DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. / 1230
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/ Forest Service Manualtonto national forest
phoenix, AZ
fsM 1200
chapteR 30 - organization
Supplement No.: 1200-95-2
Effective Date: May 22, 1995
Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed
Approved: charles r. bazanForest Supervisor / Date Approved:
Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by title and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document.
New Document / 1236.421236.43 / 5 Pages
2 Pages
Superseded Document(s) (Supplement Number and Effective Date) / 1236.42
1236.43 / 5 Pages
3 Pages
1236 – Revises General Delegation and Signing Authorities. Replaces TNF Supplement #40, dated April 1991.
1236.4 - National Forests
1236.42 - General Delegations to Forest Group Leaders, Plan 6 Coordinator, and Public Affairs Officer. Group Leaders and Staff Officers are directly responsible to the Forest Supervisor for their assigned functions and will keep him/her currently informed of all pertinent aspects regarding them. This responsibility includes the development of budgets, integrated programs, and work plans, and their coordination with the Forest Land and Resource Management Plan.
In the execution of these responsibilities, Group Leaders and Staff Officers will provide leadership and advice within their assigned activities, which includes developing and recommending needed policies and procedures. Safety, training, information and education, and reviews inherent to all working activities will be integrated as appropriate. Conflict between functional programs, plans, and policies that cannot be resolved between Group Leaders and Staff Officers will be submitted to the Forest Supervisor or Deputy for resolution.
All Group Leaders and Staff Officers will operate in accordance with service-wide and Regional policies as provided in the FSM. Specific assigned activities are listed on the following pages to assure that all Forest personnel understand the responsibilities of each Group Leader and Staff Officer.
Continuing approval and signing authorities are delegated to Group Leaders and Staff Officers by Tonto National Forest Supplement to FSM 1236.43.
a. Directives Management (1100)
b. Organization Management (1200)
c. Management (Meetings, Forms, (1300)
Reports, FOIA Requests)
d. Controls (Management Reviews) (1400)
e. Grants and Agreements Review (1580)
f. Civil Rights (1700)
g. Human Resource Programs (1800)
h. Personnel Management (6100)
i. Office Management (6200)
j. Procurement Management (6300)
k. Property Management (6400)
l. Finance & Accounting (6500)
m. Computer Technology/Software (6610 &6620)
n. Telecommunications (6640)
o. Represents Forest Supervisor in cooperative relations with:
(1) GSA
(2) OPM
(3) Union - Local NFFE #376
a. Hazardous Materials Management (2160)
b. Watershed & Air Management (2500)
c. Soil Management (2550)
d. Air Resource Management (2580)
e. Mineral & Geology (2800)
f. Represents Forest Supervisor in cooperative relations with:
(1) Rocky Mountain Research Station (Watershed)
(2) Arizona Department of Water Resources
(3) Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
a. Range Management (2200)
b. Timber Management (2400)
c. Wildlife, Fish, & Sensitive Plant (2600)
Habitat Management
d. Pesticide Use Management (2150)
e. Represents Forest Supervisor in coorperative relations with:
(1) Livestock Groups
(2) Rocky Mountain Research Station (Range and Wildlife)
(3) Arizona Game and Fish Department
(4) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (T&E) Consultation)
(5) Bureau of Land Management (Range)
a. Recreation and Wilderness Management (2300)
b. Heritage Resources (2360)
c. Special Uses Management (2700)
(Recreation & non-Recreation)
d. Highway Projects (Coordination) (2730)
e. Landownership (Appraisals, Purchases, (5400)
Exchanges, R/Ws)
f. Land Ownership Title Management (5500)
(Claims & Status)
g. Represents Forest Supervisor in coorperative relations with:
(1) Arizona State Parks Department
(2) Arizona Outdoor Recreation Coordinating Commision;
Arizona Water Sports Council; and Maricopa County Parks and
Recreation; et al.
(3) Arizona Trails Association
(4) Arizona Horsemen's Association
(5) Arizona 4WD Association
(6) Arizona Departement of Transportation
(7) Salt River Project
a. Defense and Emergency Operations (1590)
b. Fire Management (5100)
c. Aviation Management (5700)
d. Safety and Health Program (6700)
e. Engineering Operations (7100)
f. Buildings and Other Structures (7300)
g. Public Health & Pollution Control Facilities (7400)
h. Water Storage and Transmission (7500)
i. Transportation System (7700)
j. Off-Highway Vehicle Use Management (2300/7700)
k. Represents Forest Supervisor in cooperative relations with:
(1) Federal Highway Administration
(2) Arizona Department of Transportation
(3) Maricopa, Gila, & Pinal Counties (Law Enforcement and Transportation/Maintenance Departments)
(4) Central Arizona Zone
(5) Rural Metro
a. Committee Management (FACA) (1350)
b. Appeals and Litigation (1570)
c. Information Services (Public Involvement, (1600)
Publications, Audio-Visual, Media Relations)
d. Planning (Land & Resource Management (1900)
Plans, Environmental Policy & Procedures)
e. Ecosystem Classification (Management) (2060)
f. Interpretive Services (Environmental (2390)
g. State & Private Forestry (Urban Forestry, (3000)
Resource Conservation, Education, Tourism)
h. Rural Resource Conservation & Development (3600)
i. Represents Forest Supervisor in coorperative relations with:
(1) Arizona State Lands (Forestry)
(2) Interpretive Associations
(3) Numberous Organizations and Group
a. Interagency Liaison, Project Coordination, (1530)
Financial Planning, and Monitoring
b. Represents Forest Supervisor in cooperative relations with:
(1) Bureau of Reclamation
(2) Any agency associated with the Central Arizona Project.
a. Management (Policy Analysis, Strategies, (1300)
b. External Relations (1500)
c. Legislative Affairs (Federal & State) (1510)
d. Public Service Programs (Special Events/ (1520)
e. Inter & Intragovernmental Relations (1530-1560)
(Federal, Departmental, International,
State and Local)
f. Represents Forest Supervisor in coorperative relations with:
(1) Congressional Members/Staff
(2) State Legislature/Agencies
(3) Arizona Commission on Environment
(4) Numberous Agencies & Organizations
1236.43 - National Forest Signing Authorities
1. Forest Supervisor The Forest Supervisor will sign letters and documents involving:
a. Important correspondence, and defined in FSM 1237.
(1) Correspondence relating to major issures, program direction, controversial matters, long term commitments, budget actions and important policy decisions.
(2) Decisions on administrative reviews and all correspondence concerning review cases with the exception of procurement contracts. The exception does not apply to letters of transmittal for contract appeals from the Forest Supervisor to the Regional Forester.
(3) Correspondence with people outside the Forest Service concerning important new policy, complex or sensitive decisions that have probable strong external repercussions, and key relationships.
(4) Actions where authority is specifically limited to Forest Supervisor.
b. Routine correspondence in the following area:
(1) Transmittal letters and follow-up correspondence for activity and program reviews.
(2) Letters to members of Congress and important City, County, and State Officials.
(3) Letters requiring special emphasis such as awards, expressions of appreciation or condolence, or employee activities, safety programs, etc.
(4) Disciplinary actions, grievances, and complaints.
(5) Approval of plans, permits, timber sale contracts, coorperative agreements, cultural clearances, EA's.
(6) Replies to personalized correspondence and selected external contacts where the Forest supervisor's signature is desirable.
2. Deputy Forest Supervisor. The Deputy Forest Supervisor will normally sign "for" over the name and the title of the Forest Supervisor but he/she may also sign over the title of Deputy Forest Supervisor. The Deputy Forest Supervisor may sign all correspondence reserved for the Forest Supervisor except those matters of prime importance which require the personal attention of the Forest Supervisor.
3. Designated Acting Forest Supervisor. Each Group Leader will be assigned to serve as Acting Forest Supervisor, once every six months for a month at a time. (See TNF Supplement to FSM 1236.41). During the absence of the Forest Supervisor and Deputy Forest Supervisor, the designated Acting Forest Supervisor will sign all routine correspondence ordinarily signed by the Forest Supervisor.
Where a delay in signing "important correspondence" would adversely affect the Forest program, and when the Forest Supervisor and Deputy Forest Supervisor will be absent from the office for five days or more, the Acting Forest Supervisor will sign. All correspondence will be signed "for" over the name and title of the Forest Supervisor.
The Acting Forest Supervisor is designated and delegated authority to sign as employee supervisor on time and attendance reports for Forest Group Leaders, and in their infrequent absence, for Sub-Staff that report to them.
4. Forest Group Leaders. Forest Group Leaders may sign routine reports, permits, or correspondence within their assigned functions over their name and title.
5. Ranger Districts. Signing for Ranger Districts will follow the same procedure. A member of the Ranger's Staff will be formally designated as Acting District Ranger. During the absence of the District Ranger, the designated Acting District Ranger will sign all correspondence "for" over the name and title of the District Ranger. Those employees having titles conferred by specific delegations will use such titles when operating within the scope of the delegation.
6. Budget and Finance Section Head. The incumbent may sign as Unit Certifying Officer, Budget Officer, Claims Officer, Unit Collection Officer and Assistant Disbursing Officer, as appropriate to the subject matter. All Forest accounts payable, including FFF payrolls, will be signed as Unit Certifying Officer. Documents relating to processing of claims, for or against the Government, will be signed as Claims Officer. Collection activities will be covered under Unit Collection Officer. Matters relating to A.D.O. payoffs of casual firefighters will be handled over the title of Assistant Disbursing Officer. Incumbent will sign correspondence and documents which are directly related to routine information and action concerning budget and finance activities. Such documents will be signed as Budget Officer.
7. Personnel Section Head. Within limits of specific delegated authority, the incumbent will sign correspondence and documents which are directly related to routine information and action concerning personnel activities. Such documents will be signed as Personnel Officer.
8. Procurement and Property Section Head. The incumbent may sign contracts, procurement and property documents, and related correspondence within his/her authority over the title of Contracting Officer, Contract Specialist or Property Management Officer.
9. Computer Specialist. The incumbent may sign such documents and correspondence that relate to Records Management and Mail Service.
10. Supervisory Employees. All supervisory employees are authorized to sign time and attendance reports for subordinate employees.
11. Contracting Officer's Representatives (COR). Employees who have been designated as Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) will sign over that title, all correspondence and documents which pertain to the administration of specific numbered or negotiated contracts.
12. Other Employees. Those employees to whom limited purchasing authority has been redelegated may sign purchase orders and related correspondence.