Department of Energy & Climate Change
3 Whitehall Place,
London SW1A 2AW
T: +44 (0)300 060 40000
M:+44 (0)7000 000000
REF: 11/0241
10th March 2011

Dear Mr Cosh,

Thank you for your e-mail of 11th February requesting information on customer satisfaction of domestic wind turbines which we have dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act.

Officials within DECC have tried to answer as many of your questions as possible however, some of the data requested is not yet available or is held by other organisations. Where this is the case I have made a reference in the letter below.

Regarding your question on take-up, Ofgem, the administrators of the scheme, provides live information on take-up on their website ( in which the FITs Installations Statistical Report shows 22,951 solar PV and 1,203 wind installations accredited for FITs as at 21th February 2010. In addition, DECC publishes a quarterly table of capacity accredited on the FIT scheme, ET5.6, with the latest table showing data as at the end of December 2010. This is available at:

Quarterly levelisation reports are also available from Ofgem (

Payments are made to suppliers based on the number of FITs generators and by type of technology. The total FITs payments over the period 1st April – 30th September 2010 for all technologies was £2,686,712.55. Information on payments for 1st October – 31st December 2010 will be made public on Ofgem’s website soon.

Renewable Obligation Certifications (ROCs) are trade-able and have no fixed price. The amount a supplier pays for a ROC is dependent on bi-lateral negotiations between supplier and generator. The total income under the RO also includes the sale of electricity, which is again subject to bilateral negotiation. Consequently there is no specific data available on the ROC income individual generators will receive. Ofgem publish Renewable Obligation Annual Reports which include information on how licensed suppliers complied with their obligations, the number of ROCs issued (including by technology) and details on the generators accredited. These reports are available to download at:

DECC does not hold any information in relation to bankruptcy rates of installers or rates on non renewal of MCS registration for installers and we would recommend that you contact REAL Assurance although the information may not be readily available. Their contact details are as follows:

Virginia Graham

Renewable Energy Assurance Ltd
7th Floor,
91 Waterloo Road,
LondonSE1 8RT

We are unable to help any further with your other questions as DECC does not hold the information. We would recommend that you contact the Energy Savings Trust (EST), who may be able to provide some information on customer attitudes.

Appeal Procedure

If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask for an internal review. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original letter and should be addressed to the department.Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.

If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

I hope the above has been helpful.


Daljit Supria

Microgeneration Policy

Distributed Energy and Heat Policy Team