"Line of duty" means any action which a sworn public safety professional (SPSP) is obligated or authorized by law, rule, regulation or written condition ofemployment or service to perform, or for which the SPSPis compensated by the public agency he or she serves, including actionstaken against a SPSP.

The term "killed in the line of duty" means a SPSP, volunteer or individual employed by a governmental agency has died as a direct and proximate result of a personalinjury sustained in the line of duty. This includes a victim SPSP who, while in an off-duty capacity, act in responseto a law violation, or while in an off-duty capacity, are in route to or from aspecific emergency or responding to a particular request for assistance; or a SPSP is, as required or authorized by law orcondition of employment, driving his or her employer's vehicle to or from work; or when the SPSP is, as required by law orcondition of employment, driving his or her own personal vehicle at work and is killed while in route to or from work.

A SPSP shall be included if a department states that the professional died in the line of duty and there is no information to believe otherwise.

Not included under this definition are deaths attributed to natural causes, except when the medical condition arises out ofphysical exertion, while on duty, that is required by law or condition of employment including, but not limited to, the following:

  1. running or other types of exercise being performed as part of training programs administered by the employing agency
  1. fitness tests administered by the employing agency;
  1. lifting of heavy objects; or
  1. a specific stressful response to a violation of law or an emergency situation causing a SPSP's death immediately orwithin 24 hours of violation or emergency situation, or causing his or her death during a continuous period ofhospitalization immediately following a response to the specific stressful occurrence to the violation of law oremergency situation.


The following are sworn public safety professionals that are eligible for the Bernalillo County Public Safety Officers’ Memorials.

Fallen Sworn Public Safety Professionals that have served and or lived in Bernalillo County to include law enforcement officers, firefighters, corrections officers, first responders, federal agents, probation and parole officers and emergency medical services professionals that served in many public safety departments including Federal, State, and local agencies.

Less than full-time SPSPswill also be considered. In such cases, eligibility will be determined after a review of several issues, including but not limited to, job description, training and circumstances of death.