Early Years Planning and Review Meeting


Early Years Setting Report

Please note that this report forms an important part of the Early Years Planning and Review Meeting (EYPARM) assessment and planning process.

It is vital that comments are written factually and concisely under each heading, using all the prompts.

Settings must include the views of the parent and child throughout.

Section 1
Child’s name / Child’s date of birth
Name of setting and contact details
Name and role of person completing the report / Date of report
School start date
Pathway type / Pathway 1 ☐ / Pathway 2 ☐ / Pathway 3 ☐
Section 2
What is going well for the child?(this information may have already been gathered for the One Page Profile and Individual Plan)
What gifts, strengths and talents do they display when they attend the setting?
What are the child’s views, wishes and feelings?(this information may have already been gathered for the One Page Profile and Individual Plan)
Please engage the child in this section of the form, the prompts below are to help you but you may have your own methods for engaging the child in sharing their views, wishes and feelings with you in a meaningful way.
I appearhappy/excited when……
I appear anxious/sad when…….
What would be important to and for the child to work towards achieving?
Please include short and longer term outcomes which reflect the views and aspirations of both the parent and child.
Section 3
Overview of Additional Needs
It is important that this section is completed with direct reference to the child’s learning and development. Please complete the identified areas of need/barriers to learning below, which are significant for the child.
Communication and interaction
What do your observations tell you about the child’s current needs regarding their listening and attention, understanding, speaking and social communication skills? Include West Sussex speech and language monitoring tool in your evidence pack.
Sensory and or physical
What do your observations tell you about the child’s current needs regarding their self-care skills (e.g. toileting, eating etc.), vision, hearing, fine or gross motor development, medical support if required?
Describe the child’s response to sensory stimulation.
Cognition and learning
What do your observations tell you about the child’s current needs regarding their approach to self-chosen experiences e.g. does he/she engage; show curiosity; explore; persevere and make choices?
Social, and emotional and mental health
What do your observations tell you about the child’s current needs regarding their emotions, and their interactions with other children and adults?
Consider how they express basic emotions (e.g. happy, sad, angry, and scared), and their understanding of emotions. Is the child able to respond to the ideas of others?
Section 4
Progress: ESSENTIAL please attach the following
The child’s Individual Progress Review sheet from the Learning Journal(or equivalent)
(Copies of relevant pages attached) YES ☐
One Page Profile YES☐
Individual Plan
Copies of the two most recent plans with a review is included. YES☐
(Copies attached)
One Page Profiles and Individual Plans should clearly demonstrate how the voice of the parent and of the child has been included in planning for desired outcomes.
West Sussex speech and language monitoring tool (where appropriate)YES☐
STAR observations(where appropriate) YES☐
Date child started in setting
Session Times
No. of sessions available / No. of sessions attended
Calculate over a term
Involvement of outside agencies
Has an Early Help Plan been instigated? (Previously CAF)
If YES, has a copy of the plan been attached? YES ☐ NO☐
Does your setting have Targeted Setting Support (TSS) Inclusion for this child? YES ☐ NO☐
Does your setting have Speech and Language Support to Setting (SALSS) for this child?
Please list any other agencies who are involved in supporting this child. Alternatively include a copy of your Multi-agency record sheet in your evidence pack.
Agency / Name of Professional
Agency / Name of Professional
Agency / Name of Professional
Agency / Name of Professional
Agency / Name of Professional
Further information
Is there any additional information that you feel may be useful to include in this report related to the child or family?
Completed by
Print name / Signed
In consultation with parent/carer
Parent/Carer print name / Signed

Please return to:

Email (preferable): SENRequests&.

If you email the form to us please ensure you password protect the document using the password provided in the original email requesting this report.

Post: Requests and Referrals Team, SEN Assessment Team, Room 001, County Hall, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1RF

Page 1 | Updated October 2016 | This document is available online at