FMA – Rules Governing Futsal Competitions – 2014

Futsal Malta Association


The following is the agreement signed today, the ______day of ______20_____ between:

On the one part ______, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Club’, a registered Member Club of the Futsal Malta Association, hereinafter referred to as the ‘FMA’, which has its official address at ______



On the other partMr.______, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Player’, born on the ______at ______, ______, bearing ______Passport/ID Card Number ______having ______nationality and presently officially residing at______


The Club and the Player agree that the Player will be registered with the Club as a full-time professional futsal player, as defined by the FMA Statue and Rules and Regulations, with the Club and the FMA under the following terms and conditions:

1.This agreement binds the Player to the Club for the period between ___ /___/ _____ and __/___/_____. At the end of this period of engagement:

The player will be allowed to register for any other futsal club provided due compensation in accordance with FMA and/or FIFA rules and regulations applicable to Futsal will be paid to the Club by the new Club of the player.**


The player will be given a free and unconditional release.**


The Club shall have the option to extend this agreement for another period up to ___/___/20___, (which prolongation does not extend the total period of the agreement beyond five (5) years) and this ** :

i)under the same terms conditions as mentioned in this agreement; or **

ii)by giving the Player a salary increase of ______per cent (____%) (which increase is in accordance with MFA rules and regulations regarding the maximum permissible salary to professional players)**

(** delete as necessary and initial deletion/s)

2. The player shall make himself available to render his services to the Club and/or the Malta National Futsal Team, if eligible to play for a Malta National Team, on any day and at any time, both in Malta and abroad.

3.The Club shall regularly pay the Player on the last day of each calendar month the sum of Euros ____________(€______). Payment is to be made by means of a cheque drawn on the Club’s account. The FMA may authorize another form of payment. The Player shall sign a receipt attesting that he has received the salary as agreed. If the Player is not paid his salary for two (2) consecutive months, the Player shall have the right to terminate this agreement without any obligation whatsoever including his right to join any other club without any compensation being due to the Club party to this agreement. However, before joining another club the Player will require FMA authorization. Upon receiving such a request, FMA will inform the Club about the said request. The Club has four (4) working days to produce evidence to the contrary regarding the failure to pay the Player. If no such evidence is produced, the FMA is free to grant the said authorization.

For the avoidance of doubt, the FMA will only accept (i) copies of the cheques drawn on the Club’s account or (ii) copies of any other forms of payment, which have been duly authorized by the FMA in accordance with this Clause, as evidence by the Club that it has paid the Player.

4.Bonuses, if any, for matches won, matches drawn, promotion etc. are to be paid according to a separate agreement which may be entered into between the player and the Club or in accordance with rules which the Club may make from time to time either for a particular match or for a particular event.

5.(i)Payment for accommodation of the Player is to be borne by the Club**/Player**.

(ii)Payment for international travel of the Player is to be borne by the Club**/Player**.

(iii)Payment for local transportation of the Player is to be borne by the Club**/Player**.

(** delete as necessary and initial deletion/s)

6.Social security contributions due by the Club are to be paid by the Club whilst social security contributions and income tax due by the Player shall be paid by the Club on behalf of the Player by deducting the relative amount from the salary in accordance with Maltese law.

7.The Club shall be responsible for all medical expenses that may be incurred by the Player in case of futsal related injuries sustained whilst giving a service to the Club as long as the Player follows the instructions of the Club doctor or a Club appointed medical specialist. The Player shall have the right to consult, at the Club’s expense, his own medical specialist in Malta for a second opinion and if there are different opinions the parties agree to accept the medical specialist opinion appointed by the Player and consequently pay all necessary medical expenses which are incurred.

  1. In addition the Club will for the whole term of this Agreement, enter into a medical insurance policy for the benefit of the Player which will cover the Player for any medical expense. The Club shall not pay more than four hundred Euros (400) per year for this medical insurance.
  1. All the above wages, bonuses and benefits will be due and paid by the Club in favour of the Player, notwithstanding that the Player is unavailable through injury, not forming part of the first team or squad, or any other cause which is not attributable to the Player.

9.The Player is in duty bound to maintain a healthy lifestyle and a high standard of fitness and shall participate in training sessions and match preparation according to the instructions of the Club’s Coach.

10.The Player shall behave in a gentlemanly and sporting manner towards the match officials during matches and towards the Club officials during training sessions or during Club events, both of a sporting or commercial nature, for which he is invited and for which he is obliged to attend.

11.The Player must abide by the Club’ rules, regulations and bye-laws and shall adhere to the Club’s Disciplinary Regulations which must be notified to him by the Club in a written form. These regulations must indicate the Club’s internal disciplinary rules and Code of Ethics together with the penalties and sanctions that breaching them may entail. These must also explain the disciplinary procedure/s which the Club adopts in cases of breach of the regulations. The Player shall have the right to appeal to the competent body of the MFA against any sanction or penalty imposed upon him by the Club and which he deems to be inappropriate and/or excessive and/or disproportionate to the committed breach.

  1. The Player binds himself not to make use of any prohibited substances or techniques that are indicated on the current WADA List of Prohibited Substances and Techniques. The Player must also present himself for any doping-test to which he is summoned by a competent authority. If the Player fails to present himself to a doping-test for which he is duly summoned or is found positive for having made use of a prohibited substance or technique after a doping-test has been carried out by the competent authority, the Club shall have the right not to compensate the Player for the period the Player is suspended. However if the Player consulted the club’s doctor and the prohibited substance or technique was known by the club’s doctor or was listed by the person responsible to list down the substances taken by the Player before a futsal match, the Player shall continue to receive regular compensation since this would be considered a negligence by the club’s doctor or club’s official and not a negligence by the Player.
  1. If the Player is found guilty of a serious criminal offence, whether he is sentenced to imprisonment or not, or in the case that the player is charged before a criminal court and pending criminal proceedings he is kept under arrest for more than a week or in the case that the Player is charged before a criminal court in connection with illegal doping substances, the Club shall have the right to terminate this agreement without paying any compensation to the player and without prejudice to any of its rights according to FMA rules, regulations, bye-laws and decisions.
  1. By signing this agreement both parties acknowledge that they must comply with the Statutes, rules, regulations, bye-laws and decisions of the FMA, FIFA and UEFA as well that Statutes, rules, regulations, bye-laws and decisions may change from time to time. In particular, the Club and the Player may not refer any futsal related dispute between them to a civil court of law without the written permission of the FMA.
  1. In the case of Maltese player who is eligible to play for a Maltese national Futsal team, the Club shall release the Player for national team duties in any category whenever he is requested to do so by the responsible FMA Coach. In the case of a player who is eligible to play for a national team of a foreign country, the Club shall release the Player in accordance with the rules, regulations, bye-laws and decisions of FIFA.
  1. This agreement may not be changed without the consent of both parties. In order that any change to this agreement is deemed valid it must be in writing, duly signed by the parties and an authentic copy of such an agreement must be filed by the Club and/or the Player with the FMA upon the registration or re-registration of the Player [Form R] as specified in FMA rules, regulations and bye-laws.
  1. The Club is obliged to forward an authenticated copy to the player.
  1. This agreement will lapse if the Club for whatsoever reason loses its right to have foreign players registered with it. (The term “foreign players” means a foreign player as defined in the relative FMA rules, regulations and bye-laws).
  1. Furthermore, the Club and the Player agree to the following other conditions which the parties declare not be contrary to FMA rules, regulations, bye-laws and decisions, and which the parties acknowledge that in case these are contrary to the FMA rules, regulations and bye-laws will be deemed invalid:
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  6. ______
  7. ______
  1. The Player hereby declares that:
  1. He is aware of all the relevant applicable FMA rules and regulations, and is consenting to be subjected to the same rules and regulations.
  2. This Contract has been read and explained to him and that he is fully aware of all his obligations and duties herein.

The Club declares that it is assisted by Mr./Ms.______, a Licensed Players’ Agent by the Futsal Association of ______. (if applicable)

The Player declares that he/she is assisted by Mr./Ms.______, a Licensed Players’ Agent by the Futsal Association of ______. (if applicable)

Execution page to follow.

DATED : _____/_____/______

This Agreement is executed by:


The Player

I.D. Card No /Passport No


Club’s PresidentClub’s Secretary

I.D. Card No: I.D. Card No:


Club’s Agent (if applicable)Player’s Agent (if applicable)

I.D. Card No:I.D. Card No:

Licence No:Licence No: