Dublin Wholesale Market Report


Fruit,Vegetables and Flowers

Weekly Market Report Week 14. 2013

Friday 29/03/2013 to Thursday 04/04/2013

VEGETABLES: A week that saw fluctuating sales and the entry into a transition period as previous supply lines dried-up.

·  Tomatoes firmed and quality was mixed with skin colour less consistent. Sales improved late in the week as the sun made a welcome appearance.

·  Spanish iceberg lettuce was prolific and sales were steady at 600/650c per 12.

·  Settled values were noted for improved flows of courgettes and aubergines.

·  Cucumber turnover was flat ; with Spanish and Irish produce common returns faltered slightly.

·  Cold easterly winds curtailed French cauliflower supplies and prices surged to over €15 per count of 8. Further rises were expected.

·  Broccoli traded slightly easier; amounts were in harmony with a fair trade.

·  Irish Tundra and Celtic type cabbage was still adequate for a moderate demand.

·  New season Chilean onions were quoted at €25 per 20Kg. Supplies of Spanish were light at rising values.

·  Good quality leeks were short. Prices varied according to quality. Some choice Dutch were quoted at 1350c per 5Kg. Most Irish samples returned 750 per 5Kg.

·  Carrots tightened as the Irish season drew to a close. Israeli and French imports were offered at 600c per 10Kg. Some choice cold-stored UK lots were available also at 600c per 10Kg.

POTATOES: Good sales were noted. Merchants indicated further price rises were imminent for main crop varieties.

·  Rooster turned over readily.

·  Other Irish varieties were scarce.

·  Italian Arinda sold in dribs and drabs .

FRUIT: Demand was good and supplies adequate.

·  Some vibrant trading in Brazilian and Chilean Royal Gala apples was noted.

·  Orange values firmed slightly with the majority of produce originating in Egypt. Spanish varieties were lighter than of late and returns hardened.

·  Grape sales were good with Indian, Chilean and South African varieties available.

·  Packham’s Triumph pears from South Africa came on stream to oust William Bon Chretien from pole position.


·  Wintry weather subdued the Easter trade, thereafter demand was flat.

·  Good supplies of lilies were available and transactions were cumbersome after the weekend.

·  Roses were common and sales dropped a few notches as the week progressed.