Dr. TartagliaSpring 2016

Syllabus: Chemistry B

Course Description:

This course develops an understanding of concepts relating to chemistry.

Textbook: Chemistry, Matter and Change by Laurel Dingrando et al., Glencoe, New York 2005.

Supplies:Students are responsible for bringing paper, pens, and required materials (i.e. textbooks) to class daily.

Classroom Procedures:

  1. You are expected to take notes and be involved in all classroom activities. Always ask questions when you do not understand any information and/or assignments.
  2. School Rules - Dress Code: The "Student Code of Conduct" will be enforced.

Class Conduct:

1.Students are expected to conduct themselves in a mature and responsible manner during class. Do not talk when either the teacher or a student is speaking.

2.Students raise their hand to: (a) ask a question, (b) answer a question, (c) to ask permission to leave their seat.

3.Students are to be seated at their desks with all necessary supplies when the tardy bell rings.

4.Students must treat everything in the room with respect (i.e. do not write on your desk or leave a messy desk/lab area).

5.No food, gum, or drinks are permitted in the classroom!Also, NO electronic devices (i.e. cellular phones, ipods, electronic games, etc.) are permitted in the classroom! They will be taken and turned into the Dean's Office.

Grades:A point system will be used to determine a student's letter grade. The student's letter grade will be calculated from their percentage of the total number of possible points. All grades are posted on jupitergrades.com

1.Tests and quizzes will be graded on a percentile basis:

A / 90-100% / D / 60-69%
B / 80-89% / Fail / 0-59%
C / 70 - 79%

2.All test dates will be announced in class.

3. Only missed tests due to an excused absence can be taken the day you return to class; otherwise, you will not receive credit for that test.

4.Total Grade Distribution

Tests / 50% / Labs / 20%
Homework / 20% / Projects / 10%

Attendance and Promptness:

1.Students must be present to learn. Except for actual illness or family emergencies, students are expected to be on time and in class.

2. If you are absent, you are STILL RESPONSIBLE for class materials and assignments/homework; so call a friend, or contact the instructor.

3.Excessive tardiness may affect one's grade.

4.If a student is frequently absent, their final grade may be affected.

Homework: (20% of your grade)

1.Homework is usually assigned daily (30-60 minutes per evening).

2.All homework and assignments are posted on the Taft High School web page ( under my name and class (Chemistry).

3.If homework is not turned in, a student's grade will be seriously affected.

4.Late homework will receive a lower grade and any missing homework will receive no credit for that homework assignment.

Make-Up Work:

1. Only if a student has an EXCUSED absence, can they make-up the work. The student is responsible to contact the instructor immediately upon returning to class to learn how much make-up time is permitted. Each student is responsible for monitoring their own work and turning it in appropriately. If the student does not complete the work within the time limit, no credit for the work will be given.

Academic Honesty Policy

  1. “Cheating, dishonesty, and/or plagiarism are serious matters and will not be tolerated in this class. Incidents which may occur will be handled as outlined in the Taft Academic honesty Policy.”
  2. Violations of academic honesty and integrity include:
  3. Cheating on tests, homework, and assignments.
  4. Allowing another student to copy one’s answers or copying the answers of other students.
  5. Submitting for a grade the words, ideas, and/or written work of another person without giving due credit to that person. This includes internet data, purchased papers or papers written by other students
  6. A person who knowingly conducts himself or herself in a dishonest manner shall receive a “ZERO” for the exam or paper.
  7. The individual who permits another student to copy his or her paper or exam is as guilty as the person doing the cheating and will be punished in a similar manner.
  8. Please note that the instructor has a zero-tolerance policy with respect to violations of academic integrity.
  9. There are no excuses for cheating, and none will be accepted!

Teacher Conference:

1. If a parent and/or guardian desire to arrange a conference for their son and/or daughter, please contact Dr. Tartaglia (818) 227-3600 for an appointment at your earliest convenience.

Chemistry Science Notebook:

1.Students are required to keep a notebook. This notebook must contain ALL of the student's work, including all graded and non-graded assignments. This notebook may be checked during the semester and students will be graded on the accuracy and neatness of the notebook.

Special Needs:

  1. If you have special needs or problems, please contact the instructor immediately.

California State Standards

Pursuant to the State Board approved, Science Content Standards for California Public Schools, students are expected to have the opportunity to learn the following standards during the course.

Week California State Standard Textbook-Assignment

1-4 / 1. Water and Aqueous Systems; solvents and solutes
2. Surface water tension; specific heat capacity,
Evaporation and condensation / Chapter 17
5 / 3. Solutions: Solutions are homogenous mixtures of two or more substances / Chapter 18
6-7 / 4. Reaction Rates and Equilibrium: Chemical reaction rates depend on factors that influence the frequency of collision of reactant molecules. / Chapter 19
8-9 / 5. Acids and Bases: Acids, bases, and salts are three classes of compounds that form ions in water solutions. / Chapter 20
10-11 / 6. Neutralization Reactions: Solutions are homogenous mixtures of two or more substances. / Chapter 21
12-13 / 7. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions: Oxidation Numbers
8. Balancing Redox Equations / Chapter 22
14 / 9. Electrochemistry: Cells, batteries, and electrolysis of water. / Chapter 23
15 / 10. The chemistry of metals and nonmetals. / Chapter 24
16 / 11. Hydrocarbon compounds / Chapters 25
17-18 /
  1. Functional Groups and Organic Reactions:
Polymers, Alcohols and Ethers / Chapter 26
20 / 13. Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry: The bonding characteristics of carbon allow the formation of many different organic molecules of varied sizes, shapes, and chemical properties and provide the biochemical basis of life.
14. Nuclear Processes: Nuclear processes are those in which an atomic nucleus changes, including radioactive decay of naturally occurring and human-made isotopes, nuclear fission, and nuclear fusion. / Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Modifications, errors and/or omissions:

  1. The instructor reserves the right to change and/or alter the syllabus at any time period.

Chemical Inquiry B - Assignment


  1. Please detach and return signed by February 3, 2016
  2. Value: Ten points
  3. No points will be given if this paper is turned in after the due date

(February 3, 2016).

I have read and do understand the class standards for Dr. Tartaglia's

Chemistry B science class.

Student's Name:

Parent's Signature: Date:______

Student's Signature: Date:______