
January 18, 2013 Department of English Volume XLV Number 3

Baylor University


Dr. William V. Davis’s poem, “The Fruit Cellar” has been published in Pembroke Magazine, No. Forty-Four (The American South), 2012, 10.

Dr. William V. Davis’s poems "Winter Windows" and "Depth of Field" have been published in Descant, 51 (2012), 40-41.


Dr. Russell has had the following essays accepted for publication:“Irish Unionism, North of Ireland Protestantism, and Home Rule in Joyce’s Dubliners,” forthcoming from Joyce Studies Annual, 2013, and “‘There lives the dearest freshness deep down things:’ The Intertextual Relationship of George Mackay Brown’s Greenvoe and Hopkins’s ‘God’s Grandeur,’” forthcoming in Renascence, 2013.


Dr. Greg Garrett signed a contract with Oxford University Press to write a religion trade book entitled Entertaining Judgment: The Afterlife in Literature and Popular Culture. The book will explore depictions of death and the afterlife in canonical and popular literature, film, television, and other narratives, and will be published in Fall 2014. He also signed a contract with Bondfire Books to co-write a novel, The Prodigal, with bestselling author Brennan Manning. The Prodigal will be first published as an e-book in Summer 2013, with print publication to follow. This fall, Dr. Garrett also published essays on religion, culture, and politics in the Huffington Post and the British magazine Reform and his weekly column for Patheos, and served as scholarly consultant to the Austin Film Festival as it seeks to digitize and make publicly available its archives of interviews and panel discussions on film, television, and narrative.

On August 23, Dr. Greg Garrett discussed and signed his book Faithful Citizenship: Christianity and Politics for the 21st Century, at the Fall 2012 Theology on Tap event at BookPeople in Austin. On September 10, Dr. Garrett did a Skype interview with students at George Fox University on Faithful Citizenship, which was a required text for political science classes there this fall. On September 19, Dr. Garrett discussed Faithful Citizenship at First Baptist Church, Austin. On September 25, Dr. Garrett gave a lecture on Faithful Citizenship for Baylor’s Academy for Leader Development. On September 30, Dr. Garrett discussed Faithful Citizenship at St. Julian’s Episcopal Church, Round Rock.

On October 13, Dr. Greg Garrett taught “Making a Scene,” a Saturday class on dramatic construction for the Writer’s League of Texas at St. Edward’s University in Austin. On October 14, he lectured on Faithful Citizenship at All Saint’s Episcopal Church, Austin. During the Austin Film Festival’s annual writing conference, October 18-21, Dr. Garrett moderated three panels on television drama and conducted a public interview with writer/producer Damon Lindelof (Lost, Start Trek, Prometheus). The Lindelof interview was the conference’s top-rated program.

On November 4, Dr. Greg Garrett taught a class on Faithful Citizenship at St. David’s Episcopal Church, Austin. On November 15, Dr. Garrett was the invited preacher for the Academy of Homiletics annual meeting in Chicago; his sermon, “Always Creating,” was then published by the national preaching site Day1. Dr. Garrett also preached two services at St. David’s, Austin, on December 2.

Dr. Garrett was interviewed in the fall by WORD-FM (Pittsburgh, PA), The Baptist Standard, and The Waco Tribune Herald.


Dr. Kevin Gardner has received news that his essay, “Strange Deliberations: John Betjeman and Protestant Nonconformity,” has been accepted for publication in an upcoming issue of Christianity and Literature.


Dr. Joshua King’s article, “Coleridge’s Clerisy and Print Culture,” was published in The Coleridge Bulletin 40 (Winter 2012): 25-35 (5,500 words).


Dr. Hope Johnston’s article, “Redressing the Virago in Christine de Pizan’sLivre de la cité des dames,” appeared in the December 2012 issue of CRMH.

Dr. Hope Johnston’s book, "Christine de Pizan, The Boke of the Cyte of Ladyes: An edition of Brian Anslay’s 1521 Middle English Translation and the 15th-century Middle French Text of Ms. London, British Library Royal 19.A.xix,” is under contract with Arizona State University Press for their Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies series, with publication expected in late 2013/early 2014.


Dr. Luke Ferretter completed his book “The Glyph and the Gramophone: D. H. Lawrence’s Religion”, which will be published by Bloomsbury in June 2013.

Dr. Luke Ferretter was commissioned to write a book chapter entitled, “Religious Pluralismand the Beats” for the Routledge Companion to Religion and Literature.

Dr. Luke Ferretter published a conference report entitled, “2012 International D. H. Lawrence Conference: D. H. Lawrence, His Contemporaries and the Great War, Universited'Artois, Arras, France”, in the D. H. Lawrence Society Newsletter 91 (2012)

Dr. Luke Ferretter was accepted to give a conference paper entitled, “Seriously Modified Beliefs: D. H. Lawrence’s Religious Education” at the 2013 International D. H. Lawrence conference, Paris, France, in April 2013.

Dr. Luke Ferretter received an AHFRP grant for a research project entitled “The Sermons and Spirituality of D. H. Lawrence's Minister” in London and Nottingham.


Cameron Moore’s article “The Failures of Innocent Smith” has been accepted for publication in The St. Austin Review.


Information has been received from the Chapman University concerning their MFA program in Creative Writing. The program offers a diverse faculty, including Mark Axelrod, Anna Leahy, Tom Zoellner, James P. Blaylock, Richard Bausch, Alicia Kozameh, and Martin Nakell. Along with full tuition remission,two students will each be selected to receive an $18,000 fellowship. All applicants for fall semester admission will be considered for the fellowships. The deadline for application is February 1, 2013. For more information, please visit their website at or see the flier on file in CS 106.

Echoes of the Aeolian Harp

Dr. William J. McDonald’s review of The Automotive History of Lucky Kellerman by Steve Heller is in the November 22, 1987 issue of the WacoTribune-Herald. Dr. Heller visited the Department of English for a reading Nov. 4.

From Aeolian Harpings 28:17 (November 25, 1987).