The Clubwoman

GFWC Woman’s Club of Westminster, Inc.

August 2009

A Note from Norma Jean:

An elegant Peter Rabbit Tea was held on July 26th at the Tevis family home. With the assistance of many volunteers from the woman’s club, junior woman’s club and Stars, we served over 60 people. A storyteller/children’s author, along with a harpist, provided the entertainment and ambience for the affair. Thank you to all who donated food, money or flower arrangements. With your support we raised (so far!) over $1500 for the Boys and Girls Club of Westminster! The money will be used to supplement their various instructional programs.

Many departments and committees are meeting over the next several weeks in preparation for our new program year. If you would like to serve on a different department or if you are a new member who has not joined a department yet, please contact me. We are getting ready to print an update for the yearbook and want it to be as accurate as possible. My home number is 410-871-0741 and cell number is 410-596-1866.

The Program Committee has done an outstanding job scheduling speakers for our meetings. I’m looking forward to another insightful and successful year! Enjoy the remaining days of summer!

Norma Jean Swam, President


Summer Picnic – Lura Griswold has graciously agreed to host our Summer Picnic again this year! Lura is always a great hostess and I’m sure we’ll enjoy touching base with each other as the summer starts to wind down. The picnic will be held on Tuesday, August 25th at 5:30pm. Please bring a dish to share based on the following guidelines:

If your last name starts with A thru H bring a salad

If your last name starts with I thru P bring a main dish

If your last name starts with Q thru Z bring a dessert

We’d like to get a rough estimate of the number of people who will be attending so, if you haven’t all ready, please RSVP by responding to this email at .

Public Affairs Department – In 2009 -2010 the Public Affairs Department will continue to support some projects that were started last year. Helen Wolfe will be responsible for our contributions to the military. Anna Chiavacci will head up the Black Eyed Susan safety program. Dorris Whitford will keep us informed about the Sew Much Comfort sewing project for soldiers. Several other projects were discussed by the group including the Gertie Gross Scholarship Fund and Seniors Keep in Touch (SKIT) program. Both will be monitored by Dolly Snyder. The Oral History of Carroll County information will be investigated by Lois Crawford and, hopefully, some of our members will have a story to tell! If you’re interested in any of these projects, please feel free to contact Lois Crawford at 410-848-3158 or Dolly Snyder at 410-871-2244 – we always can use a few extra hands!

Conservation Department Meeting–The Conservation Department will meet at 10am on Tuesday, August 11 at Sharon’s home. We will discuss the library’s garden renovation and plans for the fall. More information will be sent to department members. We can always use new members who are interested in conserving our resources or beautifying our communities. If you’d like more information please contact Trinka Cueman at 410-848-8236 or Sharon Quinter at 410-549-4409.

Home Life Department–Many thanks to everyone who responded to our SOS for the Safe House. It’s not too late to help a victim of Domestic Violence by donating one or several of these items: hand or body lotion, deodorant, dental floss, toothpaste, toothbrushes (adult and youth), shower gel or bath soap, diapers, wipes, feminine products.If you can donate any of these items, please drop them off at: Families and Children’s Services, 22 North Court Street, Westminster. Please attach a note indicating it is a contribution from the GFWC Woman’s Club of Westminster.

Education Department - On July 28th the Education Department met at Jackie Hering’s home to assemble backpacks for Shepherd’s Staff. At the end of the meeting they delivered the backpacks and received heartfelt thanks from Shepherd’s Staff. Many thanks to the clubwomen who donated supplies and money. If you would like to donate please feel free to help out. Make your check payable to Jackie Hering (since she bought the supplies for the backpacks!) or give her cash at the picnic. Jackie will give you a receipt for tax purposes.

International Affairs: SERRV Workday – The first work day of this club year at SERRV will be Monday, August 24th at 9am until 3pm. Working to re-package and prepare the goods for retail sale at the gift shop is always a fun day – especially with your woman’s club friends. We realize it’s still vacation time, but if you’d like a break from vacation – please join us! Please call Sally at 410-848-4064 or Barbara at 410-875-2526 if you can come on August 24th.

International Affairs – The International Affairs Department will meet at Sally Mark’s home on Monday, August 31st at 10am. If you have any new ideas for this coming year, please bring them along. All clubwomen are invited to join us for a “cool” morning on the porch! Please let Sally or Barbara know if you plan to attend.

Board Meeting – The GFWC Woman’s Club of Westminster, Inc. Board of Directors will meet on Tuesday, September 1st at 9:30 – 11:30am at the home of Sharon Quinter. All board members (officers, department and committee chairs) are encouraged to attend.

Support for Carroll Hospital Center–The hospital auxiliary is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year! To commemorate this milestone the theme for this year’s Silvery Moon Ball, the hospital’s biggest fundraiser, is Golden Gala. If you’d like to participate in this celebration and contribute to the hospital, please consider a Patron Ad in the ball’s program. For a $25, tax deductible donation your name can be listed as a Golden Gala Patron. For more information, please contact Barb Gunther at 410-876-2128 or Sharon Quinter at 410-549-4409.


GFWC Maryland – The next meeting of GFWC Maryland is scheduled for September 26, 2009. Please join us as we celebrate our NATIONAL awards and learn what’s happening around the state. Sharon Quinter, 2009 LEADS representative for the State, will be a speaker at this meeting. Contact Norma Jean for more information.

SER Conference – The 2009 Southeast Region (SER) Conference is scheduled for October 31 – November 2 in Bethesda. Clubwomen from as far away as Kentucky, Tennessee and North Carolina will be attending. Several members of our club plan to go and would love for you to come along. If you can’t stay for the entire conference, please consider attending one day. For more information contact Norma Jean Swam.

GFWC – Did You Know?? GFWC programs and projects focus on the major issues of our time—supporting women’s health, preserving natural resources, promoting literacy and equality, and encouraging volunteer service—and fall into six areas of focus – Arts, Conservation, Education, Home Life, International Affairs and Public Affairs. For more information about the focus of each department, go to

LOOKING AHEAD –Please mark your calendar so you don’t miss these events!

August 11 – Conservation Department meeting at Sharon Quinter’s home. 10am.

August 24 – Work day at SERRV – 9am until 3pm.

August 25 – Summer Picnic at Lura Griswold’s home. Bring a dish to share (see above). 5:30pm.

August 31 – International Department meeting at Sally Mark’s home. 10am.

September 1 – Board Meeting at Sharon Quinter’s home. 9:30 – 11:30am.

September 8 – Monthly Membership Meeting at Carroll County Community Non-Profit Building, Clifton Boulevard.

September 26 – GFWC Maryland – State meeting. Contact Norma Jean for details.

Quote of the Month: “Volunteering is an act of heroism on a grand scale. And it matters profoundly. It does more than help people beat the odds; it changes the odds.”

Bill Clinton

The Clubwoman is published monthly for the GFWC Woman’s Club of Westminster, Inc. For more information about events and information please contact Norma Jean Swam at 410-871-0741. For questions concerning the electronic version of the newsletter please contact Sharon Quinter at .