Pupils are taught how to collect information and present it in an organised way. They will be able to interpret information from tables and graphs.
Home Help!
- When you see information in pictorial form (tables and graphs) such as on food packaging discuss what it means. Discuss Football league tables and adverts that use graphs and diagrams.
Try and make maths fun and normal to talk about, as part of an everyday conversation with your child
All Faiths’ Children’s CommunitySchool
Gun Lane
T: (01634) 717115
F: (01634) 295715
Information for Adults Series
How is my child learning mathematics in IFS and KS1?
It is our aim to encourage pupils to becomeenthusiastic, confident and independent mathematicians.
There are 7 aspects to numeracy:
- using and applying mathematics.
- counting and understanding numbers.
- knowing and using number facts.
- calculating.
- understanding shape.
- measuring.
- statistics.
At school / Using and applying mathematics
Pupils have the opportunity to use and apply their mathematical skills, in real life contexts, in every aspect of numeracy. Pupils are encouraged to explain their methods using mathematical language.
Home Help!
- Give your child the opportunity to talk about maths, e.g: if you are making a cake, talk about the quantities of ingredients needed and ask your child to explain how s/he knows the answers. Set them real life problems to solve e.g: measuring for a new carpet, laying the table or cutting the cake.
At school / Counting and understanding number
Pupils are taught to count, order and write numerals. They are also taught the value that each digit (numeral) represents. Pupils learn about fractions, ratios and percentages.
Home Help!
- Encourage your child to count everyday objects, eg: the number of red cars that pass you on a journey. You can talk about fractions when dividing and eating a pizza.
- Look for numbers wherever you go; on doors, buses and in lifts.
At school / Knowing and using number facts
Pupils are encouraged to quickly recall important number bonds (such as the numbers that add up to 10) and multiplication tables. Pupils also learn to double and half numbers quickly. Pupils are taught how to use these facts to support mental calculation.
Home Help!
- Please practise multiplication tables and number bonds with your child. An effective way of doing this is by playing games such as bingo or games on the internet.
At school / Calculating
Pupils are taught effective methods to enable them to carry out the 4 operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Home Help!
- If you are going to practise calculations at home with your child, please use the same method that is used in school. Children will use a method appropriate to their stage of development. Ask your child’s teacher to show you the method your child is currently using.
At school / Understanding shape
Pupils learn the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. They also learn how to use the language of position and movement. They understand angles as a measurement of turn and are taught to recognise and describe patterns.
Home Help!
- Ask your child to describe the shape of objects e.g. windows. Use the language of position and movement e.g: ask your child to tell you what is to the left of the television.
- Play games with objects from around the house; put the teddy in the box, hide the bear under the cushion.
At school / Measuring
Pupils are taught the different units of measurement associated with length, weight and capacity.
Home Help!- When shopping, talk about the units used to show you how much of something you are buying. Is an apple heavier or lighter than a bag of sugar? Bake with your child – they can weigh ingredients and measure liquids. Make a plan or model to scale.