STable 1. Without adjustments for care, mental and physical health (N=3935)

FrN / NSF / SArN / LArN
Informal_care / 0.000673* / 0.00162* / 0.00143* / 0.00254**
(0.001) / (0.001) / (0.001) / (0.001)
Mental_health / 0.0337*** / 0.0177 / 0.00944 / 0.0123
(0.009) / (0.013) / (0.019) / (0.027)
Physical_health / 0.0536*** / 0.0681*** / 0.0131 / 0.01
(0.014) / (0.021) / (0.035) / (0.046)
Age / 0.102** / 0.117 / 0.138 / 0.0331
(0.047) / (0.072) / (0.103) / (0.137)
Age2 / -0.0006* / -0.0007 / -0.0013 / -0.0004
(0.000) / (0.001) / (0.001) / (0.001)
Education / 0.0109 / -0.0009 / 0.0507 / -0.0637
(0.029) / (0.042) / (0.061) / (0.095)
Gender / -0.334*** / -0.279* / 0.454** / 0.299
(0.105) / (0.151) / (0.201) / (0.317)
Marrital_status / -0.182 / -0.257 / -0.491** / -0.488
(0.115) / (0.168) / (0.249) / (0.372)
BMI / -0.0158 / -0.111 / -0.0534 / -0.0257
(0.060) / (0.088) / (0.109) / (0.152)
Com_style / 0.051 / -0.405* / -0.442 / -0.573
(0.143) / (0.225) / (0.312) / (0.467)
Com_road / -0.0546 / 0.471 / -0.101 / 0.597
(0.185) / (0.310) / (0.390) / (0.749)
Com_eco / -0.0684 / -0.0927 / -0.0258 / 0.0314
(0.044) / (0.063) / (0.088) / (0.139)
Com_clear / 0.0603 / -0.0747 / 0.164* / -0.0317
(0.044) / (0.068) / (0.086) / (0.131)
Com_house / -0.0539 / 0.0093 / -0.103 / 0.0913
(0.036) / (0.055) / (0.065) / (0.091)
Com_crowd / -0.005 / -0.0126 / -0.068 / -0.142
(0.032) / (0.045) / (0.060) / (0.096)
Com_disable / 0.00265 / 0.117** / 0.0203 / -0.0619
(0.039) / (0.054) / (0.070) / (0.119)
Lnincome / 0.013 / 0.0523* / 0.0126 / 0.117*
(0.019) / (0.030) / (0.037) / (0.064)
Barrierfreeway / 0.207 / 0.0598 / -0.127 / 0.367
(0.127) / (0.191) / (0.254) / (0.345)
No_step / -0.0172 / -0.0389 / -0.11 / 0.153
(0.064) / (0.099) / (0.145) / (0.162)
No_toilet / -0.0792 / -0.0393 / 0.123 / 0.07
(0.061) / (0.080) / (0.093) / (0.212)
Toilet_stype / 0.091 / 0.0631 / 0.0669 / -0.0144
(0.143) / (0.221) / (0.269) / (0.448)
Work_or_not / 0.0364 / 0.0902 / 0.0742 / -0.13
(0.080) / (0.117) / (0.160) / (0.273)
Version_distance / -0.041 / 0.108 / 0.143 / 0.256
(0.054) / (0.077) / (0.109) / (0.176)
Version_close / -0.0538 / -0.129* / -0.0061 / -0.0708
(0.054) / (0.076) / (0.107) / (0.138)
No_disable2011 / 0.212** / 0.155 / 0.312* / 0.211
(0.085) / (0.121) / (0.171) / (0.239)

Notes: standard errors are in parentheses. *significant at 10%; **significant at 5%; ***significant at 1%.Probit method and Ordered Probit method are used. FrN, NSF,SArN and NSF represent fall or not, the number of serious falls,serious other accidents or not and the number of serious falls, respectively.

STable 2. With adjustments for care, mental and physical health (N=3935)

FrN / NSF / SArN / LArN
Informal_care -IV / -0.0225** / -0.0421* / -0.0288** / -0.0325*
(0.009) / (0.023) / (0.015) / (0.020)
Mental_health -IV / 0.0633* / 0.172* / 0.0101 / 0.0202
(0.033) / (0.078) / (0.052) / (0.067)
Physical_health -IV / 0.116* / 0.148 / 0.15 / 0.217*
(0.061) / (0.149) / (0.095) / (0.126)
Age / -0.0206 / -0.0752 / -0.016 / -0.071
(0.039) / (0.095) / (0.068) / (0.086)
Age2 / 0.0002 / 0.0008 / 6.64E-05 / 0.0005
(0.000) / (0.001) / (0.001) / (0.001)
Education / 0.0053 / 0.0261 / 0.0189 / -0.0187
(0.016) / (0.041) / (0.026) / (0.036)
Gender / -0.0392 / 0.0275 / 0.340*** / 0.324**
(0.069) / (0.172) / (0.109) / (0.146)
Marrital_status / 0.0609 / -0.0311 / -0.0403 / 0.0206
(0.086) / (0.203) / (0.138) / (0.183)
Work_or_not / -0.0024 / -0.0383 / -0.0433 / -0.0524
(0.043) / (0.108) / (0.071) / (0.095)
BMI / 0.107 / -0.0587 / -0.114 / -0.152
(0.082) / (0.214) / (0.135) / (0.197)
Com_style / -0.0398* / 0.345* / 0.0155* / 0.422*
(0.104) / (0.284) / (0.176) / (0.301)
Com_road / -0.0440* / -0.084 / -0.0073 / 0.0162
(0.024) / (0.060) / (0.038) / (0.053)
Com_eco / 0.0295 / -0.0304 / 0.0712* / -0.0129
(0.024) / (0.062) / (0.039) / (0.056)
Com_clear / -0.026 / -0.0119 / -0.0448 / 0.0449
(0.020) / (0.051) / (0.033) / (0.044)
Com_house / -0.00225 / 0.0173 / -0.0341 / -0.0670*
(0.017) / (0.043) / (0.027) / (0.037)
Com_crowd / -0.0004 / 0.054 / 0.0071 / -0.0292
(0.021) / (0.052) / (0.034) / (0.047)
Com_disable / 0.0036 / 0.0334 / 5.26E-05 / 0.0449*
(0.011) / (0.029) / (0.018) / (0.027)
Lnincome / 0.131* / 0.254 / -0.0457 / 0.148
(0.071) / (0.177) / (0.119) / (0.155)
Barrierfreeway / -0.0098 / -0.0073 / -0.0479 / 0.0561
(0.037) / (0.092) / (0.066) / (0.081)
No_step / -0.0494 / 0.0231 / 0.0521 / 0.0060
(0.032) / (0.070) / (0.039) / (0.055)
No_toilet / 0.0399 / 0.118 / 0.0252 / -0.0094
(0.080) / (0.200) / (0.126) / (0.181)
Toilet_stype / 0.0135 / 0.0194 / 0.0355 / -0.0367
(0.045) / (0.111) / (0.069) / (0.092)
Version_distance / -0.0109 / 0.0853 / 0.0568 / 0.0965
(0.029) / (0.074) / (0.047) / (0.065)
Version_close / -0.0253 / -0.0932 / -0.0077 / -0.0462
(0.029) / (0.074) / (0.048) / (0.066)
No_disable2011 / 0.267*** / 0.468* / 0.352** / 0.283
(0.100) / (0.247) / (0.160) / (0.216)

Notes: standard errors are in parentheses. *significant at 10%; **significant at 5%; ***significant at 1%.Probit method and Ordered Probit method are used. FrN, NSF,SArN and NSF represent fall or not, the number of serious falls,serious other accidents or not and the number of serious falls, respectively.Informal_care-IV, Mental_health-IV and Physical_health-IV represent the predicted informal care, predicted mental health and predicted physical health, respectively.

STable 3. First stage results (N=3935)

Care / Mental_health / Physical_health
No. children / 2.230** / -- / --
(0.899) / -- / --
Age of oldest child / 6.520*
Mental_health_mother / -- / 0.970*** / --
-- / (0.148) / --
Mental_health_father / -- / 1.014*** / --
-- / (0.186) / --
Stayed in bed over 1 month / -- / -- / 0.585***
-- / -- / (0.095)
Was hospitalized over 1 month / -- / -- / 0.323***
-- / -- / (0.104)
No_disable2011 / 13.54*** / 1.092*** / 1.027***
(1.317) / (0.098) / (0.058)
age / -3.076*** / 0.0952* / -0.0933***
(0.724) / (0.055) / (0.033)
age2 / 0.0292*** / -0.0009** / 0.0014***
(0.006) / (0.000) / (0.000)
Com_style / 2.046 / -0.483*** / -0.437***
(1.945) / (0.144) / (0.088)
Education / -1.010** / -0.160*** / -0.136***
(0.441) / (0.032) / (0.019)
Marrital_status / 2.645 / -1.142*** / -0.0925
(1.882) / (0.140) / (0.085)
Gender / -0.493 / -1.219*** / -0.927***
(1.513) / (0.109) / (0.066)
BMI / 1.138 / -0.304*** / 0.367***
(0.932) / (0.066) / (0.041)
Lnincome / -0.736** / -0.0523*** / -0.0579***
(0.288) / (0.019) / (0.012)
Self_reported_health / 6.506*** / 1.928*** / 1.355***
(0.801) / (0.058) / (0.035)
R-squared / 0.157 / 0.201 / 0.325
F-statistic for the test of excluded instruments / 15.668(p<0.001) / 27.098(p<0.001) / 24.156(p<0.001)

Notes: standard errors are in parentheses. *significant at 10%; **significant at 5%; ***significant at 1%. OLS method is used to get these empirical results.

STable 4.Results with accident history (N=3935)

FrN / NSF / SArN / LArN
Informal_care / -0.0230** / -0.0409* / -0.0270* / -0.0308
(0.009) / (0.023) / (0.015) / (0.020)
Mental_health / 0.0494* / 0.201*** / 0.0101 / 0.0256
(0.031) / (0.073) / (0.049) / (0.064)
Physical_health / 0.123** / 0.0791 / 0.135 / 0.193*
(0.058) / (0.141) / (0.091) / (0.119)
Accident history / 0.557*** / 0.634*** / 0.579*** / 0.436***
(0.061) / (0.142) / (0.102) / (0.140)
Age / -0.0261 / -0.0885 / -0.0146 / -0.07
(0.039) / (0.095) / (0.069) / (0.087)
Age2 / 0.0003 / 0.0010 / 7.05E-05 / 0.0005
(0.000) / (0.001) / (0.001) / (0.001)
Education / 0.0049 / 0.0225 / 0.0212 / -0.0169
(0.017) / (0.041) / (0.026) / (0.036)
Gender / -0.0335* / 0.0569 / 0.273** / 0.268*
(0.070) / (0.174) / (0.112) / (0.149)
Marrital_status / 0.0303 / -0.0501 / -0.0397 / 0.0233
(0.087) / (0.203) / (0.140) / (0.184)
Work_or_not / -0.014 / -0.0042 / 0.0254 / -0.0415
(0.045) / (0.112) / (0.070) / (0.093)
BMI / -0.0045 / 0.0102 / -0.0080 / -0.0089
(0.008) / (0.020) / (0.014) / (0.019)
Com_style / 0.125* / -0.0594* / -0.11* / -0.15*
(0.083) / (0.215) / (0.137) / (0.198)
Com_road / -0.0438 / 0.321 / 0.0581 / 0.492
(0.106) / (0.284) / (0.182) / (0.316)
Com_eco / -0.0418* / -0.0854 / -0.0013 / 0.0154
(0.024) / (0.060) / (0.038) / (0.053)
Com_clear / 0.0303 / -0.025 / 0.057 / -0.023
(0.025) / (0.061) / (0.039) / (0.056)
Com_house / -0.0248 / -0.0143 / -0.0412 / 0.0473
(0.021) / (0.051) / (0.033) / (0.045)
Com_crowd / -0.0052 / 0.0167 / -0.0276 / -0.0612*
(0.017) / (0.043) / (0.028) / (0.037)
Com_disable / -0.0020 / 0.0539 / 0.0127 / -0.0277
(0.022) / (0.053) / (0.035) / (0.048)
Lnincome / 0.0056 / 0.0327 / -0.0023 / 0.0437
(0.011) / (0.029) / (0.019) / (0.027)
Barrierfreeway / 0.129* / 0.239 / -0.0589 / 0.127
(0.072) / (0.178) / (0.120) / (0.157)
No_step / -0.013 / -0.0129 / -0.0568 / 0.0456
(0.037) / (0.092) / (0.066) / (0.081)
No_toilet / -0.0462 / 0.0281 / 0.0414 / -0.0036
(0.032) / (0.072) / (0.040) / (0.056)
Toilet_stype / 0.0208 / 0.107 / -0.0087 / -0.0238
(0.081) / (0.200) / (0.127) / (0.182)
Version_distance / -0.0235 / 0.0728 / 0.0603 / 0.102
(0.029) / (0.074) / (0.048) / (0.065)
Version_close / -0.0218 / -0.0861 / -0.0109 / -0.0495
(0.030) / (0.074) / (0.048) / (0.066)
No_disable2011 / 0.239** / 0.451* / 0.282* / 0.232
(0.101) / (0.246) / (0.163) / (0.219)

Notes: standard errors are in parentheses. *significant at 10%; **significant at 5%; ***significant at 1%.Probit method and Ordered Probit method are used. FrN, NSF,SArN and NSF represent fall or not, the number of serious falls,serious other accidents or not and the number of serious falls, respectively.

STable 5. Heterogeneous Impacts (male versus female)

Part I / Male / Female
FrN / NSF / SArN / LArN / FrN / NSF / SArN / LArN
Informal_care-IV / -0.0337** / -0.0993*** / -0.0460** / -0.0520* / -0.0159 / -0.0045 / -0.0023 / -0.0029
(0.014) / (0.035) / (0.020) / (0.030) / (0.013) / (0.032) / (0.023) / (0.030)
Mental_health-IV / 0.131*** / 0.209* / -0.0385 / -0.0622 / 0.0251 / 0.165 / 0.0713 / 0.107
(0.050) / (0.123) / (0.074) / (0.108) / (0.044) / (0.103) / (0.075) / (0.094)
Physical_health-IV / 0.0371 / 0.278 / 0.256** / 0.356* / 0.169* / 0.001 / -0.036 / 0.028
(0.088) / (0.224) / (0.126) / (0.184) / (0.086) / (0.204) / (0.151) / (0.190)
Age / -0.302*** / -0.423*** / 0.0784 / 0.106 / 0.104 / 0.141* / 0.155 / 0.0842
(0.115) / (0.152) / (0.163) / (0.271) / (0.089) / (0.079) / (0.159) / (0.194)
Age2 / 0.003*** / 0.003*** / -0.001 / -0.001 / -0.001 / -0.0008 / -0.001 / -0.0002
(0.001) / (0.001) / (0.001) / (0.002) / (0.001) / (0.001) / (0.001) / (0.001)
Education / -0.039 / -0.0256 / 0.124 / 0.0916 / 0.053 / 0.035 / -0.0172 / -0.16
(0.047) / (0.065) / (0.076) / (0.122) / (0.039) / (0.052) / (0.090) / (0.135)
Marrital_status / 0.719*** / 0.329 / -0.565 / -0.785 / -0.107 / -0.328 / -0.276 / 0.372
(0.267) / (0.336) / (0.349) / (0.523) / (0.192) / (0.214) / (0.404) / (0.555)
Work_or_not / -0.0691 / 0.0333 / 0.228 / -0.048 / 0.0866 / -0.013 / -0.0225 / 0.0538
(0.121) / (0.162) / (0.193) / (0.311) / (0.111) / (0.155) / (0.259) / (0.366)
BMI / -0.0295 / -0.123 / -0.122 / -0.113 / 0.0336 / -0.0111 / 0.0278 / 0.0855
(0.129) / (0.181) / (0.183) / (0.286) / (0.099) / (0.101) / (0.173) / (0.236)
Com_style / 0.357 / -0.0304 / -0.402 / -0.889 / 0.033 / -0.198 / -0.336 / -0.104
(0.234) / (0.351) / (0.414) / (0.711) / (0.193) / (0.260) / (0.452) / (0.665)
Com_road / 0.347 / 0.542 / -0.282 / 0.792 / -0.302 / 0.124 / 0.446 / 0.895
(0.314) / (0.459) / (0.469) / (1.059) / (0.235) / (0.348) / (0.757) / (1.068)
Com_eco / -0.129* / -0.0687 / -0.0327 / 0.0527 / -0.0477 / -0.113 / 0.0577 / 0.0716
(0.067) / (0.094) / (0.109) / (0.178) / (0.057) / (0.077) / (0.134) / (0.194)
Com_clear / 0.074 / -0.0532 / 0.236** / 0.0919 / 0.0139 / -0.0121 / 0.0394 / -0.142
(0.066) / (0.095) / (0.107) / (0.182) / (0.058) / (0.079) / (0.148) / (0.209)
Com_house / -0.0218 / -0.00492 / -0.101 / -0.0144 / -0.0482 / -0.0213 / -0.0753 / 0.295*
(0.056) / (0.078) / (0.093) / (0.147) / (0.049) / (0.067) / (0.118) / (0.165)
Com_crowd / 0.0012 / -0.0222 / -0.116 / -0.222* / -0.0061 / 0.064 / -0.0685 / -0.208
(0.046) / (0.064) / (0.077) / (0.124) / (0.042) / (0.058) / (0.101) / (0.142)
Com_disable / -0.0761 / 0.0142 / -0.0384 / 0.0020 / 0.0591 / 0.0817 / 0.115 / -0.118
(0.062) / (0.085) / (0.105) / (0.162) / (0.049) / (0.067) / (0.115) / (0.176)
Lnincome / -0.0246 / 0.0158 / -0.007 / -0.0375 / 0.0317 / 0.0372 / 0.0275 / 0.260***
(0.033) / (0.050) / (0.053) / (0.081) / (0.026) / (0.035) / (0.061) / (0.089)
Barrierfreeway / 0.194 / 0.245 / -0.413 / 0.486 / 0.289* / 0.245 / 0.182 / 0.19
(0.203) / (0.283) / (0.375) / (0.544) / (0.167) / (0.228) / (0.407) / (0.548)
No_step / -0.143 / -0.102 / -0.299 / 0.0531 / 0.0547 / 0.0411 / 0.0229 / 0.15
(0.114) / (0.161) / (0.241) / (0.304) / (0.083) / (0.113) / (0.208) / (0.268)
No_toilet / -0.146 / -0.0417 / 0.124 / -0.119 / -0.0714 / 0.0424 / 0.112 / 0.113
(0.096) / (0.119) / (0.113) / (0.261) / (0.078) / (0.090) / (0.127) / (0.165)
Toilet_stype / 0.428* / 0.573* / -0.0531 / 0.204 / -0.15 / -0.23 / 0.168 / -0.231
(0.224) / (0.297) / (0.381) / (0.608) / (0.192) / (0.263) / (0.409) / (0.622)
No_disable2011 / 0.857*** / 1.138*** / 0.363* / 0.366 / 0.202 / 0.219 / 0.0185 / -0.0539
(0.266) / (0.363) / (0.200) / (0.295) / (0.244) / (0.137) / (0.271) / (0.363)
N / 1,881 / 1,881 / 1,881 / 1,881 / 2,054 / 2,054 / 2,054 / 2,054

Notes:standard errors are in parentheses. *significant at 10%; **significant at 5%; ***significant at 1%. Probit method and Ordered Probit Regress method are used. FrN, NSF, SArN and NSF represent fall or not, the number of serious falls, serious other accidents or not and the number of serious falls, respectively. Informal_care-IV, Mental_health-IV and Physical_health-IV represent the predicted informal care, predicted mental health and predicted physical health, respectively.

STable 6. Heterogeneous Impacts (Urban versus rural)

Part I / Urban / Rural
FrN / NSF / SArN / LArN / FrN / NSF / SArN / LArN
Informal_care-IV / -0.0224 / -0.0757 / -0.0185 / -0.0288 / -0.0219** / -0.0612** / -0.0313* / -0.0411*
(0.022) / (0.064) / (0.038) / (0.063) / (0.010) / (0.025) / (0.016) / (0.022)
Mental_health-IV / 0.124 / 0.194 / 0.340** / 0.325 / 0.0561 / 0.161* / -0.0288 / -0.024
(0.086) / (0.228) / (0.151) / (0.250) / (0.036) / (0.084) / (0.057) / (0.073)
Physical_health-IV / 0.106 / -0.428 / -0.358 / -0.284 / 0.111* / 0.256 / 0.212** / 0.291**
(0.149) / (0.404) / (0.287) / (0.450) / (0.067) / (0.163) / (0.103) / (0.137)
Age / 0.0784 / 0.247 / -0.711** / -0.413 / -0.0241 / -0.153 / 0.116 / -0.134
(0.112) / (0.171) / (0.310) / (0.492) / (0.077) / (0.101) / (0.172) / (0.227)
Age2 / -0.0004 / -0.0014 / 0.0061** / 0.0036 / 0.0004 / 0.0014* / -0.0011 / 0.0008
(0.001) / (0.001) / (0.003) / (0.004) / (0.001) / (0.001) / (0.001) / (0.002)
Education / -0.0876 / -0.0485 / -0.16 / -0.0873 / 0.0356 / 0.0383 / 0.0771 / -0.0505
(0.058) / (0.083) / (0.156) / (0.250) / (0.034) / (0.047) / (0.065) / (0.098)
Marrital_status / -0.349 / -0.634* / 0.817 / 0.771 / -0.153 / 0.132 / 0.729*** / 0.758*
(0.238) / (0.374) / (0.647) / (0.997) / (0.140) / (0.188) / (0.270) / (0.390)
Work_or_not / -0.0507 / -0.512 / 0.514 / -0.0693 / 0.0756 / 0.0056 / -0.226 / -0.0025
(0.285) / (0.411) / (0.809) / (1.212) / (0.169) / (0.220) / (0.337) / (0.481)
BMI / 0.132 / 0.453 / -0.535 / -1.993 / -0.0246 / -0.0252 / 0.121 / 0.0352
(0.215) / (0.318) / (0.524) / (1.338) / (0.088) / (0.119) / (0.163) / (0.241)
Com_style / -0.158 / -0.411** / 0.669 / 1.116* / 0.0454 / 0.0115 / -0.217 / -0.344
(0.133) / (0.207) / (0.408) / (0.675) / (0.086) / (0.117) / (0.178) / (0.258)
Com_road / -0.516 / -0.341 / -1.187 / 14.41 / -0.0283 / 0.356 / 0.0298 / 0.805
(0.575) / (0.871) / (1.317) / (0.279) / (0.199) / (0.301) / (0.418) / (0.749)
Com_eco / -0.0044 / -0.118 / 0.221 / 0.216 / -0.102** / -0.0971 / -0.0294 / 0.0676
(0.120) / (0.186) / (0.292) / (0.450) / (0.047) / (0.064) / (0.090) / (0.138)
Com_clear / 0.106 / 0.0599 / 0.175 / 0.264 / 0.0403 / -0.0369 / 0.178* / -0.0202
(0.096) / (0.151) / (0.244) / (0.424) / (0.049) / (0.067) / (0.095) / (0.148)
Com_house / 0.0094 / 0.075 / -0.304 / -0.340 / -0.0653 / -0.0292 / -0.0931 / 0.129
(0.106) / (0.166) / (0.268) / (0.450) / (0.040) / (0.055) / (0.077) / (0.114)
Com_crowd / -0.0389 / -0.0878 / 0.164 / 0.0069 / 0.00703 / 0.043 / -0.0975 / -0.182*
(0.100) / (0.160) / (0.229) / (0.423) / (0.033) / (0.045) / (0.064) / (0.095)
Com_disable / -0.0816 / -0.025 / -0.0647 / -0.005 / 0.0258 / 0.0785 / 0.0058 / -0.123
(0.086) / (0.128) / (0.204) / (0.337) / (0.044) / (0.058) / (0.084) / (0.133)
Lnincome / 0.0603 / 0.0668 / 0.0956 / 0.374* / -0.0021 / 0.0241 / -0.0174 / 0.0736
(0.045) / (0.074) / (0.112) / (0.220) / (0.023) / (0.032) / (0.046) / (0.071)
Barrierfreeway / 0.0931 / 0.135 / 0.36 / 0.597 / 0.254* / 0.232 / -0.284 / 0.298
(0.326) / (0.488) / (0.745) / (1.330) / (0.153) / (0.204) / (0.339) / (0.422)
No_step / -0.0548 / -0.125 / 0.0142 / 0.152 / -0.0296 / -0.0093 / -0.245 / 0.116
(0.106) / (0.157) / (0.251) / (0.382) / (0.097) / (0.126) / (0.244) / (0.252)
No_toilet / -0.126 / 0.0849 / 0.0007 / 0.158 / -0.0865 / 0.0216 / 0.137 / 0.0617
(0.154) / (0.153) / (0.385) / (0.516) / (0.067) / (0.079) / (0.086) / (0.143)
Toilet_stype / 0.255 / 0.893** / 0.391 / 0.828 / -0.0309 / -0.132 / -0.0984 / -0.568
(0.260) / (0.381) / (0.613) / (0.962) / (0.187) / (0.259) / (0.336) / (0.627)
No_disable2011 / 0.569*** / 0.592** / 0.249 / -1.808 / 0.411** / 0.564** / 0.791** / 0.88
(0.175) / (0.246) / (0.903) / (1.654) / (0.200) / (0.269) / (0.382) / (0.560)
N / 769 / 769 / 769 / 769 / 3,166 / 3,166 / 3,166 / 3,166

Notes:standard errors are in parentheses. *significant at 10%; **significant at 5%; ***significant at 1%. Probit method and Ordered Probit Regress method are used. FrN, NSF, SArN and NSF represent fall or not, the number of serious falls, serious other accidents or not and the number of serious falls, respectively. Informal_care-IV, Mental_health-IV and Physical_health-IV represent the predicted informal care, predicted mental health and predicted physical health, respectively.

STable 7. Heterogeneous Impacts (accident history)

Fall (2011)=0 / Other Accident (2011)=0 / Fall (2011)=1 / Other Accident (2011)=1
FrN / NSF / SArN / LArN / FrN / NSF / SArN / LArN
Informal_care-IV / -0.0269** / -0.0646** / -0.0352** / -0.0334 / -0.00731 / 0.0105 / -0.0065 / -0.0705
(0.011) / (0.027) / (0.017) / (0.023) / (0.021) / (0.047) / (0.035) / (0.056)
Mental_health-IV / 0.0256 / 0.123 / -0.0615 / -0.0195 / 0.121* / 0.263* / 0.259** / 0.305*
(0.039) / (0.095) / (0.063) / (0.080) / (0.066) / (0.145) / (0.110) / (0.166)
Physical_health-IV / 0.181** / 0.284 / 0.281** / 0.269* / -0.0624 / -0.184 / -0.361* / -0.0099
(0.071) / (0.179) / (0.113) / (0.147) / (0.124) / (0.279) / (0.209) / (0.307)
Age / -0.0295 / -0.1 / -0.0241 / -0.204 / 0.0039 / 0.035 / -0.0581 / -0.563
(0.043) / (0.111) / (0.077) / (0.239) / (0.086) / (0.192) / (0.168) / (0.578)
Age2 / 0.0002 / 0.0009 / 0.0001 / 0.0016 / 0.0001 / -3.54E-05 / 0.0005 / 0.0042
(0.000) / (0.001) / (0.001) / (0.002) / (0.001) / (0.002) / (0.001) / (0.005)
Education / 0.0191 / 0.0189 / 0.0129 / -0.0158 / -0.0342 / 0.045 / 0.0678 / -0.215
(0.019) / (0.048) / (0.030) / (0.104) / (0.036) / (0.084) / (0.067) / (0.220)
Gender / -0.0633 / -0.0044 / 0.364*** / 0.795* / 0.0117 / 0.227 / -0.0022 / 0.677
(0.078) / (0.200) / (0.126) / (0.420) / (0.157) / (0.359) / (0.265) / (0.841)
Marrital_status / -0.0304 / 0.0167 / 0.0645 / 0.269 / 0.0758 / -0.781* / -0.277 / -0.159
(0.091) / (0.226) / (0.147) / (0.495) / (0.191) / (0.402) / (0.338) / (0.939)
BMI / -0.0699* / -0.216** / -0.0362 / -0.147 / 0.101 / 0.194 / 0.245 / 0.329
(0.039) / (0.104) / (0.065) / (0.222) / (0.092) / (0.210) / (0.172) / (0.502)
Com_style / 0.115* / 0.0412* / -0.0389 / -0.184 / 0.134 / -0.392 / -0.466 / -0.962
(0.093) / (0.248) / (0.153) / (0.587) / (0.194) / (0.452) / (0.354) / (1.099)
Com_road / 0.0428 / 0.522 / 0.249 / 14.1 / -0.323 / -0.304 / -0.398 / -0.618
(0.122) / (0.352) / (0.242) / (0.568) / (0.228) / (0.506) / (0.353) / (1.089)
Com_eco / -0.0281 / -0.0461 / -0.0093 / -0.0601 / -0.0715 / -0.154 / 0.0808 / 0.427
(0.028) / (0.072) / (0.044) / (0.153) / (0.050) / (0.115) / (0.086) / (0.299)
Com_clear / 0.0109 / -0.0335 / 0.0231 / -0.125 / 0.0675 / -0.0663 / 0.193** / 0.0338
(0.029) / (0.073) / (0.046) / (0.161) / (0.051) / (0.123) / (0.090) / (0.304)
Com_house / -0.008 / 0.0247 / -0.031 / 0.111 / -0.0567 / -0.126 / -0.0851 / 0.243
(0.024) / (0.060) / (0.038) / (0.129) / (0.046) / (0.109) / (0.081) / (0.254)
Com_crowd / -0.0094 / 0.0017 / 0.0012 / -0.105 / -0.0001 / 0.082 / -0.146** / -0.268
(0.020) / (0.050) / (0.032) / (0.108) / (0.039) / (0.090) / (0.065) / (0.185)
Com_disable / -0.0109 / -0.0058 / 0.0466 / 0.0139 / 0.0359 / 0.260** / -0.204* / -0.396
(0.024) / (0.062) / (0.038) / (0.138) / (0.049) / (0.111) / (0.106) / (0.295)
Lnincome / 0.0141 / 0.0434 / -0.014 / 0.0993 / -0.0118 / 0.0212 / 0.0527 / 0.275
(0.013) / (0.035) / (0.020) / (0.077) / (0.025) / (0.056) / (0.060) / (0.208)
Barrierfreeway / 0.164** / 0.274 / -0.117 / 0.046 / 0.0496 / 0.284 / 0.0456 / 1.537*
(0.083) / (0.209) / (0.141) / (0.461) / (0.155) / (0.350) / (0.275) / (0.877)
No_step / 0.0121 / 0.0351 / -0.103 / -0.051 / -0.0876 / -0.0882 / 0.0175 / 0.483
(0.042) / (0.108) / (0.082) / (0.254) / (0.078) / (0.184) / (0.133) / (0.356)
No_toilet / -0.0486 / -0.0017 / 0.0435 / 0.049 / -0.0415 / 0.201 / 0.0089 / -0.059
(0.036) / (0.082) / (0.045) / (0.164) / (0.085) / (0.189) / (0.108) / (0.379)
Toilet_stype / -0.061 / -0.0456 / 0.0686 / 0.091 / 0.258 / 0.49 / -0.0412 / 0.0154
(0.094) / (0.242) / (0.146) / (0.541) / (0.173) / (0.376) / (0.301) / (0.921)
Work_or_not / -0.0441 / -0.0447 / 0.0205 / 0.0318 / 0.0807 / 0.0248 / -0.0546 / -1.287**
(0.052) / (0.132) / (0.080) / (0.271) / (0.098) / (0.217) / (0.161) / (0.583)
Version_distance / 0.0072 / 0.158* / 0.075 / 0.307 / -0.125** / -0.135 / -0.0505 / -0.202
(0.033) / (0.088) / (0.054) / (0.188) / (0.062) / (0.137) / (0.112) / (0.341)
Version_close / -0.0335 / -0.0704 / -0.0482 / -0.229 / 0.0162 / -0.143 / 0.152 / 0.462
(0.034) / (0.089) / (0.055) / (0.184) / (0.064) / (0.140) / (0.118) / (0.370)
No_disable2011 / 0.220* / 0.618** / 0.378** / 0.709 / 0.188 / -0.0737 / 0.284 / 1.22
(0.118) / (0.300) / (0.190) / (0.633) / (0.207) / (0.470) / (0.360) / (1.184)
N / 3,253 / 3,253 / 3,498 / 3,498 / 637 / 637 / 392 / 392
Fall (2011)=0 and other accident (2011)=0 / Fall (2011)=1 or other accident (2011)=1
FrN / NSF / SArN / LArN / FrN / NSF / SArN / LArN
Informal_care-IV / -0.0252** / -0.0549* / -0.0364* / -0.0295 / -0.0113 / -0.0107 / -0.0106 / -0.0356
(0.011) / (0.030) / (0.019) / (0.026) / (0.017) / (0.039) / (0.025) / (0.035)
Mental_health-IV / 0.0265 / 0.131 / -0.098 / -0.0104 / 0.120** / 0.235* / 0.111 / 0.0722
(0.042) / (0.103) / (0.073) / (0.088) / (0.055) / (0.121) / (0.080) / (0.110)
Physical_health-IV / 0.206*** / 0.311 / 0.354*** / 0.256 / -0.0987 / -0.183 / -0.143 / 0.117
(0.076) / (0.194) / (0.128) / (0.164) / (0.104) / (0.232) / (0.153) / (0.205)
Age / -0.0345 / -0.115 / -0.0201 / -0.16 / 0.053 / 0.129 / 0.0242 / -0.153
(0.045) / (0.118) / (0.086) / (0.267) / (0.071) / (0.156) / (0.118) / (0.353)
Age2 / 0.0002 / 0.0009 / 0.0001 / 0.0011 / -0.0002 / -0.0008 / -0.0003 / 0.0007
(0.000) / (0.001) / (0.001) / (0.002) / (0.001) / (0.001) / (0.001) / (0.003)
Education / 0.0143 / 0.016 / 0.012 / -0.0295 / 0.0005 / 0.0808 / 0.0503 / -0.0349
(0.020) / (0.052) / (0.034) / (0.117) / (0.031) / (0.070) / (0.046) / (0.153)
Gender / -0.0077 / 0.0559 / 0.374*** / 0.67 / -0.253** / -0.203 / 0.167 / 0.814
(0.084) / (0.218) / (0.141) / (0.459) / (0.125) / (0.284) / (0.187) / (0.596)
Marrital_status / 0.0129 / 0.065 / 0.0392 / 0.252 / -0.091 / -0.821** / -0.274 / -0.721
(0.096) / (0.245) / (0.163) / (0.550) / (0.151) / (0.320) / (0.231) / (0.659)
BMI / -0.0667 / -0.201* / -0.0508 / -0.163 / 0.0036 / -0.0597 / -0.0097 / -0.115
(0.041) / (0.110) / (0.074) / (0.246) / (0.063) / (0.143) / (0.099) / (0.310)
Com_style / 0.121 / 0.0333 / 0.0152 / -0.07 / 0.114 / -0.226 / -0.358 / -0.82
(0.097) / (0.265) / (0.165) / (0.615) / (0.160) / (0.377) / (0.257) / (0.901)
Com_road / 0.0732 / 0.696* / 0.551 / 13.92 / -0.218 / -0.142 / -0.378 / -0.0419
(0.132) / (0.415) / (0.367) / (0.608) / (0.184) / (0.411) / (0.252) / (0.844)
Com_eco / -0.0347 / -0.0583 / 0.0067 / -0.026 / -0.0358 / -0.0835 / -0.0057 / 0.199
(0.030) / (0.078) / (0.050) / (0.170) / (0.042) / (0.095) / (0.063) / (0.212)
Com_clear / 0.0152 / -0.0271 / 0.0548 / -0.0319 / 0.0353 / -0.0708 / 0.0992 / -0.135
(0.030) / (0.080) / (0.052) / (0.179) / (0.043) / (0.100) / (0.064) / (0.221)
Com_house / -0.0097 / 0.0156 / -0.0546 / 0.164 / -0.0467 / -0.0703 / -0.0223 / 0.0607
(0.025) / (0.065) / (0.043) / (0.142) / (0.038) / (0.088) / (0.058) / (0.182)
Com_crowd / -0.0106 / -0.0131 / -0.0116 / -0.139 / 0.0038 / 0.0764 / -0.0701 / -0.182
(0.021) / (0.054) / (0.036) / (0.119) / (0.033) / (0.073) / (0.048) / (0.145)
Com_disable / 0.0019 / 0.0394 / 0.0309 / -0.0554 / 1.92E-05 / 0.107 / -0.0228 / -0.0413
(0.025) / (0.066) / (0.043) / (0.151) / (0.041) / (0.092) / (0.064) / (0.209)
Lnincome / 0.0165 / 0.0573 / -0.0071 / 0.0966 / -0.0136 / 0.0108 / 0.0157 / 0.149
(0.014) / (0.038) / (0.023) / (0.087) / (0.021) / (0.048) / (0.034) / (0.110)
Barrierfreeway / 0.148* / 0.234 / -0.348** / -0.103 / 0.121 / 0.398 / 0.330* / 1.145*
(0.088) / (0.228) / (0.173) / (0.519) / (0.129) / (0.292) / (0.196) / (0.611)
No_step / 0.0071 / 0.0094 / -0.198* / -0.0079 / -0.0497 / -0.0178 / 0.079 / 0.287
(0.045) / (0.119) / (0.111) / (0.276) / (0.065) / (0.149) / (0.096) / (0.298)
No_toilet / -0.047 / -0.0020 / 0.0578 / 0.0615 / -0.076 / 0.0954 / 0.0584 / 0.0317
(0.037) / (0.088) / (0.046) / (0.167) / (0.068) / (0.133) / (0.083) / (0.277)
Toilet_stype / -0.0104 / 0.0362 / -0.0696 / -0.0952 / 0.0236 / 0.0542 / 0.0655 / 0.0092
(0.100) / (0.262) / (0.175) / (0.614) / (0.142) / (0.315) / (0.208) / (0.701)
Work_or_not / -0.0629 / -0.0764 / -0.0504 / -0.0808 / 0.0759 / 0.0345 / 0.0334 / -0.364
(0.055) / (0.144) / (0.092) / (0.308) / (0.080) / (0.176) / (0.114) / (0.373)
Version_distance / -0.0018 / 0.143 / 0.105* / 0.367* / -0.0606 / -0.0594 / -0.0587 / -0.0295
(0.035) / (0.095) / (0.062) / (0.215) / (0.053) / (0.120) / (0.080) / (0.254)
Version_close / -0.0415 / -0.0628 / -0.0403 / -0.18 / 0.0264 / -0.103 / 0.0524 / 0.0382
(0.036) / (0.096) / (0.063) / (0.209) / (0.054) / (0.120) / (0.080) / (0.255)
No_disable2011 / 0.194 / 0.454 / 0.388* / 0.648 / 0.178 / 0.0424 / 0.22 / 0.437
(0.127) / (0.329) / (0.221) / (0.717) / (0.172) / (0.387) / (0.255) / (0.813)
N / 2,941 / 2,941 / 2,941 / 2,941 / 949 / 949 / 949 / 949

Notes:standard errors are in parentheses. *significant at 10%; **significant at 5%; ***significant at 1%. Probit method and Ordered Probit Regress method are used. FrN, NSF, SArN and NSF represent fall or not, the number of serious falls, serious other accidents or not and the number of serious falls, respectively. Informal_care-IV, Mental_health-IV and Physical_health-IV represent the predicted informal care, predicted mental health and predicted physical health, respectively. Fall (2011)=0 means R has no fall history, etc. Fall (2011)=0 and accident (2011)=0 mean R both has no fall history and other accident history.

STable 8.Results for people who are 65+ and 80+

65+ / 80
FrN / NSF / SArN / LArN / FrN / NSF / SArN / LArN
Informal_care-IV / -0.0038*** / -0.0019*** / -0.0003** / -0.0007* / -0.0095** / -0.0231* / -0.0270* / -0.0016
(0.0099) / (0.0039) / (0.0034) / (0.0007) / (0.0085) / (0.0168) / (0.015) / (0.0015)
Mental_health-IV / 0.0405** / 0.0083** / 0.0040 / 0.0015** / 0.0492* / 0.2109*** / 0.0101 / 0.0025
(0.0409) / (0.0162) / (0.0099) / (0.0031) / (0.0418) / (0.0825) / (0.049) / (0.0076)
Physical_health-IV / 0.0634*** / 0.0272*** / 0.0124*** / 0.0011*** / 0.0760 / 0.3487 / 0.135 / 0.0076*
(0.0877) / (0.0345) / (0.0137) / (0.0006) / (0.0817) / (0.1613) / (0.091) / (0.0149)
Age / -0.016 / -0.02 / 0.016 / 0.017 / 0.603 / 0.874 / -0.031 / -0.058
(0.040) / (0.059) / (0.017) / (0.012) / (0.442) / (0.872) / (0.259) / (0.081)
Age2 / 0.000 / 0.000 / 0.000 / 0.000 / -0.003 / -0.005 / 0.000 / 0.000
(0.000) / (0.000) / (0.000) / (0.000) / (0.003) / (0.005) / (0.002) / (0.000)
Education / 0.001 / -0.009 / 0.002 / 0.000 / -0.033 / 0.023 / -0.012 / -0.002
(0.007) / (0.011) / (0.003) / (0.002) / (0.031) / (0.062) / (0.018) / (0.006)
Gender / -0.061** / 0.025 / 0.000 / -0.014 / -0.056 / -0.110 / 0.157** / 0.006
(0.033) / (0.048) / (0.014) / (0.009) / (0.113) / (0.223) / (0.066) / (0.021)
Marrital_status / 0.017 / 0.083 / -0.008 / 0.004 / 0.043 / 0.018 / 0.096 / 0.008
(0.039) / (0.057) / (0.017) / (0.011) / (0.146) / (0.288) / (0.086) / (0.027)
BMI / 0.003 / 0.004 / -0.006 / 0.000 / 0.003 / 0.003 / 0.005 / 0.001
(0.004) / (0.005) / (0.002) / (0.001) / (0.013) / (0.026) / (0.008) / (0.002)
Com_style / 0.032 / 0.014 / -0.012 / -0.003 / 0.237** / 0.036 / 0.058 / -0.006
(0.039) / (0.056) / (0.016) / (0.011) / (0.135) / (0.266) / (0.079) / (0.025)
Com_road / -0.011 / 0.067 / 0.017 / 0.021* / -0.007 / 0.387 / -0.006 / 0.032
(0.045) / (0.066) / (0.019) / (0.013) / (0.147) / (0.289) / (0.086) / (0.027)
Com_eco / -0.006 / -0.02 / -0.004 / -0.002 / -0.001 / -0.096 / -0.013 / -0.001
(0.011) / (0.015) / (0.005) / (0.003) / (0.034) / (0.067) / (0.020) / (0.006)
Com_clear / 0.003 / -0.008 / 0.011** / 0.001 / 0.014 / -0.041 / 0.019 / -0.004
(0.011) / (0.016) / (0.005) / (0.003) / (0.032) / (0.063) / (0.019) / (0.006)
Com_house / -0.01 / -0.006 / -0.007** / 0.000 / -0.037 / -0.001 / 0.007 / -0.001
(0.009) / (0.013) / (0.004) / (0.003) / (0.028) / (0.055) / (0.016) / (0.005)
Com_crowd / 0.005 / 0.000 / -0.001 / -0.001 / -0.01 / 0.029 / -0.013 / -0.006
(0.008) / (0.011) / (0.003) / (0.002) / (0.026) / (0.052) / (0.015) / (0.005)
Com_disable / 0.006 / 0.018 / -0.001 / -0.003 / 0.035 / 0.141** / 0.007 / -0.001
(0.009) / (0.014) / (0.004) / (0.003) / (0.033) / (0.066) / (0.020) / (0.006)
Lnincome / -0.003 / 0.004 / -0.003 / 0.002 / -0.005 / 0.065** / -0.007 / 0.009
(0.005) / (0.008) / (0.002) / (0.001) / (0.015) / (0.031) / (0.009) / (0.003)
Barrierfreeway / 0.054* / 0.031 / -0.013 / -0.001 / 0.079 / 0.113 / 0.014 / -0.002
(0.032) / (0.046) / (0.013) / (0.009) / (0.105) / (0.208) / (0.062) / (0.019)
No_step / 0.011 / -0.005 / -0.007 / -0.002 / -0.04 / -0.116 / 0.022 / -0.003
(0.016) / (0.023) / (0.007) / (0.004) / (0.051) / (0.100) / (0.030) / (0.009)
No_toilet / -0.019 / -0.022 / 0.001 / -0.006 / 0.029 / -0.103 / 0.007 / 0.002
(0.014) / (0.020) / (0.006) / (0.004) / (0.040) / (0.079) / (0.024) / (0.007)
Toilet_stype / -0.004 / 0.012 / 0.009 / 0.012 / -0.093 / 0.013 / -0.048 / 0.003
(0.034) / (0.049) / (0.014) / (0.010) / (0.109) / (0.215) / (0.064) / (0.020)
Work_or_not / -0.001 / -0.038 / 0.01 / 0.004 / -0.019 / -0.053 / 0.084** / -0.015
(0.021) / (0.031) / (0.009) / (0.006) / (0.080) / (0.158) / (0.047) / (0.015)
Version_distance / -0.029** / -0.02 / -0.001 / -0.001 / -0.016 / 0.062 / 0.023 / -0.008
(0.013) / (0.019) / (0.006) / (0.004) / (0.043) / (0.086) / (0.026) / (0.008)
Version_close / 0.003 / 0.017 / -0.001 / -0.002 / 0.012 / 0.009 / -0.035 / -0.006
(0.014) / (0.020) / (0.006) / (0.004) / (0.043) / (0.084) / (0.025) / (0.008)
No_disable2011 / 0.071* / 0.154** / 0.028* / 0.007* / 0.03* / -0.053** / 0.296*** / 0.006**
(0.049) / (0.071) / (0.021) / (0.014) / (0.175) / (0.346) / (0.103) / (0.032)
N / 2,113 / 2,113 / 2,113 / 2,113 / 367 / 367 / 367 / 367

Notes: standard errors are in parentheses. *significant at 10%; **significant at 5%; ***significant at 1%. Probit method and Ordered Probit method are used. FrN, NSF, SArN and NSF represent fall or not, the number of serious falls, serious other accidents or not and the number of serious falls, respectively.