Executive Meeting Minutes9/02/2016
Members Present: Adam Amador, Sam Schonfeld, Tara Young, Arryn Robbins, Swagotom Sarker, Trevor Harris
Senators Present: None
1. When to schedule finance meetings
- 4:30 pm in Hardman Jacobs 126 before GSC mtg
2. Gradulicious
- Tara met with activities about funding. Debbie said funds are just for GRAS and the comptroller said we can’t use the money for Gradulicious.
- Time: Oct 7th, 5-7pm, outside ODonnell in park
- How to fund: Sponsored by Albertsons or WalMart for a BBQ?
- Invite Grad School, faculty and students
3. Finance meeting
- Get more people to meetings
- Powerpoint highlighting funding procedures and bylaws
4. GSC meeting
- Tuesday at 5pm, Hardman 126
- Bylaws changes: 35% funds for Spring still needs to be voted on
- Gradulicious update
- Swagotom will present the funding procedures
- Vote on senators
- Those running introduce selves
- Send out email to grad students about the position
- Time commitment (in office, available to students, ASNMSU meetings which can go late, GSC meeting), scholarship to reduce tuition, committee meetings, 5 hours/week
5. When to hold consistent Exec meeting
- 11:30am, Fridays before GSC meeting