DYNAMO Walkthrough

For Dynamo version 1.1.77 or higher.

Misha Kudryashev ()

Biozentrum, University of Basel, Switzerland.

Daniel Castanño-Díez ()

Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt, Germany.

This tutorial covers the basic steps to get started into Dynamo:

·  Installation.

·  Tomogram visualization and extraction of particles.

·  Alignment of subtomograms through refinement projects.


Dynamo is a Matlab based set of scripts and GUIs designed to perform sub-tomogram averaging from cryo electron tomograms. This document describes the basics including particle picking, initial model generation, alignment, averaging and classification or particles. Dynamo has a standalone to be run in high performance computational systems (CPU, GPU and hybrid clusters). However for most of the tasks we find it satisfying to have a multi-CPU desktop with several Nvidia Graphical Processors (GPUs) and Matlab.

Download Dynamo from https://dynamo.bioz.unibas.ch/downloadsmenu (for this please register); copy the .tar file to your desired installation directory <DYNAMO_ROOT> and untar it.

tar -xvf dynamo-v-1.1.50_MCR-8.2.0_GLNXA64.tar (for Linux and Mac systems or use a visual tool under Windows)

Follow the instructions in the file README_dynamo_installation.txt to finish the installation depending on your system. For this manual we will use GPU (installation in abstract 4 of README), please make sure you have CUDA5.0 drivers installed in your system. Alternatively you can run this tutorial on in multicore mode without GPU, for this you will need a Matlab version 2014a or higher and a Parallel Computing Toolbox. Start Matlab, type

> run <DYNAMO_ROOT>/dynamo_activate.m

Dynamo is now ready to use. Make a new directory for your project (> mkdir dtutorial) and go there (> cd dtutorial). Type > dynamo and a command window will appear.

This tutorial focuses on the basic GUI functionality however the real power of Dynamo lays in its flexibility supported by Matlab scripting. We find it useful to understand the basics of Matlab: variables, conditions, loops, functions, plots. For the advanced use we recommend to go through Getting Started With Matlab (http://www.mathworks.ch/help/pdf_doc/matlab/getstart.pdf).

Dynamo has a help center that may be called by typing > dhelp. It contains descriptions for all the dynamo functions that may be also called from the Matlab command line with customized parameters. You can also type > help dynamo_function_name for the lists of parameters for each function. Help center also contains descriptions of data types (list of database items). Finally you can view a list of PDF tutorials with examples that demonstrate advanced usage of Dynamo. Note that simple copy-pasting of some commands from PDF into Matlab may not work under Linux due to special characters. Another way to access documentation is to ask Dynamo about it. Type > dapropos to get the list of potential entries for the subject. You can use it without parameters get the list of topics or ask about a particular topic like > dapropos table. More advanced users can use >dlookfor to find functions containing a given string in their name or code.


We assume that your tomograms are already generated using external packages (i.e. IMOD, Protomo, Inspect3D, TOM); for this tutorial Dynamo will generate simulated data. Dynamo Catalogues manage tomograms and link the tomographic data to the extracted particles. Start catalogue manager from the Dynamo command window. In the catalogue manager window use menu Help -> Create synthetic examples -> Create a synthetic catalogue.

Figure 1: creating a set of synthetic tomograms

Dynamo will generate 3 tomograms of synthetic thermosomes and will put them in a new folder called testCatalogue along with the ground truth for particle locations and orientations. Tomograms contain small amount of noise and a missing wedge associated to rotation around Y-axis. Dynamo stores the information about location of particles in the tomograms in a catalogue called testCatalogue_withmodels. Existing catalogues from the current folder may be recalled with Catalogue -> look for local catalogues in the catalogue manager window.


You can see the list of your tomograms and metadata in a table in the bottom of your catalogue manager window. You can add tomograms to the catalogue by Catalogue -> Browse for new volume. You can get an overview of your tomograms in the catalogue by View all volumes -> create thumbnails and View all volumes -> show thumbnail gallery. All these functionalities have their corresponding command line versions, accessible through the dcm command (short for dynamo_catalogue_manager), whose options and syntax can be consulted through > doc dcm.

Dynamo has several viewers designed for various purposes. Select the first tomogram in the list with a mouse click and go to View volume -> Preview and explore your tomogram in one of the two preview browsers.

Figure 2: Selecting a volume in the catalogue manager to be inspected in dpreview

Figure 3 Using dpreview to explore a tomogram in disk

These viewers are optimized for large volumes that don’t fit into memory. There are two main volume browsers that allow you to actually operate on the tomograms, making annotations to define regions of interest. These two browsers are tomoview and tomoslicer. Tomoview provides fine tuned visualization along orthogonal directions. Tomoslice has simpler set of controls, and is also more suitable for visualization tasks that require oblique sections through the tomogram. While the visualization is quite different, both browser use the same tool to keep track of your annotations: a pool of models. Let’s see it with the simpler tomoslice.

Go to View volume -> load full tomogram into Tomoslice. Tomoslice loads a full tomogram (or selected parts of it) into memory. On the left control panels Scene turn off the 3d view radiobutton.

You can navigate the z-height of the tomogram with a mouse wheel or with a slider in the tomoview menu (1 to 256 in this case); you can also change the slice thickness from the default 10 pixels. Play with the controls and explore the tomogram. Turn 3d view back on.


Coordinates of picked particles are represented by data types called models. In the tomoview window go to Model Pool -> Create new model in pool (choose type) -> General. This is the simplest type of model where each clicked/model point corresponds to a single isolated particle. Now you can navigate up and down the tomogram, center the mouse on the particle and click “C” to add a new model point. (Note the Help -> Shortcut options that lists the different the actions of the different keystrokes). Backspace button deletes the last clicked point.

After you are done clicking a dozen of particles go to Active model -> Edit active model. This is a summary of the model with control elements for geometric transformations. Models of type general don’t allow any geometrical transforms, all you need to do here is to convert the clicked model points into “table points” that will be used for cropping. This is done by clicking the table-looking command icon (4th from the right in the top left part of the Editor of model parameters window). Alternatively, you could just click on Active model > Update Crop points in the tomoslice window.

The model editor also gives you the possibility of changing the name of the model. You probably want to give your models meaningful denominations before storing them into disk. Also, you can open a GUI for extracting your particles (first icon from the right) to extract particles from only this tomogram, however we will do it later for all 3 tomograms. Make sure that the number of clicked points equals to the number of table points in the Information field and close the Editor window. Save the model into the catalogue by Active model -> Save active model into catalogue (disk) and close the slicer window. Pick particles for tomograms 2 and 3. In total, there are around 40 particles in the generated dataset.

Figure 4 Remember to save your work: use Update Crop to create table points, and then save the model into the catalogue

IMPORTANT: when you enter a new tomogram, make sure that you delete from memory the pool of models [model pool > clear current pool from memory]. This will have no effect onto the models stored in disk, and it is necessary in order to ensure that you are not mixing models from different tomograms.


The just described tomoslicer browser is one of a visualization option for tomograms. You can use alternatively the tomoview browser (or skip this section if you are already satisfied with tomoslice). Tomoview can be activated through the preview window in exactly the same way as we activated tomoslice.

Tomoslicer forces you to move the viewed slice up and down in a tomogram in order to reliably locate its center. Tomoview works in a different way: you will click two times on each particle: once to locate the (x,y) center and a second one to locate the height along z. Click on Picking profile > Isolated particles. This will create a model of type “General” (no need to create it specifically with the [Model Pool] window), and also will tune the visualization options so that the main window shows a projection of the whole tomogram along z.

Secondary/right clicking in the center of a particle on the main window will locate the [x,y] coordinates of the particle. You won’t see any new point: you need to click (main/left click) in the auxiliary viewers to determine the z-height. There are already three fixed viewers in the top of the GUI. If you switch on the button [Annotation > support ] another set of viewers will appear on your next secondary click. Those are the external viewers, and you can restrict their extent in pixels in the panel [External Viewers ]

Figure 5 tomoview tuned for isolated particles

Figure 6 external viewer: a part of the yz plane including the [x,y] position clicked in the main window


In the catalogue manager window select the rows for tomograms from which you want to extract particles from. You can either select them one by one with a mouse click holding a CTRL button or click the “Select all” button.

Figure 7 Select the models from which you want to extract the particles

Go to Crop Particles -> Open Volume List Manager, all the models in the catalogue listed in the bottom of the window. Pick (by checking boxes) the models of type general – the ones that you have just clicked. Increase sidelength to 48-64 pixels. Vll-list is the format in which Dynamo stores directives for particle extraction; you can modify it with your own scripts if you have a lot of tomograms. Now click “Create list” and “Crop particles”. Change output directory name to i.e. “particles” and click “start cropping”.

Figure 8 Cropping particles from the set of selected models

After cropping is done explore your cropped particles by clicking ddbrowse under the output folder name. Ddbrowse (Dynamo Data Browse) is a lightweight browser for particle visualization, just click “show” and make sure your particles are well centered and fit the box. If not - use pre-existing models to generate the vll-file and re-extract the particles or increase the sidelength. Please note that Dynamo generated a particles/ folder with sub-volumes formatted as particle_000XX.em.




If you don’t have an initial model it is easy to generate it by manually aligning several particles and summing them up. Dynamo stores information about the particles in dynamo tables: for each particle a table contains shifts and rotations to bring the particle to the average (by default these values are initialized as 0s), particle ID (tag), orientation of the missing wedge and others. For full info type > dthelp in Matlab. Dynamo catalogue generates an initial table during particle extraction, its location is particles/crop.tbl. For initial model generation we will use dynamo_gallery to generate initial orientations for some of our particles. Type

> dgallery(‘data’, ‘particles’, ‘table’, ‘particles/crop.tbl’);

First load particles into memory by clicking “load” in the Load from disk field on the left of the window. Display some or all of the particles with a bottom slider in the Shown particles field on the top of the window. Toggle between X- Y- and Z-views in the View: orientation field. Now for each particle you can specify the center with a mouse click and the “C” button. Thermosomes are barrel-like particles with a long axis, you therefore may also specify the “top” of the particle by clicking along the long axis of the particle (but still within the box) with a mouse click and click “N” (stands for North). Do it for all the particles alternating the X- Y- and Z- views. Non-aligned particles are marked red, once the particle has been left-clicked it adds to the section in memory and turns blue. To remove from selection right click on the box. You can save selected tags and a corresponding dynamo table by clicking the “quick save” button in the Particle Section field on top of the window. It saves a quickbuffer.tbl and quickbuffer.tags to the hard drive that you will use later.

To generate the average you need to “apply” the table on the particles. For this click the “average” button in the Particle selection field. It opens dynamo_average_GUI with a lot of controls, we only need output filename in the Averaged volume field - my_average.em. Click “compute average” in the bottom of the window; wait till it is done. Right click to the output filename and select the [view] simple 3d depiction of all slices option and examine it from X- Y- and Z- views. If you are not satisfied with the result close the window and refine your manual alignment / add more particles to the average.