2004 - 2005
at the sitting of
28 October 2004
Amendments and proposed modifications
to the draft general budget of the European Union
for the financial year 2005
3rd part: Section III - Commission
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Amendments and proposed modifications
to the draft general budget of the European Union
for the financial year 2005
Amendment 0622Budget reference line : 19 08 05
BUDG/4358 Compromise amendment between FEMM/6584, BUDG/3621
< Tabled by Committee on Budgets >
Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission
Article 19 08 05 Rehabilitation and reconstruction operations in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern countries
Amend remarks and figures as follows:
19 08 05 / DB 2004 / PDB 2005 / DB 2005 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / p.m. / 8 000 000 / p.m. / 6 400 000 / p.m. / 6 400 000 / 0 / 960 000 / p.m. / 7 360 000
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Rehabilitation and reconstruction operations in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern countries
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
After paragraph
This appropriation is intended to cover measures to initiate the ...... situations arising out of war, civil conflict or natural disasters.
Amend text as follows:
Operations covered will include:
—the relaunch of production on a lasting basis,
—the physical and operational rehabilitation of basic infrastructure, including mine clearance,
—social reintegration, notably for refugees, displaced persons and demobilised troops,
—the restoration of the institutional capacities needed in the rehabilitation period, especially at local level,
—supporting disabled people and disabled people's organisations to ensure that their particular needs are met in the context of rehabilitation operations,
—promoting the reintegration of women in social, economic and political life (education, working life),
—ensuring that the needs of women, children and older people are taken into account during disaster relief and reconstruction operations.
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Legal basis:
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Reference acts:
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It is of crucial importance to enhance the role of women in the reconstruction of their countries and to enable them to actively participate in the social, political and economic field. Specific difficulties created for women in times of war or permanent conflict have to be taken into account and have to be given specific funds.
In view to reduce outstanding payments on commitments prior to 2004 and to ensure an effective implementation of this budget line, payment appropriations are increased by 15% over PDB.
The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendment tabled by Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality.
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Amendment 0623Budget reference line : 19 08 07
< Tabled by Salvador Garriga Polledo, Committee on Budgets >
Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission
Article 19 08 07 Aid for rehabilitation and reconstruction of Iraq
Amend figures as follows:
19 08 07 / DB 2004 / PDB 2005 / DB 2005 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 160 000 000 / 128 000 000 / 190 000 000 / 192 000 000 / 190 000 000 / 192 000 000 / -190 000 000 / -192 000 000 / 0 / 0
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
This amendment deletes the appropriations for this line which the Council has financed, within the existing margin, through cuts in other programmes.
In parallel, amendment 3211 restores the same amounts but will be implemented only after an agreement has been reached between Council and Parliament on the financing of Heading 4.
Parliament considers that an extra € 190 million is necessary over the current margin for Heading 4 in order to finance Iraq while safeguarding other programmes.
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Amendment 0624Budget reference line : 19 08 07 02
< Tabled by Salvador Garriga Polledo, Committee on Budgets >
Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission
Add: 19 08 07 02 —
Amend classification: NCE
Amend type: DA
19 08 07 02 / DB 2004 / PDB 2005 / DB 2005 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 190 000 000 / 192 000 000 / 190 000 000 / 192 000 000
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Aid for rehabilitation and reconstruction of Iraq
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\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Add following text:
This appropriation is intended to cover Community operations in the framework of the Iraqi reconstruction process. It may be supplemented by expenditure committed under other chapters and articles, notably Chapter 23 02 (Humanitarian aid), Chapter 21 02 (Food aid), Chapter 19 04 (Human Rights and Democratisation) and Article 19 02 05 (Rapid reaction mechanism).
Add following text:
The Commission will monitor compliance with the conditions for the Community contribution to this process, notably full implementation of the framework agreed at the Madrid Conference. It will keep the budgetary authority informed about its findings and conclusions.
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Legal basis:
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Add following text:
Council Regulation (EEC) No 443/92 of 25 February 1992 on financial and technical assistance to and economic cooperation with developing countries in Asia and Latin America (OJ L 52, 27.2.1992, p. 1).
Add following text:
Council Regulation (EC) No 2258/96 of 22 November 1996 on rehabilitation and reconstruction operations in developing countries (OJ L 306, 28.11.1996, p. 1).
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Reference acts:
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\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
This amendment restores the amounts in the Draft Budget for Iraq but will be implemented only after an agreement has been reached between Council and Parliament on the financing of Heading 4.
Parliament considers that an extra € 190 million is necessary over the current margin for Heading 4 in order to finance Iraq while safeguarding other programmes.
In parallel, amendment 3210 deletes the appropriations on line 19 08 07 which the Council has financed, within the existing margin, through cuts in other programmes.
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Amendment 0246Budget reference line : 19 09
< Tabled by Committee on Development >
Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission
Chapter 19 09 Relations with Latin America
Amend remarks as follows:
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Relations with Latin America
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
After paragraph
The cooperation agreements with the Latin American developing countries lay ...... is complied with by beneficiaries when any project is funded.
Add following text:
This chapter also covers the protection and promotion of children's rights in programming, including in country strategy papers (CSP), national indicative programmes (NIP) and mid-term reviews.
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Legal basis:
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Reference acts:
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
This remark was incorporated in the EU budget 2004 by the budgetary authority but in the PDB 2005 it is entirely excluded.
Since children’s rights have been mainstreamed the support for projects in this area has declined, as proven by the decreasing number of projects funded in 2002. Mainstreaming alone does not appear to have been successful indicating a need for a specific focus on children to be integrated into programming. Recognising this, the European Parliament in several recent reports and resolutions has called on the Commission to introduce a stronger children’s rights perspective to all EU external policies, including the EU development co-operation policy, by adopting a double-track approach of both mainstreaming and directly targeted activities (EP Annual Report on human rights in the world in 2002 and European Union’s human rights policy (A5-0274/2003); EP Resolution on Child Soldiers and Trafficking in Children (B5-0320/2003)).
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Amendment 0625Budget reference line : 19 09 01
BUDG/4359 Compromise amendment between AFET/5052, BUDG/3612, BUDG/4645
AFET/5052 Compromise amendment between AFET/5032, AFET/5012
< Tabled by Committee on Budgets >
Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission
Article 19 09 01 Financial and technical cooperation with Latin American developing countries
Amend remarks and figures as follows:
19 09 01 / DB 2004 / PDB 2005 / DB 2005 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 189 550 000 / 120 000 000 / 200 000 000 / 213 000 000 / 191 000 000 / 209 000 000 / -4 700 000 / 16 000 000 / 186 300 000 / 225 000 000
Reserves / 10 000 000 / 6 000 000 / 20 700 000 / 25 000 000 / 20 700 000 / 25 000 000
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Financial and technical cooperation with Latin American developing countries
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
After list beginning with :
This appropriation is also intended to cover:operations and other measures ...... money laundering in the context of the related cooperation programmes.
and ending with :
the fight against corruption, drug trafficking and money laundering in the context of the related cooperation programmes.
Add following text:
Part of this appropriation is intended to be used, with due regard for the provisions of the Financial Regulation, for operations carried out by older volunteer experts from the European Union who come under ESSN (European Senior Services Network), including technical assistance, advisory services and training in selected public or private sector enterprises.
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Legal basis:
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Reference acts:
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Previous arguments for reducing funding to the region have centred on the problem of absorption capacity or of finding suitable projects. However, with regard to the most recent figures available, the engagement/absorption rate has very good indeed. Much valuable relevant expertise may be lost if we ignore the experience, knowledge and availability of older volunteer experts. The relevant part of this amendment seeks to remedy this deficiency.
In the budgetary procedure of 2004 it became clear that a large share (30 to 60%) of the appropriations of these and other lines are granted to non-state actors (excluding international organisations) by direct agreement. Hence a percentage of these appropriations is placed in reserve until the Commission has presented to Parliament a satisfactory proposal to decrease the number and amount of non-tendered contracts.
The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the Committee on Foreign Affairs, by Mr Jan Mulder and by the Rapporteur.
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Amendment 0626Budget reference line : 19 09 02
BUDG/4360 Compromise amendment between AFET/5013, BUDG/3613
< Tabled by Committee on Budgets >
Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission
Article 19 09 02 Political, economic and cultural cooperation with Latin American developing countries
Amend figures as follows:
19 09 02 / DB 2004 / PDB 2005 / DB 2005 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 76 900 000 / 45 000 000 / 75 900 000 / 100 000 000 / 75 900 000 / 100 000 000 / 4 100 000 / 15 000 000 / 80 000 000 / 115 000 000
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Previous arguments for reducing funding to the region have centred on the problem of absorption capacity or of finding suitable projects. However, with regard to the most recent figures available , the engagement/absorption rate is very good indeed. The habitual excuses for reducing funding to the Latin America budget lines are not acceptable.
Furthermore, the Commission has presented its 2005 PDB figures for Latin America as a (slight) increase above the 2004 budget. In fact, it is actually a 2.2% reduction in appropriations. In 2004, the budget allocation was €322m. A technical 'frontloading' operation whereby contracts for €10m were signed at the very end of 2003 (instead of January 2004) meant that €10m less showed for 2004.
In view of all the above, the habitual excuses for reducing funding for the Latin American budget lines is not acceptable.
In view to reduce outstanding payments on commitments prior to 2004 and to ensure an effective implementation of this budget line, payment appropriations are increased by 15% over PDB.
The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendment tabled by Committee on Foreign Affairs.
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Amendment 0627Budget reference line : 19 09 03
< Tabled by Salvador Garriga Polledo, Committee on Budgets >
Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission
Article 19 09 03 Aid to uprooted people in Latin American countries
Amend figures as follows:
19 09 03 / DB 2004 / PDB 2005 / DB 2005 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 12 000 000 / 12 000 000 / p.m. / 7 000 000 / p.m. / 7 000 000 / 0 / 1 050 000 / p.m. / 8 050 000
Reserves / 20 000 000 / 20 000 000 / 0 / 20 000 000
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
In view to reduce outstanding payments on commitments prior to 2004 and to ensure an effective implementation of this budget line, payment appropriations are increased by 15% over PDB.
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Amendment 0628Budget reference line : 19 09 04
BUDG/4361 Compromise amendment between AFET/5014, BUDG/3615
< Tabled by Committee on Budgets >
Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission
Article 19 09 04 Rehabilitation and reconstruction operations in developing countries in Latin America
Amend figures as follows:
19 09 04 / DB 2004 / PDB 2005 / DB 2005 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 5 125 000 / 85 315 000 / p.m. / 60 000 000 / p.m. / 60 000 000 / 5 125 000 / 9 000 000 / 5 125 000 / 69 000 000
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Restore the 2004 budget.
While the worst effects of some of the natural disasters to which the region is vulnerable have been overcome (we recall the serious drought in Central America in 2001, as well as the calamitous effects of Hurricane Mitch, to name but two), there is always the risk of further natural disasters.
In view to reduce outstanding payments on commitments prior to 2004 and to ensure an effective implementation of this budget line, payment appropriations are increased by 15% over PDB.
The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendment tabled by Committee on Foreign Affairs.
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Amendment 0731Budget reference line : 19 10 01
PLEN/8012 Compromise amendment between BUDG/4362
BUDG/4362 Compromise amendment between DEVE/5729, BUDG/3607, AFET/5053
DEVE/5729 Compromise amendment between DEVE/5719, DEVE/5708, DEVE/5766
AFET/5053 Compromise amendment between AFET/5032, AFET/5015
< Tabled by Committee on Budgets >
Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission
Article 19 10 01 Financial and technical cooperation with Asian developing countries
Amend remarks and figures as follows:
19 10 01 / DB 2004 / PDB 2005 / DB 2005 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 278 000 000 / 266 000 000 / 316 000 000 / 269 000 000 / 297 000 000 / 269 000 000 / -900 000 / 19 000 000 / 296 100 000 / 288 000 000
Reserves / 14 000 000 / 14 000 000 / 32 900 000 / 32 000 000 / 32 900 000 / 32 000 000
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Financial and technical cooperation with Asian developing countries
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Before paragraph
It is also intended to cover information and training-related activities ...... issues assisted by greater use of information and communications technology.
Amend text as follows:
This appropriation is intended to cover development schemes in Asian developing countries, in particular the poorest of them, aimed at tackling macroeconomic and sectoral problems. Emphasis is placed on operations influencing economic organisation and institutional development, the strengthening of civil society, including operations concerning democratisation, universal access for children of both sexes and women to primary and secondary education, the environment, tropical forests, anti-drugs campaigns, regional cooperation, disaster prevention and reconstruction measures, as well as the promotion of sustainable energy andgreater use of information and communications technology.
After paragraph
It is also intended to cover support for the development ...... groups, such as women, children, ethnic minorities and disabled people.
Add following text:
Part of this appropriation is intended to be used, with due regard for the provisions of the Financial Regulation, for operations carried out by older volunteer experts from the European Union who come under ESSN (European Senior Services Network), including technical assistance, advisory services and training in selected public or private sector enterprises.
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Legal basis:
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Reference acts:
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
The vast majority of the world's poorest populations lives in Asia. In line with the EU's firm commitment to poverty eradication and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, the increase for this budget line is to be used to target the poorest countries of the Asian region and the poorest sections of the population.
Much valuable relevant expertise may be lost if we ignore the experience, knowledge and availability of older volunteer experts. The relevant part of this amendment seeks to remedy this deficiency.
In the budgetary procedure of 2004 it became clear that a large share (30 to 60%) of the appropriations of this and other lines are granted to non-state actors (excluding international organisations) by direct agreement. Hence a percentage of these appropriations is placed in reserve until the Commission has presented to Parliament a satisfactory proposal to decrease the number and amount of non-tendered contracts.
The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the Committee on Development and the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Amendment in Plenary.
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Amendment 0630Budget reference line : 19 10 02
< Tabled by Salvador Garriga Polledo, Committee on Budgets >
Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission
Article 19 10 02 Political, economic and cultural cooperation with Asian developing countries
Amend figures as follows:
19 10 02 / DB 2004 / PDB 2005 / DB 2005 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 87 000 000 / 68 000 000 / 98 000 000 / 110 000 000 / 98 000 000 / 110 000 000 / 0 / 16 500 000 / 98 000 000 / 126 500 000
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
In view to reduce outstanding payments on commitments prior to 2004 and to ensure an effective implementation of this budget line, payment appropriations are increased by 15% over PDB.
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Amendment 0631Budget reference line : 19 10 03
BUDG/4327 Compromise amendment between BUDG/4669, BUDG/3609
< Tabled by Committee on Budgets >
Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission
Article 19 10 03 Aid to uprooted people in Asian countries
Amend figures as follows:
19 10 03 / DB 2004 / PDB 2005 / DB 2005 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 25 000 000 / 21 000 000 / p.m. / 9 000 000 / p.m. / 9 000 000 / 26 000 000 / 1 350 000 / 26 000 000 / 10 350 000
Reserves / 26 000 000 / 26 000 000 / -26 000 000
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
In view to reduce outstanding payments on commitments prior to 2004 and to ensure an effective implementation of this budget line, payment appropriations are increased by 15% over PDB.
The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the Rapporteur and Mrs Neena Gill.
\\epades\public\seance_pleniere\textes_adoptes\annexes_provisoire\2004\10-28\P5_TA-PROV(2004)10-28(ANN3)_EN.DOCPE 347.527\ 1
Amendment 0632Budget reference line : 19 10 04
< Tabled by Salvador Garriga Polledo, Committee on Budgets >
Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission
Article 19 10 04 Rehabilitation and reconstruction operations in developing countries in Asia
Amend figures as follows:
19 10 04 / DB 2004 / PDB 2005 / DB 2005 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 4 125 000 / 8 500 000 / p.m. / 2 000 000 / p.m. / 2 000 000 / 0 / 300 000 / p.m. / 2 300 000