Executive Meeting Minutes9/02/2016

Members Present: Adam Amador, Sam Schonfeld, Tara Young, Arryn Robbins, Swagotom Sarker, Trevor Harris

Senators Present: None

1.  When to schedule finance meetings

  1. 4:30 pm in Hardman Jacobs 126 before GSC mtg

2.  Gradulicious

  1. Tara met with activities about funding. Debbie said funds are just for GRAS and the comptroller said we can’t use the money for Gradulicious.
  2. Time: Oct 7th, 5-7pm, outside ODonnell in park
  3. How to fund: Sponsored by Albertsons or WalMart for a BBQ?
  4. Invite Grad School, faculty and students

3.  Finance meeting

  1. Get more people to meetings
  2. Powerpoint highlighting funding procedures and bylaws

4.  GSC meeting

  1. Tuesday at 5pm, Hardman 126
  2. Bylaws changes: 35% funds for Spring still needs to be voted on
  3. Gradulicious update
  4. Swagotom will present the funding procedures
  5. Vote on senators
  6. Those running introduce selves
  7. Send out email to grad students about the position
  8. Time commitment (in office, available to students, ASNMSU meetings which can go late, GSC meeting), scholarship to reduce tuition, committee meetings, 5 hours/week

5.  When to hold consistent Exec meeting

  1. 11:30am, Fridays before GSC meeting