2018-19 Classes forSophomores

Each sophomore will take seven full-year courses in 2018-19

1. English

Must take one of the following:

English 2

Honors English 2 **

2. Fine Arts

Must take one of the following:

AP Music Theory ** (prerequisite – approval of instructor)

Acting Workshop




Digital Photography



Music 2 (pre-requisite – Music)

Music Appreciation


Photography (Black and White Film)


3. Foreign Language

Must take one of the following:

French 2

Latin 2

Mandarin 2

Spanish 2

Honors Spanish 2 for native speakers* (prerequisite – Honors Spanish 1 for native speakers)

Honors Spanish 2 for non-native speakers*(pre-req – Honors Spanish 1 for non-native speakers)

Honors Spanish 2 transition *

4. Mathematics

Must take one of the following:

Algebra 2

Honors Algebra 2 *

Pre-Calculus (prerequisite -- Algebra 2 or Hon Algebra 2)

Honors Pre-Calculus ** (prerequisite -- Algebra 2 or Honors Algebra 2)

Calculus or AP Calculus ** (prerequisite – Pre-Calculus or Honors Pre-Calculus)

5. Science

Must take one of the following:


Honors Chemistry **

6. Social Science

Must take one of the following:

World History

AP World History ** (this course is open to all interested students; however, students who receive
a C+ or below for the first semester will be moved to regular World History with no appeal)

7. Theology

Must take:

Theology 2

* Even though these courses receive “Honors” creditfrom Loyola, they are not given “Honors” credit

by UC. This means that Loyola will give 5.0 GPA points for an A, but UC will only give 4.0.

** Given “Honors” creditby both Loyola High School and UC. Both award 5.0 GPA points for an A.

Important Dates for Pre-Registration and Registration for 2018-19 Courses

Feb 5 – Mar 2Teachers hold meetings for restricted courses at lunch, before or after school

Mar 5Pre-registration meetings for all freshmen with their counselors

Mar 6National Latin and French exams; Honors Spanish 2 placement exams

Mar 7Honors English 2 placement exam in Xavier Center during Homeroom

Mar 12Hard deadline for all students to complete pre-registration on Q – 9:00 p.m.

Mar 20-23Mathematics placement exams taken during regular math classes

Apr 16Acceptance lists for restricted courses available on Canvas

Apr 16-24Students register on-line using Q

Apr 16-24Students submit written petitions for reconsideration for honors/AP courses

Jun 18Deadline for departments to respond to petitions

Approx Jun 30Student schedules available on-line

AugustRequests for schedule changes via e-mail

Approx Sept 15Deadline for course changes; schedules locked after this point