Early Years Planning and Review Meeting (EYPARM)

Early Years Setting Report Guidance

The following guidance will support you to complete your Early Years Setting Report for EYPARM discussion. The involvement of parent/carers and other professionals is essential when completing this report.

Follow the link for examples of EYPARM Setting Reports (link to be added here soon)

The EYPARM panel is made up of professionals who may or may not be working with the child. Remember: while completing your report this is your chance to tell the panel what you know about the child – what are their strengths, what is challenging for them in your learning environment and what you are doing to support them.

Section 1 – child and setting details
Include full information about the child you are supporting, and your setting, and indicate the pathway your report has been requested for.
Section 2 - the individual child
What is going well for the child?
It is expected that you will have recorded this information already on the child’s One Page Profile and Individual Plancreated with the parent/carer. These documents provide an opportunity for you to celebrate the positive personal qualities the child brings to your setting e.g. consider what the child shows you through their actions (child’s voice).
There is no need to duplicate all of this information if the One Page Profile and Individual Plan are sent with your report, however brief key points should be included here to supplement the documents you are sending.
What are the child’s views, wishes and feelings?
This information may also be found on the child’s One Page Profile and Individual Plan - consider what is important to the child when they are in your setting e.g. needing a comfort object; needing to be greeted by their key carer; where to place their comfort object when they do not need it etc.
Long term outcomes for a child are important to note – to enable individual children to meet their full potentialwe all need to have high aspirations for them. This information will be valuable to other professionals when writing future plans. The child’s Individual Plan will describe the current short term planned outcomes, in this section please give a summary of the broader and long term outcomes for the child e.g. what do parents wish for their child when they transition to school, what are their hopes and dreams for their child.
Section 3 – Overview of additional needs
This section refers to the Areas of Need detailed in the ‘Special Educational Needs and/or Disability - Code of Practice’ document. Please only complete the Areas of Need relevant to the child and the additional support you are providing beyond the universal support you provide for all children.
In the four boxes in section 3 please keep your information relevant and concise and present this in key points. Information given in these sections will be used to identify any ongoing support needs for the child.
Consider your current provision and includeconcise information to answer these questions:
  • What is the specific need identified for the child?
  • What are the challenges to them accessing the Early Years curriculum and environment?
  • What additional support is provided (e.g. when is the support given and the frequency? )
  • What specific interventions/strategies/advice from other professionals do you use?
  • What is the impact of the additional support on the child’s learning and development? (Does the additional support enable the child to make progress; is progress limited/not seen despite intervention strategies being used).
You may make reference to information in the child’s One Page Profile and Individual Plan in this section.
Consider links between the EYFS areas of learning and the Areas of Need in this section. Make reference to the Characteristics of Effective Learning.
Areas of need – SEND Code of Practice / Areas of learning - EYFS
Communication and Interaction /
  • communication and language

Sensory and or physical /
  • physical development
  • expressive arts and design

Cognition and learning /
  • literacy
  • mathematics
  • understanding the world
  • expressive arts and design

Social and emotional and mental health /
  • personal, social and emotional development

Characteristics of Effective Learning
Playing and exploring – Active learning – Creating and thinking critically
Section 4
You must include the documents named in this section with your Setting Report to provide EYPARM panel with enough information to decide the best outcome for the child.
Attendance – include an accurate record of the child’s attendance as this will be taken into consideration when EYPARM panel are reviewing the information pack submitted in respect of the child and their needs. Consider: does the child attend all of their allocated sessions? If a child has inconsistent attendance please indicate reasons in the ‘Further Information’ section (see below), e.g. hospital stay, transport difficulties etc.
Other agencies
You must indicate the additional services that are currently supporting the child/their family/your setting.
If you have a multi-agency record, please include this with your other documents.
Further information
Is there any other information that hasn’t been covered in the previous sections that you feel may help the EYPARM panel with their decisions? Please include in this box.
Parent involvement
You must have consulted with the child’s parent/carer to complete this report for EYPARM.
Save a copy of your report and supporting documents as you may need the information for other requests/reports/applications e.g. Targeted Setting Support - inclusion; inclusion funding panel; updated EYPARM reports for future panels.
Please use the child’s date of birth as a six figure number to password protect your documents, for example 14th April 2013 would be 140413. Send all documents using the contact details on the bottom of the form.