OJR Aquatics Club
General Membership Meeting
November 10, 2016
Meeting Minutes
1. Call to order at 7:05 pm
2. Introductions
3. Dive update – Bob and Joyce
· Bob has been coaching here for 24 years.
· First dive meet - SV has dropped out. First meet will be at Muhlenberg. Same date.
· Joyce – will send communications concerning the dive team. Will hold a dive team specific meeting at the end of the month.
4. Swim update – Sarah
· Introduced coaches and who is assigned to what age group.
· Practices will be by age group this year and not by level.
· Weekly Workouts will be on the website. Technique of the week.
· Coaches Book
· Goals for the Season
o Have Fun
o Work Hard
o Work together as a team
o Have team spirit and good sportsmanship
5. Approval of Minutes
6. Presidents Report - Welcome and Coaches update
7. Treasurers Report
Copies of the budget on the tables.
8. Old Business
9. New Business
By-laws – vote at December meeting
· Parent Survey
· Dual Meets & Invitationals
The expectation is that every swimmer will attend every dual meet. Therefore there is no commitment button for dual meets on Team Unify. If for some reason you are unable to attend a dual meet, you must go down to the pool deck and write it in the coach’s book. Preteam swims at all of our dual meets both home and away. There is a food court requirement with each of our home dual meets. Each family must bring in 1 item per swimmer to donate to our food court. We will be putting sign ups on Team Unify as the date gets closer.
Invitationals - There are 3. You must commit to these via Team Unify if you are going to attend. You must also select your events. There is a cost associated with invitationals. Once you have signed up, an invoice will be emailed to you. Each invitational has a different per event cost. For example, Reading moonlight madness is $3.50 per individual event and $3.00 per relay for each swimmer. The payment is due as soon as possible after the invoice has been received and it should be placed in the “Treasurer” folder of the mailboxes.
· Volunteers
An eMail will be sent out prior to meets to request volunteers to help with the meet. For home meets, volunteers are needed to time, meet marshall, food court, apparel table, and other spots. Many volunteers are needed to make a home meet happen. For away meets, volunteers are needed to meet marshal and time. eMails will be sent about a week before the meets to signup for a volunteer spot and also to sign up for a food court donation.
· Team Unify (ojraquaticsclub.com)
Team Unify is our team website and is used for information and event sign ups. Each family will received an email and be instructed to logon and create a password. Please be sure to update your cell phone information as this is used to communicate with the team in the event of bad weather on a meet day. If anyone has trouble getting logged in, please contact Maria Cantarero.
Meeting Adjourned @ ??
Parent Survey
Dual Meets & Invitationals
Team Unify (ojraquaticsclub.com)