UCONN Mechanical Engineering Senior Design Job Ticket
Sponsoring Company: Mr. Reverge Anselmo
Project Title: Development of an “E-Z Parking” System
Prime Contacts/Faculty Advisors: Name, email, phone
This will be a joint project with the Electrical and Computer Engineering department
The Engineering Challenge: Parking a car today, particularly in a downtown urban area, can be a real hassle. There is constant competition for the available spaces, you need to carry change to “feed the meter’ or you have to purchase a parking sticker that you display on your car for a specified amount of time. A system that would track when a vehicle stared occupying a parking space and directly charge the operator’s credit card or bank account, similar to the current E-Z Pass system for tolls, would simplify the parking experience. In addition, the efficiency of the parking enforcement process would improve as direct communication with the car would verify that the vehicle is correctly using a handicapped spot and or not exceeding the enforceable specified time limit for the area.
Description of Problem/Project : Develop and demonstrate a prototype system that can meet the above Engineering Challenge.
This should include all associated software, and devices that would be placed in the vehicle, parking enforcement vehicle and attached to existing meters or other stand-alone structures for system communication.
All aspects of functionality, software security, durability and manufacturability must be considered.
Conceptual operation is:
1. A vehicle with transponder device occupies a space.
2. Thru GPS or other means, the start time and location is recorded.
3. The information is communicated to a receiver fixed on post or carried by Parking Enforcement vehicle/personnel.
4. Vehicle leaves the parking space and operator’s credit card or bank account is charged.
Attach photos/slides:
Expected Deliverables:
1. Research the concept to determine best approach/architecture and determine if a similar system currently exists.
2. Software and all associated transponder and communications devices. Design to meet durability, manufacturability and associated codes.
3. Fabricate a prototype system.
4. Demonstrate operability of system either on campus or in sponsor’s hometown, Greenwich Connecticut.
5. All associated reviews, status and final reports.
· Is there a specific software package required for the projects? Y ___ N _X__
Which package (name/version) ______
· U.S. Citizen/Person (green card) Required? Y____ N _X___
· Will Export Controlled data be used in project (EAR/ITAR) Y _____N_X__
· NDA/IP Agreements required? Y ___ N _X_
· Other considerations: Patents and entrepreneurial opportunities may exist if the project is successful.