Exercise 2
“Before starting, check that you are viewing this in Microsoft Word. If you left clicked on the link in your web browser to come here, you will be viewing this through Internet Explorer. You can check this by clicking on the Help menu and seeing if it lists either “About Microsoft Word” or “About Internet Explorer”. If it says, “About Internet Explorer” you have opened this fine in the incorrect way, and so you can use the Back button on the browser to go back and download the document in the correct way. If it says “About Microsoft Word”, you’ve done it correctly – carry on.”
Each instruction in this exercise is a paragraph.
1. Display the spaces and end of paragraph marks by using the Show/Hide button on the toolbar. Show/Hide allows you to see that spaces and end of paragraph marks are characters too although they are normally invisible. If you can't find it on the toolbar click on one of the buttons called "More buttons" in the center of the toolbar.
2. Write your name between this instruction and the next. Leave a blank line before and after your name. You can do this by moving the flashing cursor to the end of this instruction and pressing the enter key (this is also called the Return key). Press it a second time to get a blank line.
3. Correct the mis-spelling on this linee. Place the cursor after the second e and use the backspace key.
4. Remove this instruction from the document by highlighting the complete paragraph and pressing the Delete key. You cans select text by pointing to the start of the text, then holding down the left mouse button and dragging the pointer to the end of the text. When you select it you will see that it is highlighted.
5. Change the word Display in instruction 1 to the word Show. Highlight the word and then retype the new word.
6. Change the words Show and Display in line 5 from italic to bold. Highlight each word, then press the B button and the I buttons on the toolbar.
7. Underline the word Correct in instruction 3. Highlight the word, then press the U button.
8. Right allign this instruction. Place the cursor anywhere in the paragraph then use the appropriate toolbar button to move the text to the right hand side of the page.
9. Centre this instruction. Similar to above.
10. Change the font family of this line from Times New Roman to Bookman Old Style. Select the whole line, then select the correct font family from the Font drop down menu (It's current setting should be Times New Roman)
11. Change the font size of the title Exercise 2 at the top of the page to 20. Select the whole title, then use the Font Size drop down list on the tool bar and select the size you require.
12. Move this complete instruction so that it is between 10 and 11. There are two ways you can do this: (a) highlight this complete paragraph, then drag and drop it in front of the 9, or (b) highlight and then cut it out, then place the cursor before the 9 and paste it in. You can cut and paste either using the Edit menu or by the appropriate toolbar buttons: Cut: Paste:
13. Using the Save As command save this on drive h: using the same file name as it currently has.