be higher in the top of the plant

D. Water pressure plays no part in transpiration.

23. The pistil is the:

A. Male part of the plant.

B. Female part of the plant

C. Floral petals.

D. Mature pollen grain.

24. Ferns reproduce from:

A. Cones

B. Seeds

C. Spores

D. Tubers

25. The highest priority of the food produced by leaves is to feed:

A. Roots

B. Stems

C. Flowers

D. Leaves

26. A primary element used for plant growth would be:

A. Dolomitic lime

B. Magnesium Sulfate

C. Urea

D. Sulfur

27. Overall yellowing of the plant beginning at the bottom of the plant could mean:

A. Phosphorus deficiency

B. Calcium deficiency

C. Potassium deficiency

D. Nitrogen deficiency

28. Dark green leaves with a reddish overcast could mean:

A. Nitrogen deficiency

B. Potassium deficiency

C. Phosphorous deficiency

D. Calcium deficiency

29. Shriveled fruit on a plant could mean:

A. Nitrogen deficiency

B. Phosphorous deficiency

C. Potassium deficiency

D. Magnesium deficiency

30. Light green leaves with leaf margins turning upward could mean:

A. Nitrogen deficiency

B. Phosphorus deficiency

C. Calcium deficiency

D. Sulfur deficiency

31. A 50 pound bag of 13-13-13 would contain how many pounds of nitrogen.

A. 6.5

B. 13

C. 33

D. 50

32. A 50 pound bag of 20-15-10 would contain how many pounds of phosphorus:

A. 5

B. 7.5

C. 10

D. 15

33. “Osmocote” fertilize depends on what factor to release nutrients:

A. Moisture

B. Temperature

C. Light

D. Heat

34. Fertilizing in early or late fall:

A. Is a good practice because it encourages growth.

B. Is a poor practice because it could cause cold damage

C. Should be done on all warm season plants.

D. Allows the fertilize to break down for early spring.

35. Low light intensity causes:

A. An increase in photosynthesis

B. A decrease in photosynthesis

C. No change in photosynthesis

D. Dark green leaf coloration

36. Roots dying from over-watering could be caused by:

A. Lack of oxygen

B. Too much oxygen

C. Deficient water

D. All of the above

37. Using water softeners could cause a problem because of:

A. (Na) ions

B. (Ca) ions

C. (Mg) ions

D. (K) ions

38. How many inches of water must be used on a plant with a 18” root depth growing in clay?

A. 1 inch

B. 2 inches

C. 3 inches

D. 4 inches

39. The field capacity for water in loam soil is about:

A. 7%

B. 15-25%

C. 35%

D. 10%

40. Which side of a building has the coolest growing temperature:

A. North

B. South

C. East

D. West

41. Most warm season plant seeds need this minimum temperature to germinate:

A. Less than 49 degrees F.

B. Greater than 49 degrees F

C. 65-75 degrees F

D. 113 degrees F

42. This zone has an average minimum temperature of 20-25 degrees F.

A. 8a

B. 9a

C. 8b

D. 9b

43. This kind of freezing occurs when plant temperature is lower than surrounding air temperature.

A. Conduction

B. Convection

C. Radiation

D. Transpiration

44. The optimum temperature for temperate plants is:

A. 77-95 degrees F

B. 95-104 degrees F

C. 86-95 degrees F

D. 50 degrees F

45. To allow outdoor plants to harden off before winter you should avoid:

A. Fertilizing with nitrogen in the fall.

B. Pruning plants in the fall

C. Both A and B

D. None of the above

46. Hot weather effects on container plants can be minimized by:

A. Planting in dark containers.

B. Planting in light colored containers

C. Placing containers in the sun.

D. Saturating the soil with water

47. Nurseries’ greatest challenges are providing plants that:

A. Are top sellers

B. Have attractive foliage

C. Grow well in their area

D. Have attractive flowers

48. The mud-pie test is used:

A. To determine if you are using good soil

B. To determine the moisture content of the soil

C. To determine how well the soil sticks together

D. This is not a test that is used

49. The two forces that hold water in the soil are:

A. adhesion and cohesion

B. adhesion and convection

C. cohesion and porosity

D. gravity and porosity

50. Autumn color in plants result in changes in the:

A. climate

B. temperature

C. photoperiod

D. available moisture

51. Soil is a mixture of minerals, organic matter, and _________.

A. living organisms

B. inorganic matter

C. leaves and stems

D. fertilizers

52. Soils vary in texture, structure, and mineral _________.

A. Quantity

B. Quality

C. Composition

D. Stability

53. Soil texture is classified as _______, ________, and _________.

A. sand, mud and silt

B. sand, silt, and clay

C. mud, clay, dirt

D. sand, aluvial, and silt

54. When inspecting shipments of nursery plants you should examine for pests, insects, disease, and _______.

A. proper soil

B. weeds

C. soil moisture

D. fertilizers

55. A soil sample with a pH value of 4.0 is considered to be _________.

A. Alkaline

B. Acid

C. Neutral

D. none of the above

56. A soil sample with a pH value of 7.0 is considered to be ________.

A. Alkaline

B. Acid

C. Neutral

D. none of the above

57. Two plants that prefer more acidic soil are ________ and ________.

A. tulips and daisies

B. roses and sunflowers

C. pansies and snapdragons

D. azaleas and camellias

58. Soil pH is a factor that controls _________.

A. plant color

B. plant texture

C. plant growth

D. plant reproduction

59. Miscellaneous organic soil additives include sawdust, leaf mold, straw, rice hulls, pine bark, peat moss, and ________.

A. animal manures

B. rocks

C. sand

D. clay

60. A problem with using some miscellaneous soil additives is that straw, fresh sawdust, and rice hulls need added ________.

A. oxygen

B. helium

C. fertilizers

D. nitrogen

61. Sawdust from pressure treated wood contains _________.

A. natural pesticides

B. water pockets

C. toxic residues

D. none of the above

62. When storing plant seeds, refrigerators have fairly good temperatures, but are usually too _________.

A. Damp

B. Dark

C. Compact

D. Dry

63. _______ and ________ are the two most critical requirements for germination.

A. water and humidity

B. water and temperature

C. temperature and humidity

D. humidity and wind

64. Water affects the ______ supply around the seed.

A. nitrogen

B. helium

C. hydrogen

D. oxygen

65. Commercial growers scarify, or ________, hard seed coats mechanically or with concentrated sulfuric acid.

A. Crush

B. Scratch

C. Burn

D. Freeze

66. Asexual (vegetative) propagation includes:

A. Layering

B. Division

C. Separation

D. all of the above

67. Most woody plants are propagated by ______.

A. Burning

B. Grinding

C. Cuttings

D. Limbing

68. Some plants are now being commercially propagated using ________ techniques that involve the production of new plants from tissue culture.

A. limbing and felling

B. micropropagation

C. grinding for wood chips

D. none of the above

69. When accepting an order and inspecting shipments of plants, which of the following basic steps should be followed?

A. Confirm all orders

B. Determine if the order contains quality materials.

C. Examine for pests, insects, disease, and weeds

D. all of the above

70. The employee in charge of watering plants should have _________.

A. special training

B. specialized schooling degree

C. special knowledge

D. watering license

71. Container woody ornamentals can be injured when temperatures __________.

A. drop to 15 to 27 F

B. rise to 30 to 36 F

C. drop to 18 to 24 F

D. none of the above

72. Sand has a gritty feeling, silt has a slick feeling, and clay has a _________ feeling.

A. hard, smooth

B. slippery, sticky

C. rough

D. soft

73. Soil structure names include which of the following?

A. Sandy

B. Platy

C. crumbly and blocky

D. all of the above

74. Organic soils are those which have more than ________ organic matter.

A. 30%

B. 40%

C. 50%

D. 20%

75. Fungi in soils can cause _________.

A. root damage

B. seed damage

C. rotting and damping off

D. overgrowth and dysfunctional growth

76. Soil reaction can be modified by adding certain soil additives and using ________.

A. more fertilizers

B. less fertilizers

C. mixed fertilizers

D. specific fertilizers

77. _______ could equally describe a loam soil or an adobe soil as very hard to work with.

A. black soil

B. brown soil

C. grey soil

D. red soil

78. Untreated bark needs _________ nitrogen added to prevent nitrogen deficiency in plants growing in the material.

A. 2%

B. 1%

C. 1.5%

D. 2.5%

79. Optimum germination temperature varies for _________.

A. all seeds

B. Periwinkles

C. Marigolds

D. Short-day plants

80. The temperature of the __________, not the air, is what is important.

A. Soil

B. Medium

C. Water

D. Pipes

81. _____________ is the biggest propagation problem.

A. Hardening-off

B. Heat

C. Spacing

D. Watering

82. _______________ emergence herbicides can kill existing weeds and extreme care must be used with these materials when plants are in the immediate area.

A. Pre

B. Post

C. Immediate

D. Environmental

83. Pest management also aids in maintaining plant __________.

A. Growth

B. Quality

C. Deterioration

D. Quantity

84. During harsh winters, plants can be jammed together and draped with a single layer of milky ___________ plastic.

A. Glass

B. Polyethylene

C. Tin

D. Silk

85. When pH drops below 5.5, many nutrients become ____________.

A. Over produced

B. Dry

C. Unavailable

D. Acidic

86. When planting a solitary tree or shrub in the landscape, dig the hole at least two times ______ than the root ball of the plant.

A. Wider

B. Smaller

C. Shorter

D. Taller

87. ________ help maintain a uniform soil moisture level.

A. Water

B. Mulches

C. Soil

D. Guying

88. Mulch trees and shrubs to a depth of _______________.

A. 2 - 4 inches

B. 3-6 inches

C. 3 feet

D. 2 centimeters

89. Newly planted trees and shrubs should receive _______ applications of fertilizer during their first growing season.

A. Extensive

B. Dark

C. Light

D. Occasional

90. Pruning is done for all of the following except:

A. To guide the growth habit

B. To rejuvenate older plants

C. To stimulate new growth

D. Because the plants look ugly

91. When the terminal bud is pruned out and the effect of auxin decreased, lateral bud break will be __________.

A. Enhanced

B. less pronounced

C. Decreased

D. Unchanged

92. _____________ are used for branches larger than 1 ½ inches in diameter.

A. Loppers

B. Hand pruners

C. Pruning saws

D. Hedge shears

93. ___________ are for clipping small-leafed plants to maintain a formal appearance.

A. Loppers

B. Hedge shears

C. Pruning saws

D. Hand pruners

94. _____________ are used to remove branches that cannot be reached from the ground.

A. Hedge shears

B. Loppers

C. Scissors

D. Pole pruners

95. It is possible to rejuvenate many older shrubs that have overgrown their planting site by pruning them to within ________ of ground level.