Each chapter's quiz is worth 25 points towards your final course grade. The chapter quizzes are located in each lesson under assignments.
Before taking the chapter quiz - complete the study guide for that chapter. Then use the study guide to complete the chapter quiz.All quiz questions are taken from the study guides. All examination questions are also taken from the study guides. Each quiz contains 25 questions and each exam 100 questions. All questions are either true/false or multiple choice.
The chapter quizzes are timed events (30 minutes). You can only take each chapter's quiz one time for a grade - be prepared before you begin - once the quiz is begun you must complete it. If you quit before the quiz is completed you will not be able to take the quiz again.
It is the student’s responsibility to keep track of the time used when taking a quiz or exam. Based on the computer and browser you are using a timer may be visible when taking your quiz or exam. It will not be visible on every student’s computer. Time used is determined from the time you open the quiz or exam until you press the “submit” button when finished. If you exceed the time allowed for completing the quiz or exam your quiz or exam will not be graded until the instructor manually grades the exam and enters the score.
When taking quizzes and exam once you open a quiz or exam do nothing other than answer the questions and then press the submit button. Anything else will “lock” the quiz and that includes pressing the “save” button once the quiz or exam is opened. This may lock your quiz as it is only to be used if the instructor allowed a quiz to be completed in multiple tries. Your quizzes and exams are a one attempt – must be completed once opened type so the “Save” button may lock your quiz or exam since saving is not allowed. If a quiz becomes locked only your instructor can unlock a quiz or exam. You will need to email him/her to have the lock removed.
You can take the chapter quizzes anytime prior to midnight 11 Maybut it is to your benefit to follow the recommended completion dates for each quiz. This will keep you from trying to complete all the quizzes near the end of the course.
Chapter quizzes and exams are not proctored and are to be completed online.