Held at Peterlee Labour Club on Tuesday 16thJanuary 2018.
The meeting commenced at 7.15 p.m.
Bryan Bainbridge (President, Bishop Auckland), Brian Robinson (Secretary, Bishop Auckland), Keith Smith (Treasurer, Hartlepool), Eddie Czestochowski (Marketing Officer, South Shields), Stan Johnson (Grader, South Shields), Ken Neat (Webmaster, Durham City), Fred Stobbart (Congress Director, Hetton Lyons) Malola Prasath (Junior Coordinator, Hetton Lyons), Collin Smith (Peterlee)
1. Apologies for absence
John Findlay (Correspondence Captain, Durham City), Douglas Smith (Trophies Secretary, Durham City), Nigel Hall (Individual Championship, Hetton Lyons), Garry Hewitt (Darlington).
2. Minutes of previous Executive Meeting held on 16September 2017
These were accepted as a correct record.
3. Matters Arising
No matters arising
4. Correspondence
5. Reports from Officers
(a) Treasurer
The Treasurer presented his written report showing balances of £20.60 in the General Account and £1,345.85 in the congress account. Keith Smith said he would transfer £250 to the General Account to cover any imminent expenditure.
(b) League Secretary
Mr Bainbridge presented the League tables. South Shields are leading the A division, Gateshead the B division
Mr Czestochowski said that South Shields had a home match against DurhamUniversity, but the University team did not show and there had been no communication. Mr Bainbridge proposed that the University be docked 1 point for defaulting without notice. The meeting agreed.
(c) Correspondence Captain
In Mr Findlay’s absence Mr Robinson presented Mr Findlay’s written report thus;
“Nice to be able to report that we are currently at the top of the table in the Butler-Thomas competition with 6 wins out of 8 games finished, two each from yourself (BR), Geoff Knapton and Gareth Collinson.However, I’m afraid we’re not likely to stay there. I’m getting slaughtered by a lady from Staffordshire and some of the other games look very flaky.”
(d) Ron Evers Organiser
There was no report. There was some discussion on the format of the tournament. Mr Czestochowski asked whether, with 3 rounds on the final night games should be reduced to 20 minutes. Collin Smith said that if the games started at 7.00 promptly it should be OK with the original time limits. Mr Czestochowski also asked why if the two South Shields teams were playing each other they had to travel to play. Mr Bainbridge said that perhaps one round could be played at home. Mr Collin Smith said that perhaps when there are 3 rounds the last game could be played over 20 minutes.
It will require a redraw if Hetton Lyons withdraw.
(e) CountyChampionship Organiser
Mr Robinson presented Mr Hall’s emailed report,
“As regards the Individual Championships I currently have all of the results calculated up until the end of 2017 and plan to send Ken the first set of tables before the end of this month to put on the website.”
(f) Congress Director
Entries are being sent to the Treasurer, 2 so far.
Mr Czestochowski said clubs should encourage entries as well as promoting via the website and Facebook. Mr Czestochowski will enter details on to the ECF calendar. Mr Keith Smith will send Mr Stobbart a list of entries before the start.
We may need volunteers to pack equipment away on Saturday evening and set out again on Sunday morning if the hall is in use on Saturday night. Mr Stobbart will check if this is necessary.
The Treasurer asked Mr Stobbart to confirm the room hire fee.
(g) Webmaster
Mr Neat said things were ticking over. Keith Smith will advise Mr Neat on how to amend league results. Mr Czestochowski said he and Lewis Self of Northumberland CCA could advise Mr Neat on how to transfer the website to WordPress.
(h) Grader
All results have been sent in. The results have not yet been processed and Mr Johnson notified so that results can be checked.
After 25 years of service Mr Johnson is looking to retire from the post of grader. There is a new grading system being introduced so this would be an opportune time.
(i) Junior Co-Ordinator
Last year there were 2 tournaments; 1 team competition and 1 Junior County Championship. The team tournament had 24 people entered. Mr Prasath had a proposal. Mr Robinson asked if this could be emailed to him.
We need more schools to become involved in the chess programme.
The Northern Junior Chess Championships take place at the ExcelsiorAcademy in Newcastle on the 17th & 18th February. More entries from Durham would be appreciated.
A junior tournament is to be held at Coxhoe on 24th March,leaflets are to be organised. Mr Prasath asked if Mr Neat and Mr Douglas Smith were still available to assist. Mr Neat expressed surprise as he has not committed to this. Mr Neat said he would help if available.
(j) Trophies Secretary
Mr Douglas Smith had emailed to say there was nothing to report at the moment.
(k) Marketing Officer
Mr Czestochowski said we need to promote the congress. He asked Mr Prasath for notification of junior events, so they can be publicised.
Darlington are looking to broadcast a league game on the internet, which would be a first.
Mr Czestochowski asked all clubs to send any interesting stories to him for the website. Mr neat said that Durham are playing a correspondence game with e French club.
(l) NCCU Delegate
South Shields have entered 2 teams in NCCU competitions. Mr Czestochowski asked if any other clubs are interested.
(m) ECF Delegate
Mr Prasath said there had been 1 meeting. All same people re-elected to post. No major issues discussed or decided.
(n) Equipment Secretary
No matters to report. Mr Czestochowski asked if there was much equipment gathering dust. Mr Stobbart said there were 50-60 old sets and clocks mostly analogue. Mr Czestochowski asked if Mr Stobbart could make an inventory. Perhaps the old sets and clocks might be of some use to schools or other organisations.
(o) Rapid-play Events
No events organised.
6. 4NCL
No report.
7. Future Meetings
Committee meeting: Hetton WMC April 17th 2018
AGM:DurhamCity Chess Club,May 16th 2018
8. AOB
There was no other business, and the meeting closed at 9.00.
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