Screening Dates
Screenings will be scheduled and conducted at the school. Contact the Screening Services office at 904-858-1950 to notify them of the date(s) for hearing screening at the school. The Screening Services Team will assist with any questions about the procedures.
Screening Staff
Hearing screenings will be conducted at the school by trained volunteers, teacher assistants, etc.
Audiometers for the screenings may be obtained from the speech pathologists and/or reserving them two weeks in advance of the scheduled screening by contacting Audiology Department
•Call 904-348-7809 to reserve the audiometers no more than 2 weeks prior to pick up. Elementary schools are permitted to check out 2 audiometers and Middle schools 3 audiometers.
•You will need to pick the audiometers up at 4037 Boulevard Center Drive, 1st floor.
•You can keep the audiometers for up to 2 weeks then promptly return them.
Student Screening
Students in grades K, 1, and 6, and new students entering Florida schools for the first time in grades 2 through 5. A Hearing Screening Class List will need to be completed prior to the day of screening. The form can be found on the district website. It is recommended class lists are created from Focus.
Screening Levels (K through Grade 5)
Frequency (Pitch) Intensity (Loudness)
1000 Hz (hertz) 25 dB (decibels)
2000 Hz 25 dB
4000 Hz 25 dB
Screening Level (Grade 6)
Frequency (Pitch) Intensity (Loudness)
1000 Hz (hertz) / 25 dB (decibels)2000 Hz / 25 dB
4000 Hz / 25 dB
8000 Hz / 25 dB
Record Results
Record the results on the "Hearing Screening List" form. Mark an "X" in the column for the presentation missed (not responded to by the student). Do not mark in the column for passing presentations.
Fails Screening (2 or more "X"'s = Fail)
The student fails if he/she misses two or more presentations.
Passes Screening (1 or no "X"'s = Pass)
The student passes the screening if he/she misses only one or no presentation.
Rescreening- REQUIRED
Rescreen students who fail the initial screening (wait approximately one - two weeks between screenings).
Absent Students - REQUIRED
Two additional attempts must be made to screen students absent from the Initial Screening. Do not mark the hearing screening class list as absent until the three attempts have been made.
Copy and Send Hearing Screening Class Lists
Keep a copy of the completed Hearing Screening Class Lists. Send the originals to the Screening Services office via School Mail or FAX per the instructions on the form. Screening results will be entered in the students’ electronic record by the Screening Services office.
Complete Hearing Screening Referral List Form
Complete the “Hearing Screening Referral List” form based on the outcomes of the student screenings. This form should only contain the names of the students who are being referred for further medical evaluation because they did not pass the initial screening and the rescreening.
Copies of this list should be given to the School Counselor and School Nurse. The original should be sent to the Screening Services office via school mail, fax or scanned and emailed per the instructions on the form.
Send Student Referral and Medical Follow-Up Letter
Send “Student Referral and Medical Follow-up” letter to parents of students who fail the rescreening.
The completed form should be returned to Screening Services via fax or scanned and emailed per the instructions on the letter.
Data should be kept on students that are referred for follow-up and are evaluated by a medical provider. The Department of Health School Nurses will assist with follow- up services. Once follow-up is completed, results will be sent to the Screening Services office for data entry into the student’s electronic record.
With the authorization from the parent, any family who cannot afford care may be referred to the appropriate community agency for assistance.
Rev 8/17