
E4.01.1F1 Risk Assessment Record


/ Assessment

Task / Activity

/ Use of Vacuum Lifter

Date Conducted

/ 13.10.03 /

Review by Date


Date Reviewed

Assessment Team
/ Lead /
Existing Measures Taken to Control
Risks from the Hazard
/ Present
Risk / Controls Required to Allow Task to Start / Continue / Residual
Hazard / 2
Effect / 3 At Risk / 4
Existing Control Measures / 5 Severity / 6 Probability / 7 Risk Rating / 8
Further Control Measures / 9 Severity / 10 Probability / 11 Risk Rating / 12 Acceptable? / 13
Further Actions to Reduce Risk Further / 14 Completed
Lifting overhead – falling load / Death / A / 5 / 4 / 20 / ·  Create Exclusion zones to prevent access to directly under the lifting area
·  Ensure no persons are working above or below
·  PPE Hard Hat, High vis clothing and safety boots
·  Do not lift in wet conditions / 5 / 1 / 5 / A
Striking scaffold / Death / A / 5 / 4 / 20 / ·  Ensure gap (between scaffold and frames) is sufficient e.g. 300mm (sucker) + Glass width + 200mm (100mm clearance either side)
·  Glass to be guided and stabilised through the full duration of lift.
·  Competent person to remove protruding scaffold, that may interfere with the lift.
·  Do not lift in strong winds > 29kph / 5 / 2 / 10 / A
Uneven load / Fractures / A / 4 / 4 / 16 / ·  Ensure the suckers are central for loads that are to be rotated.
·  Always position the sucker within 40mm of the centre of gravity. Manufacturers recommend the outer pad is no further than 500mm from the edge of the load. / 4 / 1 / 4 / A
Failure of Suction – falling load / Death / A / 5 / 4 / 20 / ·  Ensure pressure sucker is within its 6 month inspection date.
·  Complete Daily pre-use inspection checklist.
·  Check vacuum is achieved every lift by holding 50mm off the ground for 30 seconds.
·  Ensure the load is dry before lifting.
·  Ensure the pressure sucker is within its safe working load.
·  Never leave loads suspended. / 5 / 1 / 5 / A
Failure of Lifting Equipment – falling load and/or equipment / Death / A / 5 / 4 / 20 / ·  Pre check all lifting equipment, hoist, slings, hooks are within safe working load.
·  Pre check all lifting equipment, hoist, slings, and hooks in good condition without damage.
·  Ensure all lifting equipment has been inspected by a competent person within 6 months (certification is needed) / 5 / 1 / 5 / A
Authorised by
The Responsible Manager /


/ Signed: / Dated:
At Risk / Severity / Probability / Risk Rating / Issue: 2
Issue Date: October 2002
E - Employees / 1 / No Injury / 1 / Very Unlikely / 1 – 5 / LO W / A - Acceptable
C - Contractors / 2 / Minor Injury / 2 / Unlikely / 6 - 14 / MEDIUM / M - More Analysis Required
V - Visitors / 3 / +3 Day Absence / 3 / Likely / 15 - 25 / HIGH / U – Unacceptable Risk
P - Public / 4 / Major Injury / 4 / Very Likely
A - All / 5 / Death / 5 / Virtually Certain