Duck University Extended Day Summer Program

Duck University Extended Day welcomes you to our first full day Summer Program. As summer approaches we would like to inform you of some important information that you and your child will need to know before participating in our summer program. We hope your child will have a fun summer experience with us.

General Information

  • We provide care to children ranging in grades Pre-K through 6th grade.
  • DUED Summer Program will be held at T.H. Johnson Elementary campus.
  • Program hours are from 7:00 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. During these hours children will be involved in different activities and centers based on their age groups.
  • If you cannot make it by 6:30 to pick up your child, please make sure to have arranged for alternate pick up for your child. Person picking up must be on emergency contact list and bring photo ID.
  • Sneakers must be worn to camp at all times. Flip flops may be brought in addition to sneakers on pool days.
  • Breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack will be provided daily at no cost to parent. Please let the Site-Director know if your child has any dietary restrictions.
  • Children may bring a water bottle daily, but it must be labeled with their name.
  • To protect students from the summer heat please send sunscreen with your child’s name on it.
  • For younger students it is a good idea to send a change of clothing in case of accidents.
  • Please do not bring toys from home including electronics. DUED will not be responsible for lost or stolen property.
  • All medications need to be checked in with the Site-Director and parent needs to complete a medication form. Medication must be kept in original container with prescription label attached. Do this on the first day of dropping your child off. Please remember to pick up the medication on the last day of the summer program.
  • DUED Summer Program reserves the right to modify activities, the daily schedule, special events, and location based on weather conditions, and facility availability.

Swimming Information

  • The pool manager will go over rules and regulations of the public pool on our first visit to the pool.
  • Please pack a towel, swimsuit, sunscreen, plastic bag for wet clothes, and flip flops on swimming days. Swim days will be scheduled every Thursday and Friday depending on the weather.
  • All summer program students will be subject to the Taylor Swimming Pool size and swimming ability requirements to determine their swimming areas in the pool.
  • Please let Site-Directors know if you do not wish your child to swim on the days the group goes swimming.
  • Life guards will be responsible for the safety of your child in the water, but DUED staff will closely monitor their movements while at the pool to ensure their safety both in and out of the water.

Field Trip Information

  • All planned field trips must be paid for two days in advance of leaving. Fees, location and hours of field trips will be posted two days in advance.
  • Lunch will be provided for your child on field trip days that require it.Parents have the option to send their child a bagged lunch on those days if they choose.
  • Sneakers and a green T-shirt must be worn on the scheduled trip unless directed otherwise.
  • Field trip cost must be paid in advance before your child can attend a field trip with his/her group.

Contact Numbers:


Jesusa Lopez- 512-965-0425

Tabitha Arguelles- 512-595-1986

Dolores Merz- 512-635-1313

Program director

Clarence Wooldridge- 512-289-8380

After-School Program Director

JoAnn Barcak- 254-541-5133

Summer Activity Themes

  • Week One- Amazing Race
  • Week two- Adventure Land
  • Week three- All Ball
  • Week four- Under Construction
  • Week five- Inventors Workshop
  • Week six- Artful Antics
  • Week seven- Duck U Has Talent
  • Week eight- Hawaiian Hullabaloo
  • Week nine- Treasure Hunters