Due to by 5 pm Eastern time on July 10, 2017
- Information for State Team Point of Contact Person:
Phone number
Email Address
- Work stream(s) your state is interested in addressing. (Non binding, you may change when applying for Phase II)
Top of Form
Physical Activity Work Stream
Breastfeeding Work Stream
Both Physical Activity and Breastfeeding Work Streams
Bottom of Form
- One to three sentences on what your state would liketo learn or gain by participating in Phase I of theChildren’s Healthy Weight CoIIN?Be sure to include something specific.
Participating in Phase I does NOT commit a state team to apply for Phase II. However, applications for Phase II of Children’s Healthy Weight CoIINwill only be accepted from states participating in Phase I.
Please contact Sandy Perkins at ith questions.
The Aim of the Children’s Healthy WeightCollaborative Improvement and Innovation Network (CoIIN)is to facilitate the development, implementation and / or integration of evidence informed policies and practices to support State Title V programs to improve health behaviors related to breastfeeding, physical activity, and nutrition for children, adolescents and young adults, 0-21 years of age, including those with special health care needs by August 2019.
There are three Children’s Healthy Weight CoIIN Work Streams:
- Breastfeeding,
- Physical Activity, and
- Innovative Nutrition Integration.
Any state-level organization is eligible to submit the application.This can include a state government agency or a state-level, non-government agency. To participate in the Breastfeeding Work Stream a state must have selected National Performance Measure (NPM) 4 in their Title V Maternal and Child Health Program Block Grant application or have identified Breastfeeding as a priority need. To participate in the Physical Activity Work Stream a state must have selected NPM 8 in their Title V Maternal and Child Health Program Block Grant application or have identified Physical Activity as a priority need.
Recruiting states to join the Children’s Healthy Weight CoIIN will be rolled out in two phases.Phase I will run from July through August 2017 and is a non-competitive, learning opportunity for state teams interested in or intrigued by the Children’s Healthy Weight CoIIN. There will be a competitive application process for Phase I States to continue participatingin Phase II of the Children’s Healthy Weight CoIIN. Phase II will runfrom September 2017 through August 2019.
Phase I
Phase I is a non-competitive opportunity for states to learn more about the Children’s Healthy Weight CoIIN. State Teams participating in Phase I will receive:
- Technical Assistance and expert advice on the Breastfeeding and Physical Activity Work Streams
- An introduction to using the CoIIN Methodology and the Model for Improvement in Title V work related to breastfeeding,physical activity and nutrition.
- The opportunity to apply for Phase II. Applications for Phase II of Children’s Healthy Weight CoIIN will only be accepted from States with teams participating in Phase I.
- Participating in Phase I does NOT commit a state team to apply for Phase II.
State teams participating in Phase I must:
- Participate on two learning calls in July 2017.
- If the state determines they are interested in applying for Phase II, they must:
- Develop a work plan consistent with the Breastfeeding and/or Physical Activity Work Stream.
- Form an initialstate team of at least four (4) team members to carry out the work plan.The state team must include:
- The State Title V MCH Director and:
- A public health nutritionist (RDN preferred)
- A Title V funded/supported/affiliated representative from the state health department
- An expert in public health work in the selected Work Stream or experts in the work streams
- One person can meet more than one of the above three requirements
- Work individually with the Children’s Healthy Weight CoIINproject manager to develop work plan and state team.
Phase II
Phase II is a competitive application process.
- The first year:
- State teams will apply for the Breastfeeding and / or the Physical Activity Work Stream.
- At least 7 state teams will be selected to participate at the intense learning level[1].
- Special consideration will be given to applications to work on both Work Streams.
- Additional state teams will be selected to participate at the technical assistance level.[2]
- The second year:States will continue with their initial Work Stream(s) and all states will add the Innovative Nutrition Integration Work Stream. The Innovative Nutrition Integration Driver Diagram will be developed in 2017 by an expert workgroup in conjunction with the participating States.
Draft: The Breastfeeding Work Stream Driver Diagram will be finalized in July 2017.
Draft: Driver Diagram to be developed in 2017-2018 by a subject matter expert work group in conjunction with state teams participating in Phase II of the Children’s Healthy Weight CoIIN.
[1] Access to webinars, resources, experts, travel support for an in-person learning session, technical assistance, coaching and seed grant
[2] Access to webinars, resources and experts