Speech 1
Course Syllabus
Instructor: Angela Sloan 2017-2018
E-mail: eeting Time: Semester 1 and 2
WHHS Room 214
High school phone 814-255-8726
The objective of this course is to teach students the most effective strategies to employ in the process of public speaking. By the end of this course, students should be able to:
- Effectively work with others.
- Utilize the most effective strategies by which to reach an audience through speech.
- Utilize effective listening strategies.
- Identify objectives in order to identify the most effective strategies by which to convey information to a group.
- Utilize effective strategies in order to collect information through research.
1.1. Learning to Read Independently1.2. Reading Critically in All Content Areas
1.4. Types of Writing
1.6. Speaking and Listening
1.8. Research
GRADING: Each quarter grade in this course will be determined by assessment in the following areas:
Speech Delivery40% / Speech Preparation
30% / In-class Work
10% / Participation/Active Listening
10% / Quizzes
The final grade for this course is determined as follows:
Quarter Assignments and Activities = 80% of final grade
Final Exam (X1):10% of final grade
Final speech:10% of final grade
Carlin, Diana Prentice, James Payne. Public Speaking Today. Lincolnwood: National Textbook Company, 1995.
Sloan’s Speech List O List
Sloan’s Warm Up:
Students will have a short speaking activity each day at the beginning of class.
Students will also write about their speaking experience in their journals daily.
Textbook exercises include reading and taking notes on various chapters in the book. There will be reading quizzes to check for understanding. In addition, we will practice chapter topic techniques during class.
We often learn best by observing others and we will watch movies and speeches to understand public speaking and good communications skills.
We will learn how to write/speak speeches of all forms.
Impromptu- Students will be given a random topic or idea and must deliver a short speech with no preparation.
Introduction- Students will interview and prepare a speech introducing a classmate.
Extemporaneous/Commentary- Students are given a current event subject and a short period of time to prepare and deliver a speech from notes.
Extensive preparation: We will research, write and practice the following speeches:
Specialized- Students will choose from a list of ceremony or courtesy speeches, write, and deliver a speech.
Oral Interpretation- Students will choose a poem or short story to interpret and read to the class.
Declamation- Students will take a speech someone else has written and deliver it making it his/her own.
Informative- Students choose a topic, research, write, and deliver a speech informing.
Persuasive-Students choose a topic, research, write, and deliver a speech persuading.
Public Forum Debate- Students work in pairs, research an issue, write speeches, and debate it with another team.
Humorous/serious drama- Students will research, cut and present a piece from a play or movie.