AGM 8thJune 2011
Fortrose & Rosemarkie Community Council
Mrs E Brown Chair
Mr E Wylie Vice Chair
Mr O McLennan Treasurer
Mr G Phillips
Mr J Cornwell
Miss B Steele
Mrs J Barclay
Mr V Grant
Mr A Craig
Mr J McGarry
- Welcome and Introduction
- The Chair welcomed everyone to the Annual General Meeting of the CC. Cllr Barclay was in attendance
- Apologies
- Apologies were received from Mr A MacLeod.
- Minutes of the previous AGM
3.1 The minutes were proposed by Mr Phillips and seconded by Mrs Barclay.
- Chair’s Report
This is my report as Chair on the activities carried out by the Fortrose and Rosemarkie Community Council during the past year 1 April 2010 to 31March 2011.
This has been a particularly busy year for members of this Community Council and I am grateful for the effort of all the members.
Our Council membership has changed. Jack McNicol resigned in October 2010 after many years of service. Our thanks go to Jack McNicol for his efforts and his excellent representation of Abbeyfield, Scotland.
We were pleased to welcome two new members Allan Craig (September 2010) and Gerry McGarry (January 2011) who bring a wide range of interests and experience to our committee.
The Community Council has demonstrated a professional response to concerns confronting the community, including the following:
1.Changes to the Fortrose and Rosemarkie Sewage works;
Concerns for the change to the Sewage works at Fortrose has involved many meetings with Scottish Water and viewing the workings of various Waste Water Treatment Plants. In February 2011 Scottish Water gave a presentation to local residents. A Planning application is now in place and we await the outcome with trepidation.
2. Ness Gap
Work has now started at the Ness gap development. It was disappointing to learn that contrary to Planning consent and to the Reporter’s recommendation permission was given to build in Academy Street, what had previously been viewed as the last stage in the Master plan.
We have made various submissions to the Planning department and await their comments.
There is a growing concern within the Fortrose and Rosemarkie Community Council of repeated acquiescence to the developer departing from the planning consent by the Planning department. The lack of transparency with the Community Council defeats the new planning laws.
3.The High Street, Fortrose
Regular meeting with the sub committee of Patrick Zentler-Munro, Brenda Steele, Vint Grant and Gwyn Phillips with Sam McNaughton and Hugh Logan have progressed this dilemma of traffic flow and safety and we hope to have a solution of sorts soon.
Public meetings
Public meetings were arranged, which although often not as well attended as hoped they demonstrate the Community Council’s commitment to our local area
Congratulations are due for our efforts and we shall continue to seek new ways of involvement with the community.
Some Good news
A party was held for the over 60s; help to bring about a wonderful path at Chanonry Point which will aid the movement of wheelchairs; of the car parking at the Point ; involvement with the play area at Rosemarkie; supporting the Archaelogical dig at Cairds Cave, practical and financial support to the Groam House Museum and assistance to the Fortrose Yacht Club. We have attended Ward Forums and been proactive in many areas of the local community but we still have not solved the litter problem. And we have St Boniface fair and the Fun Day to look forward to!
Liaison with the Police remains good although attendance at CC meetings has been sparse I am grateful to Calum Macrae for his continued involvement.
Thank you
I would like to express my thanks in particular to our Ward manager Diane Agnew and also to our Councillor Billy Barclay for their efforts on our behalf.
And especially to all members of the Fortrose and Rosemarkie Community Council, highlighting the treasurer and secretary Okain MacLennan, James Cornwell and Gwyn Phillips and Vint Grant who keep me firmly on the right track.
June 22 2011
- Planning Report
- Mr Cornwell informed the meeting of the major events that occurred over the course of the year. These were:
- 39 Planning Applications of a routine nature had been presented. These comprised extensions, windows in listed buildings, 3 minor safety improvements in the Fairy Glen, derelict sheds and a brown field site.
- There was a clear need for openness and transparency as many of the applications were overturned.
- There was a perceived clear failure by the Planning Department to take action to enforce planning at the Ness Gap.
- Unreasonable demands were made by the Planning Officers relating to the development at the Lower Wards.
- There was quite a controversy relating to the proposed WWTW upgrade. The application was withdrawn and then resubmitted.
- Abbeyfield’s application was approved.
- Affordable housing would be ready in the Ness Gap – hopefully by Xmas.
- There was considerable noise and dust nuisance to local residents during the Ness Gap development.
Ness Gap Area G, deemed a high amenity area by the Reporter and the road works at Wester Greengates should be completed in full before development proceeded. The CC were not informed that this requirement had been waived by the Planning Department.
- Ness Gap B & C Areas, 39 houses were applied for but this was rejected by the CC. The condition was breached.
- The CC raised issues around the whole consultation process. Most of these are still unresolved.
- The Inner Moray Firth Development Plan, call for sites. The CC helped residents make their views known to the Planning Department.
- Overall, the CC remain concerned about the reluctance of the Planning Department to enforce conditions.
- The Chair expressed grateful thanks to Mr Cornwell for all his hard work during the year.
- Annual Accounts
- The Treasurer presented the draft annual accounts for the year ending 31 March 2011. A full explanation was given to all the expenditure and income received. The draft accounts were accepted unanimously.
- Office Bearers
- Mr Wylie stated that with regret he would need to stand down as Vice Chair. Work commitments meant that he would not be able to attend as often as he would wish. The Chair asked Mr Wylie to stay on the CC nonetheless and he agreed to do so. It was proposed by Mrs Barclay that Mr McGarry should take on the role as Vice Chair. This was seconded by Ms Steele and carried unanimously. The meeting confirmed that all other Office bearers would continue as before.
- Appointment of “Auditor”
- It was agreed that Pam Cornwell would continue to act as auditor for the CC.
- There was considerable debate about the proposed new constitution put forward by the Highland Council. It was agreed that subject to the removal of the final sentence of Clause 11 (1) (d), the constitution should be accepted. This was proposed by Mr McLennan, seconded by Mr Wylie and carried unanimously.
9.1 The Chair declared the AGM closed.