BritishSpanish Society Scholarships 2017
Candidate Application Pack
How to apply for a Scholarship
Applications, eitherdirectorviaanacademic sponsor, should be madeby15 May 2017 to theGrantsSecretary of theSocietyvia email to
Validapplication packsmustinclude:
- A completedapplicationform (includingcontact details,profile, project and centre)
- A scannedcopy of yourpassportoridentificationcard
- A scannedcopy of yourletter of acceptancefromyouracademicinstitution
- Letter/s of referencefromanacademic sponsor
Note: When assessing the strength of applications for the BritishSpanish Society scholarships, apart from considering whether they conform with the objects of the Society, the relevance of candidates’ applications to the work of our Principal Supporters may be taken into account. Candidates may want to reflect on how best to present their applications with reference to our Supporters’ websites, and are welcome to indicate if they feel their application is especially suited to the interests of a particular Supporter.
Scholasrhip policy
Scholarshippolicy, applicantsforgrantsshouldconsiderthefollowing:
1. Applicantsmust be UnitedKingdomorSpanishnationalswho are orwill be engaged in universitystudies at postgraduatelevelthathavesomeconnectionwith bilateral links and relationshipsbetweentheUnitedKingdom and Spain in anyfield of academic interest.
2. Applicantsmay be undergraduates in their final year, or be postgraduatesseeking, forexample, to extendexistingqualificationsor to carry forward researchalreadyinitiated.
3. Candidatesshouldalreadyhavebeenunconditionallyaccepted at theUniversity of theirchoice and be able to produce writtenconfirmation of this (a scannedcopy of youracceptanceletterissufficient).
4. Referencesmust be presented in officialletter-headedpaper, dated, stamped and signedbythe referee. Wewillacceptrecentletters, datedlessthanoneyear prior to theapplicationdeadline (a scannedcopy of yourreferenceletterwillsuffice). Email referenceswill be equallyaccepted, providedtheyhavebeensentfromtheofficial email account of theacademic sponsor.
5. TheSociety’saimis to providesupportfor a courseorresearchprojectwhichwouldnot be possiblewithoutthisadditionalfunding.
6. In consideringapplicationsthe Council willtakeintoaccountwhethertheyconformwiththeobjects of theSociety, whichis a non-politicalorganisationwhoseaimis: ‘to promotefriendship and understandingamongthepeoples of theUnitedKingdom and Spainthroughknowledge of eachother’scustoms, institutions, history and way of life’.
7. Successful applicants are expected to join the BritishSpanish Society and become members of the charity for a minimum period of one year. Membership should be active before the date of the awards ceremony. A small fee applies, including a 50% student discount.
8. Details of thebenefactorsthatverygenerouslysupportourprogramme can be foundontheBritishSpanishSocietywebsite. Theirrepresentativeswill be involved in theacceptance of candidates.
9. Grants can includeallowancesforresearchmaterials, travel, academicfees and, whereappropriate, accommodation. Eachgrantwill be of theorder of £4,500, with a likelymaximum of £5,000.
10. Awardedcandidateswill be asked to submit a short articleontheirresearch and experiencesforpublication in theSociety’sLa Revista, withinninemonthsafterthescholarshipaward.
11. Publicationsregardingthegrantedresearch/projectshouldmentionthatitwasmadepossiblethanks to thesupport of [name of the Principal Supporter] and theBrisithSpanishSocietyGrant. Reference of publicationsregardingthefundedprojectshould be sent to
12. Awarded Master Degreeprojectsshouldmentiontheessentialsupport of the Principal Supporter and theBritishSpanishSocietyGrantontheir final theses.
13. Iftheawardeeappears in the media in relation to thefundedresearch/project, itshould be notified to theBritishSpanishSociety at
14. Applications can be submittedfrom1 March 2017 (in thefirstinstance to theGrantsSecretary) untiltheclosing date forapplications15 May 2017. Please note that no applications, orfurtherdocuments, will be acceptedafter15 May 2017. Itisintendedthatthefivemainscholarships (oneforeach Principal Supporter) will be awarded in October 2017 at a reception in London, whichsuccessfulcandidateswill be required to attend.
15. Theprojectwill be evaluated as:
- Outstanding: ≥90 points
- Verygood: 80-90 points
- Good: 70-79 points
- Satisfactory: 60-69 points
- Limited: lessthan 60 points
Note: When assessing the strength of applications for the BritishSpanish Society scholarships, apart from considering whether they conform with the objects of the Society, the relevance of candidates’ applications to the work of our Principal Supporters may be taken into account. Candidates may want to reflect on how best to present their applications with reference to our Supporters’ websites, and are welcome to indicate if they feel their application is especially suited to the interests of a particular Supporter.
The BritishSpanish Society Scholarship Programme 2017 Application Form
Personal details
Name and surname/s:Date of birth: / Country of origin:
Full postal address:
University email: / Telephone No.:
Personal email: / Second telephone No.:
Project summary (max. 100 words)
Candidate’s profile (up to 20 points)
- Education up to 10 points
- Professional experience up to 10 points
Project (max. 600 words. Up to 70 points)
- Clarity of the exposition up to 10 points
- Methodology up to 10 points
- Impact up to 30 points
- British – Spanish link up to 20 points
Centre (up to 10 points)
- Why the centre is appropriate to develop the proposed research
Name of academic institution:
Date started (mm/yyyy): / Estimated finishing date (mm/yyyy):
Expected qualification*:
Subject area:
Key subject areas studied:
Project title:
*this qualification must be the one for which you are requesting financial support from BritishSpanish Society.